Nine Heavens

Chapter 2134 The Decree of Seizing Meteor

"Haha... giggle..."

"Hmm! That's right, Mr. Wuxian, this is indeed the blue crescent moon, one of the nine dead stars of life!

This is really beyond my expectation, I thought you were fascinated by humane love and betrayed my master Hun Tianjun!

But let's go on, how did you do it? Since you didn't kill that prodigal girl, how did you get her lifeblood, Lan Wanyue?

Also, what is your intention of keeping her alive? "

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord, stared at the blue crescent moon in his palm, trembling with excitement.

After staring at it for a long time, the other hand quickly wiped it on it. After analyzing the powerful magic sense, he laughed wildly excitedly.

Then, changing his previous attitude towards Tianjun Wuxiannan, he asked Tianjun Wuxiannan in a slow voice.

"Back to Tianjun, in order to be one with that prodigal girl, Wu Xiannan deliberately did everything possible to please her, win her heart, and then get married.

Then, after countless years of tacit mutual cultivation of soul and body, Wuxiannan has completely controlled her fairy spirit without her knowing, making her completely become Wuxiannan's puppet.

So Wu Xiannan can easily get her lifeblood, Lan Wanyue, but she has lost herself and doesn't know it at all.

Then I left her the fake blue crescent moon and Tian Lai flute, in order to use her to continue to confuse Lang Yuan's other immortals.

The fog fairy male in his body deliberately left some blue crescent moon and Tian Lai flute light spirit, which can ensure that she and the fake blue crescent moon Tian Lai flute are exposed.

The reason why Wu Xiannan didn't kill her was mainly because the Tianjun suddenly issued a decree to seize the death, and we can't take all of Langyuan's life star remnants in a hurry. We need her somewhere.

Therefore, Wu Xiannan thought over and over again, and decided to keep this puppet, leaving a pawn for the future death of the star of life!

Tianjun Shenhui, it is easy to kill a puppet, but it is just a matter of waving hands, but how difficult it is to raise a puppet, especially the puppet of the Langyuan Xianmen, why do we keep the ready-made ones? Kill it!

Everyone knows that after our Tianjun avatars returned to the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace this time, any undercover power of Tianjun in the Langyuan Xianmen is gone.

All the actions of Langyuan Xianmen in the future will be like a mystery to us, how bad it will be for us!

But with the existence of that prodigal girl, as long as Wuxiannan moves a little bit of fairy spirit, Wuxiannan can easily control her, and she will do whatever she is asked to do for Wuxiannan.

In this way, if Tianjun wants to know all the movements of Langyuan Xianmen, is that difficult? Seven-color spirit, Jilong spirit, blue spirit demon, what do you think? "

"Here, please forgive Ji Longling's rudeness just now, Tianjun's immortal body is superb!"

"Heavenly Monarch's Immortal Physique is brilliant!"

"Heavenly Monarch's Immortal Physique is brilliant!"

"Heavenly Monarch Immortal Physique Divine Wisdom!"

Hearing Tianjun Wuxiannan's words, the complexions of Qisejing, Jilongling and Lanlingyao changed rapidly. Although they were unhappy, they had to salute and praise them.

"Okay! As expected of the immortal body avatar of the Heavenly Monarch, he has a far-sighted vision and knows everything about the Immortal God Sheng Zhou like the back of his hand. This chess piece is well kept, great!

You Wu Xiannan are so smart, do you know why this Tianjun suddenly awakened the ancient spirits of the blue spirit demon, white jade bone and Jilong spirit, and asked you to quickly take action to seize the death? "

Hearing Tianjun Wuxiannan's words, the blood demon Tianjun nodded again and again, sat down happily, and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, Wu Xiannan is just a little clever, how dare he say he knows everything about Shengzhou, this should be the place of Tianjun's divine wisdom, as for Tianjun's various decrees and divine will, he dare not speculate rashly, and please ask Tianjun to express it clearly.

Tianjun suddenly awakened the memory of the three avatars of Blue Spirit Demon, Jilongling and Baiyugu, and suddenly issued a decree to us to seize the meteor, which really made Wuxian a little puzzled.

I remember that not long ago, Tianjun asked Wu Xiannan to always pay attention to the three avatars of Lan Lingyao, Jilong Ling and Bai Yugu, and beware of their sudden awakening of their ancient spirit and demon memory.

Let me secretly use the evil spirits to seal their demon souls, in case Langyuan Xianzun finds out.

Unexpectedly, after just a few months, Tianjun suddenly awakened the ancient spirit and demon memories for them personally! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan politely returned the flattery of the four Blood Demon Tianjun avatars on the left and right, and then reported back to the Blood Demon Tianjun.

"It's really abominable to say that, I went to the Blood Demon Heaven to seal the domain a few days ago, which is inside my death egg.

Just as I was strengthening the evil power of death, I suddenly discovered that the guardian king of the Qidaotian blockade chain turned out to be a fake!

The moment Ben Tianjun knew about this situation, he was terrified, and he is still afraid now.

Even the Guardian Heavenly King of the Gorefiend Tianfeng Qidaotian Blockade Chain was killed by the hateful Langyuan Xianmen and replaced secretly.

Doesn't that mean that our entire Gorefiend Heavenly Palace is exposed to its attack at any time!

Ben Tianjun, inside the death devil's egg, thought over and over again, and finally made the last ultimate move of the Seven Realms clone chess game.

Although this step of attacking and killing was done a little early, it didn't wait for the Langyuan Xianmen to perfectly send the remnant of the star of life it had mastered to the Nine Nine Eighty One Extreme Tianyuan Tianmeng Mountain.

But the Blood Demon Tianfeng was replaced by their dark power, how could we wait any longer, so I had no choice but to take a risky move and decided to take part of the life stars of the Langyuan Xianmen first!

At the same time, I will call you to the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, and while strengthening the soul power of this Heavenly Monarch, it will also strengthen the strength of the Blood Demon Heaven Seal again.

You all know that this Tianjun has never believed in any alien monsters except himself, and he will not put the final victory on ghosts, demons, elves, puppets, immortal gods, and how can he vainly measure any forces!

All in all, in order to ensure the stability of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and the ultimate victory in the future, Ben Tianjun took this risky move! "

On the blood moon mask of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, the cold pupils were rarely dazed, revealing the reason why each other suddenly ordered to die.


"Mr. Langyuan Yun is so powerful that he secretly sent someone to assassinate the Guardian Heavenly King of the Seven Heavens Blockade of our Blood Demon Heaven!

This is really hard for Wu Xiannan to imagine, but how did he find the position of the Blood Demon Tianfeng, and how did he have the power to kill the Qidaotian block chain and protect the heavenly king?

Wuxiannan heard Tianjun say that the Blood Demon Heavenly Seal is the seal of the ancient spirit fairy seal, and its solid defense is countless times stronger than the ancient spirit's heavenly seal! How could he have the ability to sneak into the first layer of heaven, and then kill the guardian king of the chain of seven heavens! ? "

Tianjun Wuxiannan heard the words, frowned, thought for a long time, and sighed.

"No, the person who killed the seven heavenly block chains and guarded the heavenly king is not the person who was born in the immortal sect.

After I issued a decree to you, I intentionally opened a hole in the sky at the bottom of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace to take you back to heaven.

And this Tianjun fought against the fake Qidaotian blockade chain guardian king, trying to kill him, but it was a pity that they escaped!

When they fled, they turned into the light of celestial beings, and the direction of escape was not going down to the universe, but going up to the sky! "

When the blood demon Tianjun spoke, his pupils flashed, staring at the blue crescent moon in his palm, thinking about the scene when he fought against the fake seven-day chain to protect the heavenly king.

It seems that he still has a problem that he can't figure out.

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