Nine Heavens

Chapter 2144 Killing the Second Demon Again

"Langyuan Yunjun, let us go! You rely on the demon god Xiao to devour us. If you dare to let us out, we can kill you in an instant!"

After the seven-color essence, the extremely long spirit, the blue spirit demon and the ghostly white jade bone were devoured by Yunjun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang's hands, they screamed wildly inside Xiao.

"Hehe, Mr. Death, Mr. Death, your Seven Realms avatar has captured the big chess game, it seems that you are going to lose!"

Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang stopped playing the flute, smiled and sighed.

Stepping on the shuttle to fly down to the universe, holding the hand of the Demon Devouring God Xiao, the golden and blue divine light suddenly flashed in the palm, and then he heard the Four Realms clones of the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord in the Demon Devouring God Xiao There was no movement at all.


woo woo...

Then, Jun Yun took a look at the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace where the blood demon light and the black death smoke were spreading everywhere, and played the Demon Devouring God Xiao, floating down.

The entire time for Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang to destroy the blood demon Tianfeng and kill the four world clones of the blood demon Tianjun was completed in just a few hours.

This smooth and rapid speed is due to the incomparable and powerful divine power of the Heavenly Soul at this moment, and the second is due to the exquisite cooperation of Tianjun Wuxiannan.

In other words, Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng led almost all the forces of Tianlai, Tiangong, ghosts, demons, elves and dark three universes to rush to the time of the blood demon Tianfeng.

The two dark demons habitually urged the death tower and the imaginary bowl to release their respective dark demon forces inside.

"Not good! Saint Xuliang Wan, my death tower was dropped by Tianlai Tianjun!"

"Ah? So is my Illumination Bowl! Wow! Damn it, let's go back and kill him and get it back!"

The two dark demons urged the magic treasure in their hands one after another, and suddenly found that what they had been dragging in their hands turned out to be an ordinary Yuntian Zhouyun stone.

It suddenly dawned on him that it must have been done by the impassioned Tianlai Tianjun who ordered to send troops. He couldn't help being furious, shouting and going back to Tianlai Tiangong.

"Ha ha……"

"You two demon god love ministers, why are you so careless, you actually left your divine treasure in your demon palace.

After you left just now, your treasure gods came to Tianlai Tiangong one after another, wanting to hand it over to you, but you have already come here, so I have no choice but to come here to give you the treasure in person! "

However, as soon as the two demon gods roared, Tianlai Tianjun's hearty laughter suddenly came from high above the sky, and then he was seen stepping on the spirit cow, holding the second treasure in his hand, and floating in front of the two demon gods.


The two demon gods faltered again, you looked at me, I looked at you, they couldn't help but hew and haw.

The two demon gods held their heads and thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't figure out how their magic treasure fell into their own magic palace.

And Tianlai Tianjun sent it in person, obviously it was not the other party's subcontract.

"Hehe, the demon gods of the two demon gods haven't cast spells to receive treasures yet, and this heavenly lord is not their master. If you don't call them after asking, I'm afraid that this heavenly lord can't control them!"

I saw the tower of death and the empty volume bowl, jumping and scurrying in front of Tianjun Wuxiannan, so busy that Tianjun Wuxiannan was in a hurry.

"Oh, yes! Yes!"

"Death tower god, don't cast a spell to collect treasure!"

In a hurry, Xuliang Wansheng didn't want to think too much, and was busy going to support the Blood Demon Heaven's domain, so he urged the dazed Death Tower God.

"Uh mia... well..."

The two demon gods immediately made gestures, opened their mouths and closed their mouths, and muttered, and then saw the death tower and the virtual bowl jumping wildly in front of Tianjun Wuxian, and suddenly became quiet, and then the two demon gods floated away smoothly .

"Uh, ha ha!"

"Thank you Tianlai Tianjun for coming to give the treasure!"

The two demon gods, although they still don't understand why the two magic treasures that never leave their bodies fell into their own magic palace, and then fell into each other's hands.

But after all, the magic treasure was safe and sound, and they didn't care about so much, so they were all happy to thank Tianjun Wuxiannan, and then reached out to grab their own magic treasure.

However, at this last critical moment, Tianjun Wuxian let out a loud laugh, and only heard him shout:

"Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda! Xuan Yin Bowl! Reappears the sounds of ancient spirits without fading away the dark energy!"

"Ling! Ling! Ling..."

"Hey! Hey! Hey..."

Death Tower God and Xuliang Bowl Saint, before their claws could touch the divine treasure he had picked up since the Ancient Spirit Holy Battlefield, suddenly the snow-white divine light and the blue divine light flashed in front of him, and then he heard bursts of pleasant bells and Qingyue's metal The sound of howling.


Immediately, the two divine treasures suddenly gurgled black magic smoke from the inside out.

When the evil smoke is exhausted, it is even more splendid, not like a devil's claw, returning it by itself.

"You, you, how did you know their summoning formula?"

Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng saw the situation in front of them, and they understood in their hearts that this was being played by Tianlai Tianjun again! Eyes bulging out of anger, he questioned angrily.

"Hehe, of course you taught me just now! You two idiots, don't you know that your treasures never leave your hands?

Where is the patron saint of the divine treasure, you all believe such deceitful words, this Tianjun is really speechless.

Do you know why Ben Tianjun didn't rush to kill you just now? "


"It's just because of your magic spell that activates the two great treasures! I don't know your magic spell, how can I cleanse the demon spirit on it and restore it to the ancient spirit fairy body!

After all, they have been demonized by you for countless years, they have been demonized very deeply, and their immortality has been sealed by your many demon spirits, so they cannot discern the true God! "

"I'm going! You're so pitiful! Aren't you a member of Langyuan Xianmen? It is said that righteous spirits and gods don't lie!?"

"Oh! That's right, but don't you know what you are? Zhengling and Immortal God don't lie, when did they say they won't lie to you!"

"Hmph! Don't be arrogant, our Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is extremely powerful, we are not afraid of you!

The tower god of death really wants to know, since you are not the blood demon Tianjun's immortal body clone, who are you, then where is the real immortal body clone? "

"Do you need to know?"

"Why isn't it necessary?"

"You are going to die, so what if you know, besides, do you see what I want to tell you?"

"That can't tolerate you, blood demon heavenly palace ghosts demon elves, dark three universe forces, you have all seen that the Tianlai Tianjun in front of you is not our fairy body clone of our blood demon Tianjun at all, and now he is taking away our magic treasure!

If we don't kill him now and take back the magic treasure, and take back the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, when will we wait? "

Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng yelled for a while, but the army of blood demons led by them was like puppets, motionless, each and every one of them maintained their movements just now, motionless!


The Death Tower God looked at the vast army of blood demons, and for some reason, stretched out his hand to push a blood demon king beside him, and the other party immediately turned into a cloud of black smoke and drifted away.

Then he was horrified, and pushed towards the other demon gods who were close to him, but the result was the same.

"Hehe, don't push it! They are all the illusory fake blood demon army of this Tianjun. Changing them is just to lure you two demon gods into the bait!"

"Hooked, what hooked?"

"Fools, of course it's my lord who wants to kill you. At this moment, Tianlai Tiangong is in chaos, taking this opportunity to get rid of you, isn't it the best opportunity for me.

Then I returned to Tianlai Tiangong and said to the courtiers in the hall that you two demon gods have unfortunately been loyal because of supporting the blood demon Tianfeng.

Listen to what Ben Tianjun said, are you still satisfied? "

With a smile on his face, Tianjun Wuxiannan moved slightly with one hand, shaking the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda, and slowly clasped the Xuyin Xuanwan with the other hand, and the heavenly bell sound immediately rang out between heaven and earth.

The sounds of heavenly bells, seemingly absent, are not lingering in the ears, but washing away in the minds of Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng.

"Ah! Ah!"

Although the voice is weak, small, or even inaudible. However, it contains the infinitely powerful ancient spirit Xuanyin immortal ability.

It was only a moment's sound, and the two demon gods were tortured to the point of screaming again and again.

"Boom! Boom!"

Soon after, their ancient spirit demon bodies exploded into smoke.


Tianjun Wuxian glanced disdainfully at the two pools of pitch-black smoke in front of him, then stepped on the spirit cow and drifted towards the Blood Demon Heaven's domain with a very anxious look.

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