Nine Heavens

Chapter 2131 Seven-tone Heavenly Official

"Fairy man, it's not good to be a wife, and they insisted on forcing you to fall into the devil and return to immortality. In fact, even you, the devil, recognized you as a wife.

I know brother Qianlang, even if he knows your true identity, he won't necessarily kill you. You are so stupid, why do you have to die, brother Qianlang must have a way to help us..."

Tianjun Wuxiannan disappeared forever, but his Tianlai flute is still there.

Tian Lai Flute seems to be very sad without its owner. The original green color has now become gloomy and gloomy. Following the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifengshangwu's figure fluttering, it is also circling, as if accompanying the spirit demon instead of the master Zhou Juncheng has the same poetic style.


Cong Cong...

The spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng is extremely sad, laughing sadly and splashing wine, wine waves splashing in the mouth, or flying through the air and kneeling in mourning, all kinds of forms are hard to hold back tears.

Just when the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng was in grief, the dim body of the Tian Lai flute suddenly burst into glory, and the melodious and beautiful flute sounded automatically.

"Fairy man!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, burst into tears, grabbed the Tian Lai flute in his hand, and looked around for it.

"Tian Lai Qi Yin Tian Guan is visiting the Queen!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, looked around for a while, but he didn't see her husband, but he saw seven young men and women who suddenly fell on the Yueqing Cliff in the mist of the sky.

These seven young men and women, all dressed in emerald green fairy robes, with handsome faces and handsome appearances, and full of fairy spirits, all saluted and shouted to the spirit monster Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng.

"Seven-tone heavenly official?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, was astonished.

"Oh! After Gongyin Tianguan returned to the palace, our seven brothers and sisters are the seven-tone gods of the Tianlai flute, the seven guards of the Tiandi flute of the real Tianjun in the ancient spirit era, and also his Tianlai flute sound guardian.

Later, Tianjun was seized by the dead son to kill his soul, and the divided soul occupied his fairy body, and became the later Tianjun Wuxiannan.

However, we just found out about this, and it was told by Wu Xiannan. He explained to us that he is not the matter of Gu Ling Tianjun, and he does not ask us to forgive him, but asks us to treat and protect the queen well.

I am still in the Heavenly Confinement Domain of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. I turned into a Blood Demon Seven Heavens Sealed Heavens Blockade to protect the Heavenly King. I pretended to guard the Seven Heavens Blockade. When I heard that he was going to die for love, I immediately came back to see the queen!

Although Wu Xiannan is the avatar of Prince Death's fairy body, he did not do anything harmful to Langyuan Xianmen and the queen. Although the devil did no evil, he died for love, which is very admirable.

So we discussed and decided that we still respect him as the Heavenly King in our hearts, and we will guard the queen with all our heart and let the queen send me by! "

Among the seven-tone heavenly officials, Gongyinyinguan, saluted again and said.

"It turns out that he never thought of hurting me, but I...I'm sorry for him!"

When Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, burst into tears when he heard the words, he raised the orchid wine in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head.

At this moment, she regrets her heartlessness, because the orchid wine in her hand hides a mechanism, and she wants to poison her beloved husband today, and then die with him forever.

However, my beloved husband was extremely intelligent, and he had already seen through himself. Before he could do anything, he secretly melted all the poison in the flagon mechanism into his own wine glass and drank it.

"Yes, no matter what, he is absolutely sincere to the queen, otherwise he wouldn't be determined to die and take care of us to protect the queen!

He has a demon heart for Langyuan Xianmen, but he only has sincerity for the queen! He told Ben Yinguan, let me tell you that he loves you forever, and he understands your intention of poisoning you with orchid wine so that you can die together.

But he said, he let you live well, because he hoped that when he was gone, there would still be someone who missed him in his life. He didn't resent the palace queen at all, he only had deep love for the palace queen! "

Gongyin Tianguan continued.

"Don't say it, don't say it, let's go! I'm not some kind of palace queen, since the fairy man is not the real emperor of the Heavenly Palace of the ancient spirit, you don't have to protect me!

I will live well, because I want to brew a lot of orchid wine, dress up beautifully, and dance for the fairy every day. Does he love to watch me dance?

Can you leave me the Tian Lai flute? The Tian Lai flute is his lifeblood and my only thought. "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, wept bitterly, hugged Tian Laidi tightly in his arms, and begged with a pale face.

"Alas! Wu Xiannan died for love, and he did not hesitate to bear the infamy of betraying the evil way, and he never did anything that endangered the righteous spirits and gods.

Only this time when he destroyed Shen Xiao, he regretted it at the end of his life, even though everything he did was for you, not for the sake of the immortal sect. But it is worthy of admiration after all.

That's right, he is not the Ancient Ling Tianjun, and he also took away the Ancient Ling Tianjun. We should have a deep hatred for him!

However, the same is true of good fortune, no matter who it is, why? We also resented for a long time, but we were finally moved by your persistent true love for each other, and we recognized him, the heavenly king who killed the heavenly king, in our hearts!

Naturally, you are our Queen, what is right or wrong now, they are gone, in fact, the true intention of our seven Tianyin Heavenly Officials is to hope that the Queen of the Palace will be our Heavenly Monarch of Extreme Heaven!

We are the seven-tone heavenly officials of the Tian Lai Flute, whoever is the owner of the Tian Lai Flute, we will protect it. Obviously Wu Xiannan has left Tian Lai Di to you, and now Tian Lai Di is your master, we will naturally not leave you!

Heavenly Lord of Heaven, please be honored by the seven-tone official of Tianlai! "

Gongyin Tianguan couldn't help but agree with Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, and glanced left and right at the other Tianyin Yinguans, and after signaling, the Qiyin Tianguans bowed down in unison.

"Okay! Cheng Shifeng will be the emperor of the Jitian Palace. From now on, the golden whip will be replaced by the flute of heaven. If the flute is alive, the flute will die!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, was in grief, but he was slightly stunned, and then he simply accepted it.

"Thank you Tianjun for completeness!"

Qiyin Tianguan didn't expect Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, to agree so simply. They looked around each other, overjoyed, and they all shouted loudly.

"Go and continue to protect the Heavenly Seal of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, there used to be the fairy man's way back to heaven for him and all the demon gods who stole the remnants of the life star of the Langyuan Xianmen!

Now it has become the road to breaking the sky for our Langyuan Xianmen. It is the great misfortune of the fairy man, but it is the great fortune of our Langyuan Xianmen!

It seems that the blood demon Tianjun didn't find out that the fairy man did this at all. Since you recognize me as a heavenly monarch, you should immediately carry out your own destiny, strictly guard the blood demon heavenly palace, and beware of the fairy man's accomplices stealing the star of life at any time Remnant passed the Blood Demon Heaven Seal! "

Although Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, was devastated, he was very clear-headed, holding the Tian Lai flute in his hand, and ordered to the seven-tone heavenly official.

"Yes! Spirit Demon Ji Tianjun!"

Hearing the order, the seven-tone heavenly officials responded in unison, and in the next second they turned into divine light and rushed towards the sky.


Cong Cong...

On the Yueqing Cliff, which was misty in the morning, suddenly became quiet.

Only the figure of the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng with long blue hair and long fluttering hair is drawing a graceful arc and dancing.

The blue crescent moon on her forehead and her eyes are as blue as jewels covered by mist, mysterious and magical.

She stopped crying, and a smile appeared on her face again. Holding the Tianlai flute in both hands, she played the song "Nine Heavens"...

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