Nine Heavens

Chapter 2126 Seven Realms Doppelgänger

Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

The Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch was drinking wine alone, looking up from time to time to see the distant sky outside the palace.

For several years, he has been anxiously waiting for the return of the nine-faced space witch, and then decides his next move.

However, in the past year or so, the nine-faced space witch suddenly broke off the connection with his magic breath. This made the blood demon Tianjun even more suspicious of her.

"The thirteen primordial spirits are dead, and the seven hateful souls, it's finally time for you to go out. Your Highness will accept the order immediately!"

While drinking the mulled wine, the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch pondered a question in his heart that he had never uttered.

This question is so important that it was the father of the ancient spirit who left a seal warning in his own death egg.

For this problem, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch Death Son has never believed in anyone except himself, except for the death of his thirteen souls and the seven hated souls.

Before the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch finished speaking, bursts of evil laughter, noisy and mocking sounds immediately came out from his bloody body, and then twenty Gorefiend figures who looked like him popped out, standing among them. The surroundings shook for a while, and then fell to His Highness.

"Xuede is here, what orders do you have, Xuede obeys!"

"Shadow Death listens to the decree!"

"Sick and dead, listen to the decree of the Blood Demon Lord!"


"The soul of Guiyang is here!"

"Soul of Slaughtering Light, listen to the decree of the main soul!"


The twenty blood demon phantoms in the same shape as the blood demon heavenly monarch looked at each other for a while, and then saluted the blood demon heavenly monarch on the high altar in response.

"It's better for you to restore your various demon states when you were in the human realm, even if you become the blood demon king, it will not look like you at all!

You are all the primordial spirit souls of my son of the Blood Demon Lord Death, so you should be well aware of the purpose of Lord Yun calling you out!

Why pretend to be crazy! Listen carefully to Ben Tianjun, you don’t have to do anything, no matter how fierce the battle between the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and the Lower Realm Langyuan Xianmen, you just need to keep your eyes on those things, understand! ? "

On the blood demon Tianjun's blood moon mask, the dark red blood eyes shot at the cold blood rainbow under the blood demon's heavenly palace.

"Clear! Clear!"

His Royal Highness, the thirteen Blood Demon Heavenly Sovereign Primordial Spirits distracted and the Seven Hateful Souls saw that the Blood Demon Heavenly Sovereign Death Prince Lord God was angry, and they all showed their bodies one after another, and hurriedly replied.

"Haha... giggle..."

"Since it is clear, hurry up and get out!"

The Blood Demon Lord Death suddenly stood up, opened his arms, and roared while laughing wildly.

"Follow the divine decree of the heavenly monarch!"

His Highness Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch Death's son Yuanshen was distracted and hated soul heard the words, instantly turned into bubbling thick blazing smoke of various colors, and then disappeared in the hall of Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

"Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang! Our real contest has finally begun, as long as the nine-faced space witch discovers the existence of the three life star remnants, your death will really come.

Do you think that this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch can't even destroy your humble and low-energy human forces?

I didn't kill you before, it was all to draw out Qi Ai, Xu Xiao, the Nine Spiritual Souls, the Spiritual Mind, and the Yuanshenyu, and the need for you to temporarily protect the six life stars for me, so I deliberately let you give them to Jiumian Zhou Wu saw it!

It's different now, once the Nine-faced Cosmic Witch discovers what the Lord of Heaven wants, there will be no need for you to exist!

Haha... giggle... Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang, you idiot! You still think you are smart until now!

As everyone knows, all your efforts are carefully guarding the death of the star of life for this Tianjun!

Soon, finally soon, the star of life's core remnants and the nine remnants are about to gather, and you and the damned Langyuan Xianmen should also disappear!

Idiot, do you know who is the Tianjun Wuxian who has been with you, helped you, and satisfied you?

Also, you think you are mysterious, you have split your soul and incarnated, and you are mysteriously going to heaven with nine nascent baby boys!

If it weren't for this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch deliberately letting you pass the Blood Demon Heaven Seal, how could you get your wish so easily with the strength of your pure heaven avatar?

You, no matter you are the righteous gods or Qi Ai, the vain demon gods are all equally stupid. You have always been the king of heaven, going through life and death, and still think you dominate the universe!

It's ridiculous, ridiculous, I really admire myself, playing games with you, you are more serious than one of you! Haha... giggle..."

Son of Death, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, after bursts of yin and yang laughter, a pair of bright red blood demon claws clustered in front of him, and a round of pitch-black magic sun immediately appeared between the palms.

"Congratulations Tianjun, you finally believed the words of this Yang Yao and are ready for the ultimate battle.

When will the nine-faced witch really do things for any demon, she will always only have her own interests in mind, and anyone else will always be her stepping stone.

In the era of the ancient spirit universe, the lacquer energy demon dynasty she was close to perished in the holy war of the ancient spirit, otherwise it would be her world sooner or later.

Tianjun is an intelligent person, if he is able to follow his plan and use Empress Nuwa to set up such a mysterious and vast game of reincarnation in the universe, he will naturally realize that the nine-faced universe witch is really hardworking!

This point does not require too much evidence, just from the fact that she was able to live alone even when the entire Gu Lingqi Neng Dynasty was destroyed, it explained everything. "

In the pitch-black magic sun between the palms of the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch, surrounded by pitch-black smoke, a ghostly green phantom was swaying vaguely, making cyclical and strange sounds, said.

"This, I already knew about this. That's why I ordered you to secretly drop her magic sun when she left.

For her, without the magic sun, she would not be able to divination. Even if she found the remnants of the three stars of life somewhere in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, she would not dare to snatch them easily, and would definitely come back and ask her for help. Tianjun's!

But having said that, she has been away for several years, and there has been no news from her for more than a year, which really makes me a little depressed! "

"Don't worry, Tianjun, let Ben Yang Yao see it, this is a good thing!"

"Oh! How do you say it?"

"Tianjun, think about it, she has been in touch with you all the time, but she suddenly stopped. Why is this, in all likelihood, she knows the whereabouts of the three major life stars.

It's because her greedy heart is at work, and she doesn't want Tianjun to know about it! She was smart but was mistaken by her cleverness. Her abnormal behavior just exposed her thoughts. "

"Hmm! That makes sense. It seems that when I was Young Master Death, it was indeed a brilliant move to clone myself as the evil spirit of the seven worlds.

However, what Ben Tianjun never expected was that when the great success was about to be completed, the most powerful of the evil spirits of the seven worlds turned out to be Ouyang Langlong in the human world!

This is indeed different from what I had imagined at the beginning, Mr. Death, based on my original idea, Mr. Death, and in the current situation, he should be the head of the body of Mr. Death in the Seven Realms!

She can't escape from Ben Tianjun's palm, she will come back sooner or later. But this Tianjun is impatient, it seems that Lao Yang Yao and his party are going to leave, please help me to urge me! "

"Humph! Isn't Tianjun too polite? Once she is sure that she has found what we want, then she..."

In the pitch-black demon sun, ghostly green-colored monsters, with sharp claws gleaming with a cold light, rattled and rattled endlessly.

"Hey? She is a stunner. If she is going to die, I have to make her die more comfortably, ah! Haha... giggle..."


The evil laughter of the blood demon Tianjun and the ghost green sun demon resonated and resonated, and it lasted for a long time in the blood demon heavenly palace.

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