Nine Heavens

Chapter 2147 Mysterious Divine Voice

"Oh ha ha..."

"Tianlai Tianjun, have you forgotten that you once undercovered my Langyuan Xianmen, how could you forget that this Yunjun also has the ability to overlap Zhoujun's magical skills!

Ben Yunjun standing above your heads is just the illusory body of Ben Yunjun. The real Mr. Ben Yun is pouring wine into the air in the sky.

Ben Yunjun used the superimposed phantom of Zhoujun's magical power to come to thank you Tianlai Tianjun and the five evil kings!

You are so cute, Ben Yunjun just changed into your Tianlai Tianjun's appearance, and with a little trick, he killed all your army of heavenly warriors.

Even the avatars of the four realms and the two heavenly commanders were killed by your own people, oops! haha, thank you! Thanks!

Mr. Ben Yun really didn't know what to say, so he had to drink happily. Thanks again to the five evil kings, Mr. Ben Yun for interrupting! "

"Ha ha……"

Yun Jun is supreme, no matter how evil willows lead the waves, phantom phantom, looking up to the sky bursting with laughter, white hair flying wildly, sky brocade silk robe, silver waves flashing tide, while laughing wildly, pouring wine on the altar, drifting away.

"Whoa! Kill him—"

Hearing this, Tianjun Wuxiannan was so ashamed and annoyed that the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda and Xuliang Xuanyin Bowl suddenly appeared in his hands, and he shouted to summon tens of thousands of courtiers of Tianlai to rush to the sky. At the same time, he also attacked the five evil kings who were kneeling not far in front of him.

"Ah! Tianlai Tianjun, please forgive me!"

I saw the two great artifacts in the hands of Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan, and suddenly the magical and fantasy sound of nature sounded again, and at the same time, countless strange divine sound symbols like bees and arrows shot out from it, thunder and lightning flickered, and fire rainbows flickered randomly In an instant, the five evil kings were wrapped in five strange rainbows of white and blue.

"Hmph! What's the use of Liu Er, the blood demon god army of Mangong Palace died at your hands!

You don't know right from wrong, and you were fooled by Lord Lang Yuanyun, and set fire to the two heavenly palaces. Do you know that the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord, Seven-color Essence, Blue Spirit Demon, Jilong Ling and Nether White Jade Bone are also among them.

Because of your stupidity, all the Gorefiend Universe Manchao Wuchen Supreme and Batian Gorefiend Heavenly Army left behind by the Gorefiend Tianjun were mistaken by your stupidity! "

In a fit of rage, Tian Lai Tianjun's strikes were terribly magical. After struggling for a while, the five evil kings had no time and no reason to resist, so they were burned alive and lost their souls.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Tian Lai Tianjun, why are you angry? Why did you kill the wastes of Tian Lai Tiangong for Ben Yun? How can Ben Yun feel bad..."

The waves that keep drifting away, Yuan Yunjun is supreme, no matter how evil the willows lead the waves, the wine is still flying far away, which is basically the siege of tens of thousands of courtiers of Tianlai.

Because he is nothingness, no matter how Tian Lai's courtiers attack the image, wear it, and pass through it, he is still intact, with white hair flying, floating in the air.


Tianlai Tianjun suffered such humiliation, and on the surface it seemed that he had already lost his mind. After killing the five evil kings, in his anger, the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda and the Xuliang Xuanyin Bowl poured out the talismans of mysterious divine sounds like a raging wave. Pressing down on Jun Yun, who is already drifting hundreds of millions of miles away, and the evil Liu Qianlang and tens of thousands of courtiers of Tianlai.

"Tianlai Tianjun! Hurry up and stop, the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda and the Xuliang Xuanyin Bowl can devour evil spirits, hurt me and help the enemy!"

The courtiers of Tian Lai hundreds of millions of miles away are almost all the ministers of Wen Ze of the Blood Demon Dynasty, and all of them are displaying the supernatural powers of the evil spirits.

Although they are also in the state of showing their teeth and claws, but it is not an elephant attacking the phantom of Jun Yunjun's supreme and evil willows, so as far as the eyes can see, they are only pretending, pushing their palms and raising their wrists. It is not an attack, but an attack. Like a flurry of demons.

They are like this, but the attack image of Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan is substantial, three majestic and terrifying. When they saw Tianlai Tianjun shaking his body and raising his arms, the white and blue intertwined divine power rushed to the sky, and they were all scared Half dead, screaming wildly.


Tianlai Tianjun seemed to wake up suddenly. Hearing the howling of tens of thousands of courtiers in hundreds of millions of miles, he immediately stopped the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda and Xuliang Xuanyin Bowl in his hands.

However, Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan's closing speed is still a bit slow, how can the surging mysterious divine voice that has already been attacked be recovered!

Only hundreds of millions of miles away, after the howling of ghosts and wolves, tens of thousands of courtiers of Tian Lai were swallowed up and wiped out more than half of them, and the sky was full of corpses burning in the flames.

"Blood demon Tianjun! I am ashamed to be with you in my fairy body clone. I never thought that Tianlai Tiangong would be in such a catastrophe just after you left! This Tianlai Tianjun is stupid!"

After Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan stopped urging the Nine Yuan Bell Pagoda and the Xuliang Xuanyin Bowl, he stepped on the spirit bull and flew into the tens of thousands of officials hundreds of millions of miles away. He raised his arms and raised his head, crying and howling.

Facing the scene of the corpses of Tianlai's courtiers flying down in the sky, Tianlai Tianjun suddenly splashed the blue divine fire on his body with both palms.

"No! Tianjun doesn't want it!"

Seeing this, the surviving courtiers of Tian Lai rushed over one after another, hugged Tian Lai Tianjun's arms tightly from left to right, and shouted.

"Why do you stop me, look at the Tianlai Tiangong today, the Blood Demon Heaven has sealed a cave, and all the seven heavenly armies in the universe have been wiped out!

Tianlai Tiangong is already riddled with holes, Zhou is spinning in the air, I am not the blood demon Tianjun! Woooo—”

Tianlai Tianjun burst into tears, covered his face and wept wildly, and beat his chest and stamped his feet, in a sad state that was unprecedented and unprecedented.

"Tianlai Tianjun! This is a disaster, don't blame Tianlai Tianjun! Only blame the mysterious and unpredictable Langyuan Xianmen. A few years ago, in terms of strength, they were not our opponents in the Blood Demon Tiangong!

I don't want to think that in just a few years, their souls are screaming at the sky, and they are so terrifying. But it was Lord Lang Yuanyun who went up to the sky alone and destroyed our blood demon sky domain in an instant.

What's even more hateful is that they are a race of humanity, with magical wisdom and evil, terrifying strategies, magical schemes and strange strategies, unimaginable, and make us hard to guard against!

Although the general trend of Tianlai Tiangong is gone, in terms of our long-term strategy, it is too early to say that it has failed.

Tianlai Tianjun is very clear in his heart, the purpose of Blood Demon Tianjun staying with us is to try to prevent the entire sect of Yunzhou Langyuan from flying into the sky!

Tianlai Tianjun looked at Tianlai Tianzhou, and now that Zhou is spinning around here, it is obviously not a good time for them to enter the sky. We don't guard against..."

In front of Tianlai Tianjun, a civil servant of the magic way wearing an elegant white magic robe, a courtier of Tianlai named Wen Moyu, was crying, holding the arm of Tianlai Tianjun Wuxian, half kneeling and half squatting sincerely.

"Elder Mo Yu, let's go on, you are the head of the seven Wen Zuns, and you have always been like a father and ancestor in the heart of this Tianjun. If you have something to say, just speak out, and you will eventually live up to the entrustment of the blood demon Tianjun. This immortal body clone is the spirit. We will not hesitate to destroy the nuclear power!"

When Tianlai Tianjun was in pain, after hearing what Mo Yu said, he quickly leaned over to help Mo Yu, looked at each other and wept, and Tianlai Tianjun made a generous statement.

"Tian Lai Tianjun, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens in the heaven, and there are thirty-six heavens every day. We just failed in the first heaven. At this moment, we are letting them into the heavens, and they will ascend to ninety-eight layers. The eleven heavens, the extreme sky, and the fate of the sky can be achieved overnight.

Therefore, the veteran thought that it is reasonable for us to go straight up to the sky immediately and reach Yuantian Dameng Mountain as soon as possible!

Although the old minister is weak, he can see that although Tianlai Tianjun is the clone of the blood demon Tianjun's immortal body, he has already become his own.

If you can secretly capture all the remnants of the stars of life in Yuantian Damengshan, use the remnants of the stars of life to gather the gods, and transform them into real bodies, then the whole universe will not be yours!

Tianlai Tianjun is such a man of wisdom, is he willing to live and die as a stepping stone for the blood demon Tianjun? The old minister has long seen that the day when he completes his great achievements may be the day when Tianlai Tianjun dies!

This kind of fate, not only you and me, but also all the courtiers of Tian Lai present, as well as the dead clones of the Four Realms, the two heavenly commanders, the five evil kings, etc., will all end up like this!

Why don't we plan for ourselves if we work so hard and end up dying! ? "

Mo Yu's white face and yellow eyes, his eyeballs are spinning wildly, these words are transmitted to Tian Lai Tianjun through sound transmission.


Tianlai Tianjun raised his eyes and glanced at the surrounding courtiers of Tianlai, he did not express his position in a hurry, but said:

"Mo Lao's skill is high and his knowledge is outstanding. It can be said that he sees through everything. How about we go back to the palace and talk about it?"

"Hehe! Good! Let's talk again when we return to the palace."

When Mo Yu heard Tianlai Tianjun's words, he heard the implication. He was very happy and nodded heavily.

Then, Tianlai Tianjun put away his sorrow, stepped on the spirit cow, followed by more than ten thousand courtiers of Tianlai, and in the midst of the landing of the fire corpses in the sky, shuttled the vast blood demon blood light and the dark death smoke, swaying in the direction of Tianlai Tiangong went.

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