Nine Heavens

Chapter 2127 confirms the guess

The sky above Yunzhou Yungong, the sky above the gods who cultivated the gods, Lord Yun is supreme, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen have been hiding their immortal breath for a long time.

"Third brother, let's go back and let the fourth brother do another divination. Maybe the fourth brother has been restless recently and the divination made a mistake. Maybe we really misunderstood the fairy man."

It has been a long time since I saw the imaginary Tianjun Wuxiannan appearing near the magic cauldron for the cultivation of divine soldiers, and Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhan Zhou Zhanxuan, had some doubts about his own divination results.

"That's good, third brother doesn't want to see him here either!"

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded, ready to leave.

However, at this moment, Lord Yun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang and Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen heard a very slight sound of cloud and mist fluctuations at the same time, and suddenly stopped their figures.

The two of them didn't make a sound, and their eyes shot down at the mouth of the huge bronze cauldron with a diameter of hundreds of feet.

The flames were raging under the deer tripod, and even though the top of the tripod was sealed with a huge cover, it was still a scene of steam billowing.

In the midst of the steaming mist, a handsome and unrestrained fairy in a white fairy robe suddenly floated down.

This fairy, with a smug face, was playing with the emerald green Tianlai flute in his hand.

"The fairy man?"

Although he had doubts and preparations in his heart, Song Zhen still felt a little unbelievable when he suddenly saw the appearance of Tianjun Wuxiannan.

Jun Yun is supreme and evil Liu Qianlang's face is serious, a little pale, and he doesn't answer Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhanxuan Zi Song Zhen sighed in shock, his eyes hurt, and shook his head slightly.

"Hmph! I have endured humiliation for such a long time with the immortal avatar of Mr. Death. Now that I am done, how can I let you destroy the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and let my Mr. Death fall short of success.

oops! My silly Yunjun, the head of the sect, is still so concerned about a child bestowed by the Nuwa Empress!

How should I put it, I really want to thank you, Yun Jun, for being so evil, the fairy body avatar of the son of death.

Without you, let alone let this dead son's fairy body avatar go to find the nine pieces of spiritual life, spiritual heart image, Yuanshen jade core remnant and six life star remnants, it really won't be found, at least not like this quick!

What's the matter, you Yun Jun is supreme and evil Liu Qianlang is a human race created by Empress Nuwa, so it's just stupid, why Empress Nuwa is so stupid!

Originally, I wanted to create a humane four-spirit boy to search for the remnants of the star of life and restore the vitality of the ancient spirit universe.

But in the end, he created a stupid human being, Yun Jun, who is supreme and evil, and at the same time, he was fully used by the Lord God, the son of death!

Everything is nonsense, I can only say that the main god's Seven Realms Clone chess is too perfect, so perfect that it is unimaginable.

Ancient spirits lived and died in the universe, and there are countless demons and immortals. Who would have thought that Lord Death, the master god, would not choose the powerful realm of immortals, demons, ghosts and spirits as a breakthrough point, but chose Empress Nuwa to deal with his weak humanity as the way to return to heaven? road! "

"Whoa! Whoa!"

"Ha ha……"

Tianjun Wuxiannan talked to himself for a while, changed his previous gentle and unrestrained appearance, laughed wildly, and waved the Tianlai flute at the same time.

The gurgling black evil rainbows shot out from the Tian Lai flute, and these pitch-black evil rainbows made shrill whistling sounds, like black poisonous snakes getting into the magic cauldron of divine soldiers.

"Third Brother! Those Shenxiao!?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw that a tripod of countless gods who were about to be of great use was instantly destroyed by Tianjun Wuxiannan, how could he not be in a hurry, and screamed in horror with the breath of soul thoughts.

"Fourth brother, don't worry, the so-called Shen Xiao in this appointment is just the bait for the third brother to test him, the real Shen Xiao, the third brother has already refined it.

However, we will continue to refine these so-called gods as always. From tomorrow onwards, we will gradually increase the number of people who will protect the cauldron.

Let him think that we didn't find anything wrong until March, when the god Xiao came out! "

Jun Yun looked down at Tianjun Wuxiannan, whose face had become ferocious and evil, his face was pale and pained, but he was surprisingly calm, and said lightly.

"But on the day when Shenxiao emerges from the cauldron, both Shenxiao and Shenxiao will be damaged. What should we do?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen asked.

"No, he won't be that stupid. Although these so-called gods and immortal powers are destroyed, not only are they in good shape, if the guess is correct, they must be beautiful when they come out of the cauldron, except for you and me. , no one will see through that they are things of inner demons and outer immortals."

No matter how evil Jun Yun is, Liu Qianlang said calmly.

"This is in line with his behavior. Although we have witnessed with our own eyes that he is the ancient spirit and demon god, but looking back on everything he has done in our prodigal circle, it seems that none of them is not beneficial to us.

Today, I found out that he is actually one of the clones of Lord Death's seven realms, the Immortal Body clone. Lord Death is really amazing. In the distant ancient spirit universe era, he was able to achieve such a big situation! ? "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw Tianjun Wuxiannan's complacent laughter, then played the flute and left leisurely, sighing deeply.

"Yes! This son of death is really terrifying! From the words of Wu Xiannan just now, we know that he has clones in the seven realms.

As for the avatars of the Seven Realms, the only ones we can clearly determine now are his human avatar Ouyang Langlong, and his fairy body avatar Wuxiannan.

There are also his Ghost Dao clones, Spiritual Dao clones, Jingdao clones, Demonic Dao clones, and Yaodao clones. I don’t know where they are, maybe like Wu Xiannan, they are hidden in the Langyuan Xianmen, and we don’t know what to do. Know.

The third brother suddenly felt a little frightened. It turns out that within our Langyuan Xianmen, after removing the white pupils of Zheyue and the black pupils of Resentment Qin, there are still many crises! "

When Yunjun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang spoke, his right hand habitually stroked the black jade skull on his chest.

The feeling of coolness is still there, and it keeps soaking into the heart along the palm of Mr. Yun's supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang. A burst of peace in my heart.

"The other four brothers can't be sure, but the demonic body of Young Master Death should be his demonic death body itself, otherwise he wouldn't have such great strength to strike the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

Now his body should be the body of the human Ouyang Langlong and his original demon body! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhenlue pondered for a while and said.

"Well! It should be like this. Fourth brother, please meet with sister Juan and Yuanfang secretly for a while, tell the truth about Wuxiannan, and then tell them to be careful in the future. The undercover forces of dead sons like Wu Xiannan exist in Xianmen.

Be sure to investigate in secret, and don't alarm anyone, especially Wu Xiannan! "

Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and then ordered Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen.

"Okay! Fourth brother, I don't know how to strengthen the protection and notification of the divine soldier's cultivation of the divine cauldron, but where is Fengmei?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded when he heard the words.

"Don't disturb Fengmei, just send someone to protect secretly, let's arrange Linhe three gods, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle!

What we saw today, except Yuanfang and Sister Juan, don't mention a word to anyone, everything is as usual! "

Yunjun Wushang said Xie Liu Qianlang left these words, his expression was very bad, he forced a smile, stepped on the overlapping fairy swords, and left first.

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