Nine Heavens

Chapter 2130 Feather Light Falling Tears

Hearing Wu Xiannan's words, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, slowly raised his head and looked at the Tianjun Husband surrounded by fairy rings for a long time.

Then he answered the question with a smile and said:

"The way the husband is holding the flute 'holding the flute' is so fascinating that his wife is fascinated. How about a husband playing the flute and dancing for his wife?"

"Okay, watching the fairy dance is the happiest thing for a fairy man!"

Did not get the answer from his beloved wife, Tianjun Wuxiannan actually already knew the other party's answer, and felt a severe pain in his heart, but he still raised the Tianlai flute casually, nodded slightly and smiled.

"Wind dances with beautiful shadows, holding hands together, is it true that the whirling willows are real? Tens of thousands of stars, fairyland dreams, white sandy shores, footprints and lovers' seals. When a gust of wind passes, where are those traces left!"

"How can you keep the mountain alliance, love the original heart! Smile and sigh, good fortune has red dust. Entering the fairyland, it is difficult to surpass the demon god. Among the clouds, how can there be a fairy and a dream god! Drunk today, only hurting the person in front of Xu Miao!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan's Tianlai flute sounded, and the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng danced gracefully.

During the fluttering dance, the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng raised his phoenix head and sang sadly with tears in his eyes.

Tianjun Wuxian male Tian Lai flute Cong Cong, like a mountain stream, also like a spring water ding-dong, he watched his wife's every movement with good eyes, listened to her every libretto, his fingers flew frequently, and his heart shed tears.

The song is endless, and the dance continues to fly. The rain of orchids makes a pair of tears drunk.

"Feng'er, does Little Lian'er miss Uncle Xiannan?"

During the breath-changing time between Tianjun Wuxian and male, he asked his beloved wife Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

"She must have thought about it, but Feng'er didn't go to Cailian Palace, Feng'er went to Shenbing to practice Shending Shenbing domain!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, sobbed sadly, and replied while dancing.

"Feng'er heard my words?"

Although Wu Xiannan understood everything in his heart, he still asked.

"I heard it all, sir!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, bites the word "husband" very clearly.

"Feng'er, do you regret marrying a fairy man?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan continued to play the Tianlai flute, and sent a sound transmission to ask his beloved wife.

"No! Feng'er doesn't regret it, because Feng'er knows that the fairy loves Feng'er. He has always loved Feng'er, even now."

The spirit demon Lord Zhou Cheng Shifeng floated up to her husband, with tears in her eyes, looked up at her husband, and said.

"Thank you Feng'er, Feng'er's words are enough to comfort the fairy man!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan leaned over to support his beloved wife, tears streaming down his eyes.

"Feng'er, but the fairy boy regrets marrying you!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan stared at his beloved wife for a long time, and said with tears.

"The fairy man can't bear to kill Feng'er, can he?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, smiled with tears on his face when he heard Tianjun Wuxiannan say so.

"Yes, if the fairy man never knew Feng'er before, let alone married Feng'er, the fairy man would kill Feng'er without hesitation!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan shook his head and said.

"Since my husband separated his soul and body from him, and formed an immortal body on his own, and turned into the appearance of the ancient spirit of Tiangong Tianjun, can't he be completely separated from him?"

The spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng grabbed Tianjun Wuxiannan's hands and asked excitedly.

Tianjun Wuxiannan held the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng deeply in his arms, and after a long silence, said:



Hearing what Tianjun Wuxiannan said, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, suddenly raised his head, stared at her husband's deep blue eyes, and asked in surprise.


Tianjun Wuxiannan nodded heavily, and then said:

"Xiannan thanked Feng'er, now that he knows the true identity of Xiannan, he still treats me like this, Xiannan is satisfied with being a man, a fairy and a devil.

Feng'er, would you like to dance another dance for Xian Nan? The fairy man can never get enough of Feng'er's dance, and can't drink enough of the blue flower wine that Feng'er brewed for him! "

Wu Xiannan suddenly recovered his unrestrained appearance, with a smile on his face, he slowly raised the emerald green Tianlai flute, and began to play it gracefully and skillfully.

During the playing, Tianjun Wuxian's blue eyes kept looking at his beloved wife, her blue eyes like his own, her long blue hair, and her rising gracefully again. dancing.

However, he didn't take another look at the blue crescent moon on Cheng Shifeng's forehead.

"Mist Fairy Man! You stupid avatar, you actually violated the decree of the main soul to a human spirit girl!

Hurry up and stop playing the song "Nine Heavens Fate", kill her, and dig out the blue crescent moon on her forehead! kill her! Hurry up and kill her... Take the blue crescent moon. "

The cold voice in Wu Xiannan's mind kept roaring and threatening.

However, Tianjun Wuxiannan was always smiling, playing the song "Nine Heavens Fate of the Immortals" that the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng loved most, and let the cold voice in his head keep roaring.

"Okay! Since you are determined to fight against the master's soul, why does the master's soul need you!

The soul of the master will give you one last chance. If you don't kill this prodigal girl within a day and seize the blue crescent moon, the soul of the master will immediately take back your soul breath and let you disappear in smoke! "

The cold voice in Tianjun Wuxiannan's head issued an ultimatum to Tianjun Wuxiannan.

After Tianjun Wuxiannan heard the sound, there were only a few more calm smiles on his face, and he continued to play it.

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, also danced with forgetfulness, his face was full of happiness.

The sound of the flute is flowing, the dancing posture is fragrant with flowers, and the pot of orchid wine is faintly shining.

One day the beautiful woman looks at the king and dances, and the day is all day when the king is drunk and his wife is flute.

"Fairy man, stop blowing, the wind is also tired, how about we drink some orchid wine?"

The spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shi danced gracefully for a whole day, seeing her husband staring at her motionless, playing the flute of the sounds of nature, she was very moved.

Especially the husband is willing to carry the soul for himself and the dead son of the blood demon Tiangong, abandon the demon and return to the immortal, how can he be unhappy, he suddenly retracted his sleeves, and said with a sweet smile.

"Feng'er, leave for my husband! Take care of yourself in the future, the fairy is incompetent, there is no way to escape the control of the blood demon heavenly monarch soul, he has already taken away my husband's demon essence, and my husband's 90,000 yuan has disappeared in smoke!

Feng'er told Jun Yun that the fairy boy was sorry for him, the god Xiao in the magic cauldron had been destroyed by the fairy boy, so don't use it to attack the blood demon heavenly palace! in addition……"


The spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng looked happy, and floated up to her husband, Wu Xiannan, and pulled his arm, wanting to walk towards the fairy wine table.

Unexpectedly, Tianjun Wuxiannan's staring eyes suddenly shot a soft light into his eyes, and then he heard a dull bursting sound.

When the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng turned his head again, his husband, Wuxiannan, had already turned into a white feather light in the sky, and it kept flying in all directions.

"Fairy man—"

"No! No! No..."

The spirit demon Lord Zhou Cheng Shifeng was stunned suddenly, and then burst into tears, flying around to catch the feather light drifting in the sky, knelt down and cried loudly, screaming heart-piercingly.

However, no matter how much she yelled, there was no longer Wu Xiannan's handsome figure and hearty laughter.

Those white plumes of light in the sky also quickly disappeared.

"Orchid wine, yes! Orchid wine! Fairy man's favorite orchid wine!"

"Fairy men love to watch dances for their wives! Immortal men, look, I will dance for my wife..."

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, wept and screamed, turning around and looking around, shouting.

Suddenly, something came to mind.

Then she frantically took the orchid jug on the fairy wine table in her hand, and danced in the air.

With the body dancing and the wine flying, crying and crying for heartbreak!

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