Nine Heavens

Chapter 2133 Magic Palace Fairy

"This is the luckiest of misfortunes, the ghosts' memory has only been recovered in the last tens of thousands of years for the avatars of the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord, and they haven't had time to do too many things to bring disaster to the immortal sect.

Because the fairy men died in love suddenly, they must have received the decree of the blood demon king and acted hastily! Apart from the eight masters of the Shenzhou, there were no other casualties!

The fourth brother has already found out all of them. They have not been sealed by the Gorefiend Heaven. "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen comforted Yunjun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang said.

"Yeah! In fact, to a certain extent, we should be grateful to the fairy man. Without his act of dying for love, our journey to the fairy gate may be over!

It is true what the fourth brother said, although the masters of the eight great Shenzhou died, the overall situation of the Langyuan Xianmen has not been lost! Our next biggest thing is to hunt down the nine remnants and three masters of the core of the star of life! "

Lord Yun is supreme, then Xie Liu Qianlang looks at the southern region of Yungong, which is the area where the nine great Shenzhou and Shengong are located.

"Third Brother, shall we destroy the Blood Demon Heaven Seal as scheduled, shall we?"

"Just follow the original plan! The fourth brother will go to the Eight Great Shenzhou to settle the consolation matters first. I will go to the Three-Color Shenzhou to visit the Dark Emperor and learn more about the Blue Spirit Beast, Xiaogu, Emperor Jilong and the twenty-one elves. God seized the situation."

"The fourth brother also meant the same thing. The fourth brother is going now. The third brother had better go to Sister Juan to inquire. Emperor Xun An was also seriously injured and almost died. It was Sister Juan who went to visit Yuelan and happened to save them! "

"Oh! No wonder Xun An escaped this calamity, eh! The third brother knows, then I'd better go to Qixiang Palace!"


Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

"Haha... giggle..."

"Today is the third time since the Blood Demon Lord came out of the death egg in the age of the ancient spirit universe, he felt his heart boil!

The first time that this son of death was indignant and passionate, was the first step for this son of death to germinate and step into the universe.

And the second time that the soul of this son of death was extremely exciting, that is, this son of death became the clone of the seven realms through cultivation, and then he laid out the big chess game that the clones of the seven realms were reincarnated in the seven realms of human ghosts, demons, elves and immortals.

Then, the master's soul was reincarnated into the humanity created by Nuwa Empress, and jointly controlled with your spirit, "helping her" play every move step by step, and then we made a sudden move at the most critical moment, snatching the star of life in one fell swoop. ! Haha... giggle..."

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord, lay reclined on the throne of the Blood Demon God's Jade Palace, entwined with blood rainbows, and the sounds of yin and yang alternated. His demon eyes swept across the five clones of His Highness, ghosts, spirits and immortals, and laughed wildly.

"Mist fairy man! You are so bold, you actually violated the decree of the king of heaven, shattered the fairy body of Langyuan, and let go of that lowly Langyuan spiritual girl, what should you do?"

Laughing wildly in the palace, the blood demon Tianjun suddenly stood up, the nine dragons crowned and the nine dragons screamed together, the blood demon's eyes flashed coldly on the blood moon mask, facing His Highness wearing a pure white fairy robe, playing with a green bamboo in his hand Di's own immortal body clone roared.

"Hehe, Tianjun calm down! The reason why Wuxiannan did this is naturally justified. I also ask Tianjun to allow Wuxiannan to explain one or two things. If Tianjun cannot approve, Wuxiannan is willing to die!

Facing the wrath of Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord, the soul of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch in the hall, the soul of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, who exists in the soul of Human Dao and Demonic Soul.


"Forget it, I'll just listen to what you said, and it won't be too late to kill you! The blue spirit demon, the white jade bone, the extremely long spirit and the seven-color spirit, you have perfectly completed the task of the decree, please take a seat!"

Suddenly blood gushed in the hands of the blood demon Tianjun, and the blood demon sword was already in his hand. Holding the sword in one hand, he pointed at Wu Xiannan and nodded.

"Thank you for the seat, huh!"

The blue spirit demon, the white jade bone, the extremely long spirit and the seven-color spirit heard that the blood demon god gave the seat, all of them were happy, and they saluted the hall one after another. .

"Hehe, all Soul Venerables, please!"

Wu Xiannan didn't care about the sarcasm of the four Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch clones, and sent him off respectfully.

Afterwards, Wu Xiannan raised his head to look at the blood demon Tianjun on the stage of the magic palace, which is more than ten thousand feet high, and said:

"It's not that Wu Xiannan deliberately let that prodigal girl go, the fairy man did this for the future consideration of the blood demon Tianjun's great cause of restoring the universe of death!"

"Bah! Wu Xiannan, if you fool the blue spirit demon, it's fine with Bai Yugu and Jilong Ling, because they were suddenly awakened by Tianjun.

But this seven-color essence has already restored the memory of the death demon spirit in the five human ages of the chaotic universe. This seven-color essence can see the relationship between you and that prodigal bitch!

I think you are lost, you are reluctant to kill that prodigal bitch! "

As soon as Tianjun Wuxiannan said this, before the blood demon Tianjun in the hall could express his position, the seven-color spirit who had just been seated on the left of His Highness got up angrily, and reprimanded Tianjun Wuxiannan.

"Qisejing, if you say that, it's too inhumane, Wu Xiannan is indeed inseparable with that prodigal bitch, and the fairy body is married to her!

However, if I am like this, isn’t your twenty-one phantom essence like this? You and Langyuan Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan spend day and night together, aren’t you also close? "

Tianjun Wuxian was playing the flute of Tianlai in his hands, and asked with a smile, looking at the seven-color spirit with seven apertures and seven colors.

"Hmph! Wu Xiannan, don't talk nonsense, I did it to cater to the broken love of human nature, to please Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, to win her trust, and to win her soul-controlling vine in the future. Yes, it's not sincere!"

Qisejing snorted coldly, and immediately retorted sharply.

"Ha ha……"

"Qisejing said it very well, you are like that, don't I, Wu Xiannan?"

"Tianjun! The reason why the fairy man has always maintained a close relationship with that prodigal girl is because of Lan Wanyue who successfully deceived her in the future. That's why he did so.

Moreover, Wu Xiannan did not disgrace his mission, not only successfully brought back Tian Lai Di, but also tricked Lan Wanyue back. The Tian Lai flute is in the hands of Wu Xiannan, and the blue crescent moon is here. "

When Tianjun Wuxiannan said this, his blue eyes suddenly sparkled, and then a blue rainbow shot out from the left and right eyes.

The two blue rainbows entwined and played with each other for a while, and then merged with each other, making a crisp jade cry, and turned into a blue moon, floating in front of the Wuxian male.


call out--

The blood demon Tianjun in the hall naturally had no doubts about the Tianlai flute in the hands of Wuxiannan, and his soul moved slightly to confirm its authenticity.

However, he was not sure about the blue crescent moon in front of Tianjun Wuxian, so as soon as the blue crescent moon appeared, the blood demon Tianjun immediately reached out and took it into the palm of his hand.

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