Nine Heavens

Chapter 2120


Jing Tiantian heard the words and sighed slightly.

Then said:

"It turns out that the reason why we people of Langyuan Xianmen are so powerful is that the core of spiritual life in us is infinitely powerful, and the spiritual element of life is nourished!

This kind of fate is really too coincidental, Mr. Ben Yun thought that our unimaginable progress was all due to our hard work! "

"Of course it has something to do with your persistent pursuit of immortality, but it is also inseparable from your immortal fate and great blessings. Countless ancient spirits, gods, gods and demons who lived and died in the two universes are all deliberate in finding the nine cores of spiritual life, but they are trying their best to get them. You have obtained the core of spiritual life that you did not reach!

Not only that, but because of the nourishment of the core of spiritual life, you will become stronger rapidly and create infinite miracles. With the power of humanity, eliminate the five ghosts and ghosts in the world.

In particular, Jing Tiansheng's great kind heart and human relations feelings, always put all disciples in your light and dark Hunyuan Mountain, which has achieved the overall improvement of the strength of Langyuan Xianmen's whole family.

Otherwise, no matter how benevolent and benevolent Jing Tiantian is, there is no chance to achieve the whole family's ascension, and the entire Langyuan Xianmen's great transformation! These are all unintentional fates, and the good nature of your Langhuaer body is at work.

This is your nature, and it is also what Nu Wa values ​​you. As expected, you have lived up to the promise of the immortal, step by step towards the bright future of Shengzhou! "

Empress Nuwa, smiling.

"Jing Tian also felt very lucky to hear Empress Nuwa say so.

Jing Tiantian knows that besides the spiritual core that our four-spirit boy got by chance, three-color divine jade, five-color divine jade and nine-color divine jade are also three of them.

These three cores of spiritual life are also among the forces of the Jingtian Zhengling Alliance. However, there are still two cores of spiritual life, and their whereabouts are still unknown!

I don't know if Empress Nuwa can give some pointers so that Jingtian can find them as soon as possible? "

Jing Tiansheng quickly recalled his past experiences back and forth, and asked Nuwa Empress with courtesy.

"The nine cores of spiritual life are originally where psychics are located. There are already seven cores of spiritual life in the Langyuan Xianmen. I believe that the other two spiritual cores will soon be close to the Langyuan Xianmen.

In this regard, Jing Tiansheng no longer needs to bother to find it, and soon there will be time for them to gather.

Of course, it would be fine if Jing Tiansheng took the initiative to find it.

What Nvwa wants to remind Jing Tiansheng is that when the nine cores of spiritual life are about to gather, it is also the moment when the immortal gods of the living universe and the evil demon gods of the dead universe are fighting for each other, so Jing Tiansheng must be careful!

In addition, it is absolutely necessary to purify Tiantiansheng and cultivate the ninety-nine and eighty-one-fold Tiantian soul.

Because only after Jing Tiansheng has ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly souls, can he use the supreme soul power of the universe to refine the nine cores of spiritual life into the star of life.

Don't let the dark cosmic witch successfully cultivate the ninety-nine eighty-one heavenly anti-dark demon soul before you, otherwise she will seize the nine cores of spiritual life and use the anti-dark demon soul to refine them, and what will be generated will no longer be life It is not the star, but the point of death.

When she detonates the point of extinction, the entire universe will perish in an instant, no matter you or me. , and everything in the universe will cease to exist.

Then the living universe becomes an infinite, empty and cold existence, which is what they call the dead universe. "

Empress Nuwa said as far as this is concerned, she nodded slightly, as her last respect to Jing Tiantian, and then, like the previous one, she sank into a better sky and mist.

"It turns out that Sister Lian'er is really Empress Nuwa! No wonder Sister Lian'er's seemingly innocent appearance is so terrifying.

Empress Nuwa is so beautiful and majestic, alas! It's a pity that with the venerable Nuwa Empress, we no longer have a lovely Lian'er sister! "

The nine Nascent Souls gazed at the sky with admiration until they could no longer see Empress Nuwa, Liu Guang sighed.

"No! Lian'er will always be engraved in our hearts. Lian'er has not been lost. Her appearance and her ascent are all for the bright future of Shengzhou. We must make her wish come true."

In Liu Chao's mind, he thought over and over again of the little sister Lian'er who was flying over the Langyuan Immortal Gate, screaming sweetly, with tears in his eyes, and said.

"Chun'er is right. Lian'er will always be engraved in everyone's hearts. Little Lian'er is cute and beautiful, and Empress Nuwa is respectable. Let their goodness and beauty always spur us to work hard for the future of Shengzhou!

Let's continue to cultivate the ninety-nine eighty-one heavenly soul, okay? "

Jing Tiansheng sighed from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time passed on what Nuwa Empress said to the main soul, soul body, Yunjun Supreme, and Xie Liu Qianlang.

"Yes, Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy!"

The nine Nascent Souls answered in unison, and then they floated into the battle one after another, and the ten father and son started the cultivation of the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly souls.

At the same moment, Yun Zhou Yun Palace.

Lord Yun is supreme, and the evil willows lead the waves again, and the alliance with the dragon, phoenix, unicorn, golden ape, the army of the four directions of the galaxy, and the forces of the nine spiritual gods is complete.

To this day, the righteous spirit forces of the Langyuan Xianmen Alliance, except for the God of War in Jitian Palace and the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha in Breaking Heaven, have completed all the collections.

"Ha ha……"

"Third brother, look around, the formation of our Langyuan Xianmen, just the power of the heavenly generals and commanders of Langyuan Wangong, has already made the Blood Demon Tiangong terrified!

Now, there are four more Emperors of the Universe, the Domain of the Star River in all directions, and eight of the Nine Spiritual Shenzhou forces in the Quartet. The day when we wipe out the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is finally just around the corner! "

At this moment, all the high-ranking officials above the level of the palace master of Langyuan Xianmen are discussing matters in Yunzhouyun Palace.

The six supreme beings of Longyuan Xianmen, Yunjun is supreme and evil Liu leads the waves, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng and Tianjun Wuxian men, lined up, sat high on the high seat of the palace.

Jun Yun is supreme and then Xie Liu Qianlang is in the middle. On the left are two female Langyuan Zhouzun, and on the right are three Langyuan Zhouzun.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen sat next to Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu led the waves, looking down at His Royal Highness's vast waves Yuantian Zhan general, his eyes were full of majestic and majestic faces, he couldn't help laughing and said.

"Well! That's right, what Jianzhan Zhoujun said is exactly where our righteous spirit Tianwei lies!

Thanks to the trust of the Sifang Yunzhou Emperor, the Lord of the Galaxy of the Sifang Galaxy and the Lord of the Jiufang Spiritual Life Shenzhou. Willing to condescend and condescend, join the Langyuan Xianmen, so that the forces of righteous spirits against the sky and evil have reached an unprecedented scale.

We have such a majestic momentum, why worry about destroying the evil forces of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. However, just eliminating the demon forces in the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace is not our ultimate victory!

I don’t know if all the immortals present here have thought about a question, what is the sign that the forces of life represented by our Langyuan Xianmen and the forces of darkness and demons represented by the Blood Demon Temple have defeated each other? "

Lord Yun is supreme, then Xie Liu Qianlang glanced sideways at his brother Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi, and then visited His Highness Wangong Langyuan Xianmen Xianzun general asked.

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