Nine Heavens

Chapter 214 Descendants of the Shui Tribe

A few days later, on the official roads of Liu Kingdom of Qing Dynasty and the Kingdom of Ten Directions, people saw hundreds of sky blue pennants flying high, with the words "Xianghai Palace" written on them.

Detours and twists and turns, on the flat ground or on the mountain road, traveled mightily for dozens of days, and finally disappeared mysteriously in the clouds.

Everyone is very curious. They have searched the history of the five clans of Fenghai, Lu, Yunshui, and the tens of thousands of countries in the world, but they have never heard of such a sect in the rivers and lakes, so they all talk about the mighty car and horse. .

Maybe it's the legendary sect of cultivating immortals.

A few days later, court officials from prominent families with the surname Long died in their homes one after another. The corpses were all covered with a pennant without exception.

The words "Xianghai Palace" are written on it, and the blood book next to it states: The ancestral hall is for the pennant, otherwise the family will be wiped out and weep!

The few who didn't believe in evil saw the weight of their family being killed, and angrily tore the silk banner to pieces.

The next day, I heard that such families with the surname of Long were all razed to the ground overnight, and all members of the family, young and old, were slaughtered.

The other Long families were so frightened that they hurriedly offered that devilish pennant to a prominent place in the ancestral hall, and burned incense and prayed in the morning and evening, not daring to be negligent, otherwise the family would be murdered.

All of a sudden, when people in the world heard about "Xianghai Palace", they were all frightened and fled.

Especially the people with the surname Long, who are afraid all day long, and dare not even sleep peacefully.

In just over a dozen days, the Fragrance Sea Palace spread throughout all the countries where the Rolling Longyun Mountain Range is located, and everyone's face changed. Some countries even gathered together to prevent accidents.

Xianghai Palace.

Shui'er sat on Wu Zun's throne with a cold face, looking at the prosperous and domineering Long family in Qingliu Kingdom.

Every time she saw one place, a coldness shot out from her eyes, and then she picked up Wu Zun's holy pen and wrote a dazzling word "kill" on a jade talisman.

Then it was thrown into the hands of the messenger under the throne. This kind of thing has been going on since Shui'er brought everyone from the Shui tribe to Xianghai Palace.

However, Liu Qianlang didn't know anything about it. From the moment he stepped into the Xianghai Palace, he was deeply impressed by the cultural classics of the ancient Coconut Kingdom's family of witches.

Liu Qianlang couldn't estimate how powerful the ancient Coconut Kingdom was, but the wealth left by Wu Zun alone was no less than that of Ghost Wu.

Wu Zun's treasures are roughly divided into four categories: Coconut Kingdom Holy Code, Wu Zun's Thaumaturgy, Coconut Country Treasures, Aquarium Species, etc.

For the latter two, there is no lack of tomorrow's realm, so Liu Qianlang is not interested at all. However, he is particularly interested in the sacred scriptures of the Coconut Kingdom and the witchcraft thaumaturgy.

For this reason, Liu Qianlang specially asked Shui'er to teach the knowledge of the ancient Aquarium characters of the coconut country through the method of ideas, and then through the realm of ideas, the realm of mind, using the holy scriptures of the country of coconuts, he understood all of them in three days and three nights. The writings of the ancient ethnic groups in the Coconut Country, including the writings of the Guiwu tribe.

In other words, I can finally understand all those weird books and classics I got.

Liu Qianlang was very happy, the trip to Xianghai Palace really benefited a lot.

As for the specific content of those classics, Liu Qianlang did nothing else in the next few days, let go of his thoughts, and frantically flipped through all the books.

Store all the content in the realm of thoughts and thoughts, and study it slowly in the future.

After finishing these, the familiar man engraved all Wu Zun's thaumaturgy in the realm of his mind before giving up.


A sea area in the Nantian Ocean located in the south of Life Qi Land, the reason why it is called Fragrant Sea is because the inexplicable flower petals sprinkled by the sky are eternally falling on the sea here.

This kind of petals is light pink, as thin as a silkworm's wing, as full as nothingness, but it contains a strange fragrance.

After hundreds of millions of years of immersion, the sea water in the entire Fragrant Sea area exudes this strange fragrance.

Therefore, the ancient people gave this sea area such a nice name.

The Fragrant Sea Palace is located at the bottom of the Fragrant Sea, stretching for thousands of miles, it is extremely magnificent.

Although Xianghai is on the bottom of the sea, the construction of the palace is better than that on land.

Pavilions, pavilions, exquisite gardens, rockery and beautiful lakes are everywhere, full of dreams and mysteries.

The people of the Shui tribe, who came to such a dreamlike world, are free and easy everywhere, living happily, and seem to not want to remember the hatred of those 30,000 years.

Shui'er was very dissatisfied with this, and thought that more than a thousand clansmen would unite and grant miraculous merits to seek justice for the ancient undead.

But the short-sighted clansmen only know about a comfortable life, but don't think about it.

At first Shui'er could tolerate it, but gradually Shui'er found that if no extraordinary measures were used, it seemed that the tribe would not take revenge anymore. In their eyes, having such a treasure and a happy life were enough.

For a moment, Shui'er almost thought that what they said was right, but then he thought about it, how could those ancient undead rest in peace if they continued to live like this!

The clansmen can be at ease and think about nothing, but I can't, because I am the heir of Wu Zun, and the ancestors promised Wu Zun to avenge them!

After putting down the scroll, Shui'er sat on the throne of Wu Zun, withdrew her cold gaze, and regained her delicate and beautiful face.

Shui'er looked at a flickering magic crystal ball on a fire phoenix stand in front of him. This is the unique object of Wu Zun. Through it, Wu Zun can see every move of all the clansmen of his clan, and perceive the world and all creatures. breath, looking back at the past and predicting the future.

At this moment, Shui'er's face was filled with a sweet smile, because she saw the previously cold Xianghai Palace, full of moving figures everywhere.

The children chased the bees and butterflies, the young lovers walked among the pavilions, and the older ones carefully cleaned the halls where they lived, cherishing happiness very much.

Especially those of the older generation, nodding their heads and smiling from time to time.

Seeing this, Shui'er suddenly felt a little guilty, yes, they should enjoy life well.

For 30,000 years, they have suffered too much, and it would be too cruel to let them bear the great cause of revenge from their clansmen!

A little girl in the magic crystal ball supported her grandfather, flapping naughty butterflies while walking, and kept giggling.

It was Yaya who called her masked sister-in-law. Seeing her, Shui'er suddenly felt that the future of the Shui people should be their happy life, not vendetta.

Shui'er withdrew her gaze, closed her eyes and lay on her back on Wu Zun's throne, thinking quietly, she needed to sort out her thoughts, how should she go in the future.

Several hours later, Shui'er suddenly sensed a crackling sound from the magic crystal ball, opened his beautiful eyes and saw that there was a luxurious five-story palace inside the crystal ball, and on the top of the palace stood proudly a man in a purple robe. Your Majesty!

His face is handsome, his eyes are piercing, and his manner is extraordinary.

What surprised Shui'er even more was that the earlobe of this person's left ear was also decorated with silver foil, which is unique to the Shui people.

"He is a descendant of the water tribe!"

Shui'er said firmly to himself.

After careful inspection for a while, Shui'er confirmed the location of this person, which was a palace in Panshui City, the capital of Qingliu Kingdom.

Shui'er mused to himself, since this person is a descendant of the Shui tribe, how could he appear in Qingliu country? From the looks of it, he is still an important official of Qingliu Kingdom's palace!

I have only heard about the ancestors mentioning that "Xianhou of the Five Surnames" was protecting the Emerald Tomb and avoiding the world outside Longyun Mountain, but how did this person come from?

While he was wondering, Shui'er then saw a beautiful and graceful figure floated behind this person, dressed in a brocade dress, with a perfect figure, extremely graceful.

But he was touching a mass of bright red color in his hand. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a fire dragon turtle carved from bright red jade.

Hearing that graceful figure flashing anxiously, he said:

"Yo! I said Lord Protector! You are so elegant, and you are still in the mood to enjoy the scenery here!

Don't you know that in the past ten days, the city of Panpan has been blown up, and people are panicking everywhere.

The confidant ministers of our Long family are about to die! "

The man known as the Protector of the Country, without turning his head, stroked the long beard under his jaw and said:

"It doesn't matter if they are dead, after that dead girl surrenders the imperial power, I will still kill them.

Now that the dead girl helped us get rid of it in advance, wouldn't it be a good thing! "

What you said is true, but the current situation is really worrying. I think Liu Juan's cultivation is getting stronger day by day.

Although she tried her best to conceal it, I could clearly feel its powerful evil spirit growing day by day! I'm afraid that one day, we..."

The graceful figure said.


The Duke Protector interrupted:

"Don't raise the enemy's aspirations and destroy your own prestige, isn't the father-in-law's cultivation base not improved?

I see that your Yin-Yang Reversal Magical Skill will soon reach Dzogchen, isn't it?

Master Yelu! Don't worry, that girl won't be a big deal! "

Slightly nodded, the person called Yelu Guoshi said again:

"Perhaps you are right, I just hope that you, the worry-free prince, will realize the mission of restoring the ancient Coconut Kingdom as soon as possible, and avenge the thousands of people who died for no reason!"

"Oh! I didn't expect Guoshi Yelu to be so considerate of me. My Duke Hugo thanked you again!"

The person known as the protector said with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"Hehe, but, on the day the Duke Protector is done, don't forget your promise!

Don't bother, I have recently reached a critical moment in my cultivation, and I need to retreat for about half a year, and I ask the protector of the country to be cautious. "

After finishing speaking, she turned around and Pingting floated away.

After a while, the Duke Protector also disappeared from sight.

"Prince Wuyou! After the Wuyou family of the Shui clan, isn't that the descendant of our Shui clan's royal family? In other words, we have not only survived the family members, but also survived the Wuyou line of the royal family!"

Shui'er repeated the name "Prince Wuyou! Prince Wuyou!" over and over again.

Because of excitement, he has already floated away from the throne of Wu Zun.

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