Nine Heavens

Chapter 2146 Heavenly Monarch in the Palace

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After Tianjun Wuxiannan quickly and silently wiped out the five evil armies of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, his figure suddenly changed, and he became white-haired, and the silver-clothed Yunjun Supreme was no longer evil.

Yun Jun is supreme and then evil willows lead the waves, with the overlapping fairy sword trembling guards on his head, the nine-yuan bell tower on the left and right, and the virtual Xuanyin bowl floating to follow, laughing and flying, and also to the two blood demons near Tianlai Tiangong's mansion shot.

It is said that the five evil kings of Tianlai Tiangong each held a golden light gourd bestowed by Tianlai Tianjun in their hands, stepped on the demonic beasts, and soon rushed to the sky above the Tiangong mansion of the Death Tower God.

"Hmph! Old evil thing, I can't think of it, you also fell into the hands of our five evil kings, all evil kings, let the ancient spirit refine the evil fire and burn him!"

The five evil kings galloped all the way, hated all the way, and were even more ecstatic all the way. Seeing that they had arrived at the God's Mansion of the Death Tower, how could they be polite, and shouted aloud, immediately they all manipulated the miraculous golden gourd given by Tianlai Tianjun, and rushed to Death Tower God's Mansion was set on fire.

In the blink of an eye, the death tower god Tianshuai's mansion was caught in a sea of ​​gold and fire!

Not long after, the Xuliang Wansheng mansion not far from Death Tower God also ignited the same vast golden fire.

Tianlai Tiangong.

"Report! It's not good, Tianjun! The five evil kings are crazy, and they set the two Tianshuai mansions on fire!"

Tianlai Tianjun is sitting on the throne of Tianlai Tiangong, using the "devil god's eye" to pay close attention to the sudden riots in Tianlai Tiangong.

Seeing the blood demon light and the black death demon smoke in the sky, the wind was surging and churning everywhere, Tian Lai Tianjun was full of anger and solemn expression, and suddenly heard the report of the magic envoy outside the palace.


Hearing the long report outside the palace, Tianlai Tianjun suddenly flew out of the Tianjun throne of Tianlai Tiangong, yelled, and flew past all the officials in the hall who were discussing with him, and then headed towards the residence of Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng. flew away.

The officials in Tianlaitian Palace saw Tianlai Tianjun flying out of the palace, and after a commotion, they also left like a shadow.

However, with the effort of Chazhan, Tianlai Tianjun has already flew over the two mansions of Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng, and saw the five evil kings swaying over the two Tianshuai mansions, laughing and releasing golden fire one after another!

"Five evil kings! You idiots, don't stop! Whoah, why did you burn the mansions of the two heavenly commanders?"

Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan stepped on the usual fairy pet spirit cow. After the spirit cow lowed and roared, Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan sternly asked.

"Tian Lai Tian Jun! It's Tian Lai Tian Jun here, haha... Tian Jun! We and the five evil armies finally fulfilled our mission and burned two Tianshuo Tianfu with the refining evil fire bestowed by Tian Jun.

Don't worry, Tianjun, no one escaped from the two Tianshuai's mansions, and they must have been burned to slag at this moment! Hee hee, haha... Tianjun's refining evil fire is so powerful! "

The evil king of the Five Paths was burning up, when he suddenly heard shouts from high above, and when he looked up, it was Tianlai Tianjun.

Because of the excitement, they didn't hear what Tianlai Tianjun was shouting, and they all laughed and repaid the credit.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I, Tianlai Tianjun, have been discussing the destruction of the Blood Demon Heaven Seal with the officials in Tianlai Tiangong. When did I come to your five evil army barracks, and when did I give you some training? The spirit is on fire!?"

Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan let out a strange howl, and then questioned angrily.

"This, this, this?"

Now the evil king of the Five Paths has Meng Deng, you look at me, I look at you, then they all raised their heads, staring blankly at Tianlai Tianjun and the tens of thousands of ministers surrounding Tianlai Tianjun, speechless.

"Eight demon-killing executioners, take them down immediately, and return to the Heavenly Palace to inquire!"

Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan was furious and shouted behind him!



As soon as Tianlai Tianjun Wuxian male issued the decree, eight giant giants as tall as mountains with two heads jumped out from behind him. They responded in unison and raised their claws suddenly.

There was a loud bang of demonic chains, and the five evil kings thousands of miles below were chained by eight demons and monsters and dragged into the sky.

"Tianjun! You are wronged! It is really the golden fire god gifted by the Tianjun, and it is the decree of the Tianjun to let us do this!"

The ghost king of the ghost way held the chains that bound the gods and demons with both hands, with a sad face, he was dragged into the sky, and he kept arguing.

"Search your life and search for God, immediately investigate the two Tianshuai mansions to see if there are any survivors, go and come back, report immediately!"

The five evil kings were quickly locked in front of Tianlai Tianjun by eight sixteen-headed demons and monsters, but Tianlai Tianjun snorted coldly, did not look at them, but ordered in a cold voice.

"Fate and God will follow the law!"


As soon as Tianlai Tianjun Wuxian's male voice fell, behind him immediately shot a dazzling red phantom like lightning.

The dazzling red phantom moved quickly, passing by, and after a while, it was seen that it was already running wildly in the golden fire of the Death Tower God's Mansion and the Xuliangwan Sheng Mansion under thousands of miles away.

Then it came back quickly.

"Returning to Tianlai Tianjun, the golden light fire is a thing of righteous spirits and gods. It is not called soul-refining evil fire, but the real fire of ancient spirits. thing.

This ancient spirit's real soul-refining fire is really powerful, the seals of the two Tianshuai's mansions were completely destroyed, the palaces melted, and none of the people in the two Tianshuai's mansions survived, they were all burned into smoke! "

Searching for life and searching for gods, because they went deep into the real fire of the ancient spirit's soul refining, although they went quickly and returned like lightning, but the red demon body of the fire attribute was also surrounded by golden light and flames, so they replied immediately.

"Hmph! Go back to the palace!"

Tianlai Tianjun glanced at the five evil kings who were kneeling in front of him with a full body of magic chains, snorted coldly, and said angrily.

"Ha ha……"

"Tianlai Tianjun, the blood demon Tianjun's immortal body avatar, is it okay to be cheated?

Mr. Ben Yun thought how difficult it is to destroy the Blood Demon Heavenly Seal, but Mr. Yun solved it with just a few sword strikes, and then lied to your five evil kings for a while!

oh! Evil King of the Five Paths, is Ben Yunjun's Ancient Soul Refining Soul Real Fire still useful? Have you used it up? The Golden Light Gourd should be returned to Mr. Ben Yun! Ha ha……"

Just when Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan was about to turn around in anger, a man with white hair fluttering around his head suddenly appeared in the better sky, a man in silver clothes, holding a huge red sword in his hand, and a man who traveled through the Shenzhou boat with his feet.

Around its body, there are two divine objects hovering slightly, one is a pure white holy tower, and the other is a blue divine bowl.

The other party, smiling loudly in the sky, waved his hand to explore, and the five golden light gourds still in the hands of the five evil kings suddenly turned into a ray of golden light.

Then, five strands of golden light flew towards it.

"Sure enough, it's you and me, Yunjun Supreme and evil willows leading the waves, you are so courageous, it's all right to suddenly destroy my Tianlai Tiangong Blood Demon Heaven Seal!

To be so rampant, to repeatedly deceive the generals of Tianjun and Tianjun, to kill our Tianlai Tianjun, and now dare to come to our Tianlai Tiangong to seek death!

The 30,000 courtiers of Tianlai listened to the order, and immediately sealed the heavens to kill the evil fairy Yun Jun, who is supreme and then the evil willow leads the waves! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan raised his head to look at Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang, exchanged something in their minds, and then roared.

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