Nine Heavens

Chapter 2145 Destroying Enemies Serially

Soon after, Tianjun Wuxiannan appeared again.

He had a ferocious face, and his azure blue eyes shot a terrifying cold rainbow.

Standing high above the Heavenly Seal of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, he glanced at the already collapsed and gone Blood Demon Heavenly Blockade and Seven Heavenly Sealed Demon Chains, as well as the real army of blood demons that were automatically flooding in from all directions in the Heavenly Lai Heavenly Palace.

"Jie Clone Seven-Color Spirit, Blue Spirit Demon, Nether White Jade Bone, Jilong Spirit, you all get out of here!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan trembled all over, looking at the scene of the opening of the heavenly cave after the blood demon's heavenly domain was destroyed, thunder roared.

"Back to Tianlai Tianjun! We saw from a distance that the four avatars of the blood demon Tianjun were taken away by the white-haired Yun Jun Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang of the lower realm Langyuan Xianmen with a blue Shenxiao!

Yun Zhou Yunjun is supreme and the action of Xie Liu Qianlang is too fast. When we found the change of the blood demon heaven seal in our respective sky, we didn't wait for the two blood demon gods, Death Tower God and Xuliang Bowl Saint, to issue orders , came from all directions.

It's a pity, seeing that the Blood Demon Tianfeng was smashed and exploded by the celestial being Yunjun Wushang of the Langyuan celestial sect, the evil willow led the waves and the sword rainbow, and the avatars of the four realms were also taken away, and now he is dead or alive!

Seeing Tianjun Wuxiannan appearing in the sky above the blood demon Tianfeng, the ghost king of Tianlai Tiangong, the demon king of demon way, the demon king of demon way, the fine king of Jingdao, the king of Lingdao Lingdao, the five best demons alive in Tianlai Tiangong at the moment Swinging up to the sky hand in hand, the demon king is in front, Shi Li said.

"Nonsense! You wait for the Blood Demon Tianfeng to rush over as soon as something happened. My Tianlai Tianjun noticed the change in the Blood Demon Tianfeng, and immediately flew to the sky above Tianlai Tiangong to investigate. I clearly saw your army How dare you say that you will leave immediately!?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan was hoarse on purpose, Thunder was enraged, and he roared and questioned.

"This, this... Tianlai Tianjun calm down! It is indeed as Tianjun said, we did not lie on purpose, and the delay of about half an hour at that time was not intentional.

Instead, we went to the mansion of the two Tianbai Tianshuai to ask for orders, but the goalkeepers of the two Tianshuai's mansions all replied, let us wait for Hou Yin outside the mansion, and not let us enter the mansion.

However, the two Heavenly Marshals have never summoned us in their respective Heavenly Marshal Mansions.

We were extremely anxious, seeing the blood demon heavenly seal bursting with rainbows, how could such a major event of the blood demon heavenly seal being destroyed be delayed again and again.

So we didn't dare to wait any longer, risked our lives to offend the two Heavenly Marshals, Tianwei, and immediately returned to our respective positions in the heavenly formation, ordering the armies of all paths, and marched to the blood demon's heavenly domain regardless of everything, but... alas!

We, the five evil kings, failed to arrive at the blood demon Tianfeng for support in time. We deserved to die, and we were willing to be punished. Dare to ask Tianlai Tianjun to come down! "

Seeing Tianlai Tianjun's anger, the evil kings of the Five Paths were all frightened and their expressions changed drastically. They bowed their knees and pleaded guilty one after another.


"Such a big event happened in Tianlai Tiangong, how can the two Tianshuai not know why they didn't take the initiative to send orders to protect the sky, and even hid in the commander's residence, what are they doing?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan looked down and scanned the five evil kings of Tianlai Tiangong coldly.

The evil kings of the five realms all lowered their heads and trembled, their heads buzzed, their backs felt cold, secretly thinking that their lives would be lost.

The king of ghosts, his whole body is as black as carbon, his face is pale, his eyes are evil green, and his mouth is red.

A mouthful of white fangs collided with each other, rattling, and after a while of courage, he replied:

"Returning to Tianlai Tianjun, when I waited anxiously outside the Tianfu Palace of the two Tianshuai, I heard the singing and dancing in the mansion. Obviously the two Tianshuai are immersed in the enjoyment of sensuality!"


"Okay! God of the Tower of Death, Holy Meal Bowl! Ben Tianjun has repeatedly warned them that there must be some terrible conspiracy brewing because there has been no movement from the Immortal Sect of Waves in the Lower Realm for a long time.

Let them be very careful at all times, especially the movements of the Blood Demon Heaven's domain, if there is any trouble, immediately go to Xiangxiang to investigate, they can't think of them..."

Tianjun Wuxiannan heard that the ghost king bowed his head and replied, he was even more furious, roaring like thunder, waving his hands, thunder and lightning flashed all over his body.

"Ghost King!"

Hearing that the King of Ghosts revealed to Tian Lai Tianjun high in the sky what the two handsome men were, even though it was true, the other four evil kings were even more frightened into fighting and sweating profusely.

The spirit king with evil blue body, the demon king with red body on the left and right side, and the earthy yellow spirit king and emerald demon king separated from the ghost king, cried out in pain.

"That's all! Delay in rescuing the Blood Demon Heaven Seal is deadly, and offending the two Heavenly Marshals is also miserable. I'm not proud of it anyway. We just want to vomit quickly!"

The ghost king has always been oppressed by the Tower God of Death and the Nether White Jade Bone, and he has long wished for them.

So I figured that the good times were over, so I had the opportunity to falsely accuse the two handsome men. According to the speculation of the ghost king, even if he can't use the hand of Tianlai Tianjun to get rid of the hatred in his heart, at least he can see Tianlai Tianjun venting his anger for him before he dies.

Because he knew very well in his heart that facing such a big crime of the blood demon's heavenly seal being destroyed, even the two heavenly commanders would never be able to escape the punishment of Tianlai Tianjun, let alone add some "oil" at this time.

"Wow wow wow! The five evil kings listen to the decree! This Tianlai Tianjun specially bestowed on you the ancient spirit to refine the evil fire, and immediately rushed back to the two Tianshuai Tianfu, sealing the palace and refining the mansion!

All the people from the two Tianshuai's mansions will be thrown into their palace, and the evil fire will burn the palace, and there will be no way to refine it! "

After roaring for a while, Tianjun Wuxiannan stopped suddenly, roared at the five evil kings below, and threw down five glistening golden gourds at the same time.

"Go quickly, don't delay, don't enter the two Tianshuai mansions, just set them on fire!

As soon as the misunderstood commander-in-chief is removed, I, Tianlai Tianjun, will immediately seal you as the new Tianlai Tiangong Tianshuai! "

After throwing down the five miraculous gourds that flashed with golden light, Tianjun Wuxiannan added.

"This, yes! Please follow the decree of the king of heaven!"

The five evil kings never expected that Tianlai Tianjun would issue such a decree, and what made them even more overjoyed was that they could not only get rid of their immediate boss who had been suppressing them, but also be promoted to be a bad and handsome man.

Such a good thing, they couldn't believe it for a moment, they looked at each other, dumbfounded, until they received their respective golden miraculous gourds in their hands, and then they were sure that they heard it right.

The five evil kings hurriedly paid respects to the spiritual life, and then they all left with happy faces, grinning, and ignored the five evil armies of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace led by them.

The evil king of the Five Paths didn't give an order, so he didn't dare to move when he encountered the evil army, and besides, there was Tianlai Tianjun in person at high altitude.

When the five evil kings had left for a long time and they were no longer to be seen, Tianjun Wuxian let out a cold snort in his throat.

Then the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda and the Xuliang Xuanyin Bowl suddenly floated out in front of him.

Ling... Ling...

咓... 咓...

As soon as the two miraculous treasures came out, the heaven and earth immediately sounded like a dreamlike, mysterious and mysterious sound.

At the feet of Tianjun Wuxiannan, the vast and infinite Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and the five evil armies were still looking up to listen to the mysterious mysterious sound, and their figures began to fly away one after another.

In just a matter of seconds, all the armies of evil spirits that the Blood Demon Lord painstakingly managed disappeared like this, and they disappeared without a sound.


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