Nine Heavens

Chapter 2121 The Mystery of the Human Form

"Reporting to Lord Yun, isn't it the complete destruction of the forces of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, as well as the forces of ancient spirits and evil spirits that may be hidden in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens!?"

Yun Jun Supreme asked Xie Liu Qianlang such a question, and all of a sudden there was a moment of silence, and the general Wan Gong didn't know the deeper mystery of the head's question, and they were all contemplating.

After a long time, His Royal Highness took the seat of the ninety-nine eighty-one dragon, and the Huanfeng Shenlong got up, saluted all the dignitaries in the hall, and asked in surprise.

"Naturally, this is the sign of victory in the battle of the universe of life and death, but this is not our ultimate victory, and it is not the best ending to wipe out all the evil forces in the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace.

After pondering for a long time, Mr. Ben Yun finally figured out a problem, why the jihad of the life and death of the ancient spirits has continued to this day and has not yet ended, and the immortal gods of the living universe have caused endless disasters, and the demon gods of the dead universe do not want to have their roots.

The biggest reason for this is that the ancient spirit jihad was a wrong battle, and the reason for the continuation of the battle of life and death in the future is still a mistake.

The Holy War of Life and Death, because they both wanted to destroy each other, but they didn't see what each other needed most, so they launched a war by mistake!

As a result of the war, not only did they kill each other, but what was even more tragic was that the heavenly war destroyed the spiritual star on which they depended for survival.

Then, let the universe of life and death fall into the era of thin life aura universe.

In the long process of the era of thin life aura, Qi Neng, Xu Xiao and the three universes of death slowly disappeared because of the disadvantage of being cold and dark.

However, what is frightening is that the demons of the Dark Three Universes still haven't realized the root cause of their decline, and they still blame Shengzhou for their hatred.

This has created the situation where we are confronted with the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace today. "

Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang stopped here, and looked at His Highness's Immortal General Lang Yuan with various fairy rings flashing on his left and right.

"Oh! Mr. Yun is saying that the biggest mistake of the ancient spirit jihad was destroying the star of life that Mr. Yun just mentioned!"

Huanfeng Shenlong frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly came to his senses and sighed.

"Exactly, the chief seat of the Dragon Palace is right this time, the star of life is the most magical and precious existence in the two universes of life and death.

The star of life is the source of all spiritual life. With it, there will be living beings in the two universes of life and death. Without it, the two universes of life and death will perish sooner or later.

Therefore, what the two universes of life and death should do should not be to massacre each other and occupy each other's universe time and space, but to unite as one and jointly defend the existence of the strengthened life star! "

Yun Jun is supreme and then the evil willow leads the waves to bow slightly.

"The star of life?"

"The star of life mentioned by Mr. Yun, I think it is a star of life that flew out of the vast sea of ​​pregnant stars that swept across the sky of our four-dimensional galaxy long ago in the ancient spirit era!

It was still long ago in the life universe and the three dark universes, long before the age of the ancient spirit universe, when our four-square galaxy domain was born.

There have been countless stars of life that Mr. Yun said flew over our four-dimensional galaxy together, leaving behind four stars of life.

Then our Sifang Galaxy domain was affected by it, and the four galactic families of Shenlong, Tianfeng, Golden Ape and Qilin were born.

The four stars of life are still there today, and our Quartet of Galaxy has always united and encouraged each other to take care of them all the time.

Even though the two universes of life and death repeatedly offended us in the realm of the four directions of the galaxy, we never ignored them and sealed them deeply until nearly ten thousand years later. We are sure that the aura of life here in the universe of life and death is recovering day by day, and the forces of demons are gradually declining. The four stars of life have just been unsealed.

Now that we are in the realm of the galaxy, everything is safe and sound, and the leader of Langyuan Yunjun bestowed the ability to transform into a humanoid Nuwa, which can be described as a paradise.

The reason why our dragon, phoenix, and ape-lin in the realm of galaxies in the four directions is willing to come to join the Shengzhou Wave Fate Immortal Sect is entirely because of seeing Yunjun's great kindness and benevolence, and aspiring to rebuild the great good order of Shengzhou!

The time and space of the universe are infinitely changing, and there are existences that were far away from the universe in our four-way galaxy, but now they are slowly connected to the time and space of the universe.

Our Quartet of Galaxy is becoming more and more perfect because of the grace of Langyuan Xianmen. We naturally repay our kindness and want to help Yun Jun, and also complete the great cause of the reappearance of the vast life star in the universe!

Although the star of life mentioned by the head of Yunjun has already collapsed during the battle between your life and death. But fortunately, the central wreck and the nine wrecks drifted in the living universe one after another.

So that later the living universe evolved into the nine-direction universe, and each universe has a remnant star of life.

Although the life aura contained in these remnants is not very strong, it has also evolved some spiritual life situations in the Nine Directions Universe. The most typical one is the humane force created by Nuwa Empress.

The Langyuan Xianmen run by the head of Yunjun wholeheartedly is the magic of humanity. Not only did Langyuan Xianmen survive tenaciously, it went up against the sky step by step, and finally embarked on the mission of saving the universe.

What is even more precious is that Master Yun has insight into the ancient and modern mysteries of the universe, and clearly sees the true meaning of the eternal existence of the universe: not fighting in the sky, but protecting the star of life forever!

Where are the wreckage of the star of life, the wreckage of the core and the wreckage of the nine major wreckages that were destroyed by the battle between the two universes of life and death of the ancient spirit? My god dragon, Dong Ao, has been paying attention to their movements since ancient times, so where they exist now, it is all Clearly! "

Hearing that Yunjun Wushang and Xie Liu Qianlang mentioned the star of life in the universe, Wang Dongao, the dragon clan in the domain of the four directions of the galaxy and the domain of the eastern galaxy, seemed very excited, stood up and saluted, and said something earth-shattering.


No matter how evil Liu Qianlang was, Yun Jun was shocked when he heard the words, and he had just heard the words of Nuwa Empress told by Jing Tiantian's avatar.

I only know about the Star of Life, but I don't know its ins and outs in detail, and I don't even know exactly where the nine spiritual cores are scattered. I didn't expect that the Dragon Clan of the Eastern Galaxy would know such details. How can I not be excited.

"Please also ask Dong Aolong Wang Xiang to elaborate on the specific whereabouts of the ten remnants of the Star of Life in the Ancient Spirit Life Universe. This life-and-death battle will never end if we don't find them!"

No matter how evil the king is, Liu Qianlang got up to salute, and sincerely asked for advice.

"Mr. Yun, you don't need to be polite. My Dragon King knows everything. After the Star of Life above the ancient spirit's life and death universe collapsed, it turned into many wreckage.

The largest one is ten pieces, one is the core of the star of life, and the other nine pieces are the death of the primordial spirit, the death of the soul, the death of spiritual energy, the death of divine energy, the death of the four directions and the death of the cage spirit. .

The death of the core of the star of life is equivalent to the heart of the human body created by the Nuwa Empress.

The death of the primordial spirit is equivalent to the primordial spirit in the essence of the human soul, and the death of the soul is naturally equivalent to the soul.

The death of spiritual energy is the breath that human beings breathe, and the death of divine energy is the power that the human body relies on to move.

The Fall of the Four Directions is the element that differentiates into human limbs, and the so-called Fall of the Cage Essence is the head of humanity.

During the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits in the Ancient Spirit Era, the reason why Empress Nuwa created a human body like yours was entirely determined by the elemental composition of the Star of Life, not the result of arbitrary will! "

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