Nine Heavens

Chapter 2159 Speeding Demon Sword Mountain

Speed ​​to the top of Demon Sword Mountain.

Yuan Tian Shenjun Liu Qianlang, Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, Heavenly Dragon God of War Prince Jiebo, Master of the Passionate Palace, Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng, six people stepping on the divine sword or fairy pet, floating everywhere The pear flowers in Sydney are dancing among the pear flowers.

The world at the top of Dumojian Mountain was somewhat beyond the expectations of the six people. In their imagination, this should be the scene of two sword ancestors forging swords in the divine fire.

Because they saw the vastness of divine fire and the majestic state of flowing swords in the sky under Dumojian Mountain.

However, after they reached the top of Dumojian Mountain, they found that what they saw before were all layers of sword refining caves below the top of Dumojian Mountain.

And at the extreme top of Dumojian Mountain, it turned out to be an infinitely beautiful world. In the mountains, far and near, high and low, there are pear trees full of pure white and flawless pear flowers.

On the top of the vast mountain, there is a vast field of pear blossoms, and the sky is full of snowflakes.

Dumojian Mountain is at the very top, the color is pure and white, the flowers are full of snow petals, and there is an incomparable fragrance of wine and pear flowers everywhere.

In the heavy snow, the sky rustled among the falling flowers, a majestic, crystal-clear ice palace with endless sky, countless palaces floated and emerged among the pear blossoms and moon flowers.

In the eyes of Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang, such a scene at the top of Dumojian Mountain is so familiar and so surprised.

Because everything here is just like the Palace of Emotion in the depths of Beitianyang, the first among the five mortal worlds in the ancient spirit universe. The two are generally the same.

Things are even more strange than people, in the vast and vast Emotion Palace, there are two fairy shadows floating in the air, one can't be more familiar, and the other can be guessed.

Two celestial figures, a man and a woman, the man's white fairy robe fluttering, holding an emerald green shrine in his hand, it is the celestial voice lingering, full of infinite mystery.

In front of the woman is a beautiful jade Qinqin that is bright red like the sun, with a phoenix head that is absolutely crooked, ten fingers flying, and seven strings shining, which is also the echo of the divine sound Cong Cong.

"Master Jietong!?"

Seeing the Immortal playing Shenxiao, Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang couldn't help calling out his voice.

However, the woman who is opposite to Master Jietong doesn't know how to address her.

"Immortal Wenyang, Fairy Zhiqing! Zhi'er is finally lucky enough to see you!"

When Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang exclaimed, his beloved wife, Palace Master Zhiqing, who was beside him was extremely excited, biting his lip with tears in his eyes, and shouted.

But the words of the two, the appearance of the six of them did not affect the beauty of the fairy scene of the two immortals playing the flute in the flowers and Huan Xue.

They are clearly alive, the person who plays the flute raises his eyebrows and looks delighted;

Smiling to each other, the eyes of the four eyes flashed, and the movements were more beautiful than Xiamei.

"The two Passionate Palace Masters, the junior Zhi'er has come to visit you!"

The master of the Passionate Palace was so excited that she stepped on the pure white pear blossoms and suddenly floated towards the other party. Then she was graceful and graceful, saluted with all blessings, and choked up her voice.

Yuan Tian Shenjun Liu Qianlang did not move, the sword Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen beside him, the Heavenly Dragon God of War Prince Jiebo and the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng did not move.

They still haven't figured out why the ancient spirit sword god Du Mojianzu and Peixian Jianzu became the two in front of them.

"Third brother, who are they? Where are our mentor Du Mojianzu and uncle Peixian?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, staring blankly at the two drunk people hundreds of millions of miles away.

"I don't know, the third brother only knows that the man is Master Jietong Daoist, but the woman..."

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang thought for a while, and then said:

"Perhaps the teacher is Master Jietong, who is Master Jietong!? And that woman is also the avatar of Master Shu Peixian!

The old and passionate palace master that your sister-in-law said was the number one human in the chaotic universe of the ancient universe is our benefactor Du Mojianzu and Peixian Shishu! ? "

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang said things that he couldn't believe.

"Why did my mentor once split his soul into the lower realm? Didn't his mentor and uncle Peixian be crushed by the blood demon Zhou Wu under the rainbow mountain of Empress Nuwa? How is this possible?"

Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, was also confused by the two qinxiao playing immortals. Hearing what Yuantian God Lord Liu Qianlang said, he couldn't help shaking his head and denying it.

"Hehe, Zhiqing, we have finally completed the nine parts of "Nine Heavens Fate of Immortals", and it is time for us to return to the main body!"

Yuan Tian Shenjun Liu Qianlang, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Tianlong God of War, Spirit Demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng were talking here, hundreds of millions of miles away, the world-connected immortal suddenly stopped and smiled calmly.

"Yeah, it's time. We finally lived up to the entrustment of the master souls of Jianzu and Nuwa Empress. We will give birth to the universe of human relations, and if we succeed, we will be born into the universe, the nine directions, the ninety-nine, the eighty-one, the heavens, the earth, and the universe." Tens of thousands of universes!

Jietong Xianjun, come on, let us play the love song "Nine Heavens Fate" together for the last time, and then we will be blissful amidst the beautiful music of the qin and flute! "

The self-proclaimed Passionate Fairy paused with her ten fingers, looked up at the Jietong Immortal, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, good! But first, let Brother get rid of this evil spirit of death, so as not to pollute our Divine Comedy of Immortal Fate."

Jietong Immortal, at this moment, glanced sideways at the Master of the Palace of Passion who was stepping on the pure white pear blossoms floating towards the sky above the Palace of Passion, and said with a smile.

At the same time, the emerald green god Xiao suddenly shot out a green rainbow in his hand, and shot at the palace lord who was flying towards him.

"This idiot, who doesn't have the aura of duty soul Li Hua'er's body, who dares to pretend to be our disciple, will not be dismissed!"

The moment Fairy Zhiqing spoke, her fingers fluttered, and ten bright rainbows burst out from her fingers and shot towards Palace Master Zhiqing.


I only heard the Mistress of the Executing Palace let out a scream, and then saw her turn into a cloud of black smoke with a bang.


"Lingling... Cong Cong..."

Then, the two celestial beings looked at each other deeply, as if Yuantian God Lord Liu Qianlang, who was hundreds of millions of miles away, did not exist, they played the flute and the piano again intoxicated.



The more the two played, the more they flipped their fingers, the more they devoted themselves, and sometimes they laughed a lot.



A moment later, the two immortals suddenly collapsed one after the other, Xiao Sanqin was also shattered, the sky was full of red clouds, and green rainbows flashed everywhere.

"Haha... Are you satisfied with the encounter with the soul master of the Demon Sword Ancestor, Jie Tong's avatar in the lower realm?"

"The soul master of Peixian, and I hold love, love Qin Lihuaer, flowers fly and fall, tears melt into snow, and finally get married to the immortal door, can the soul master comfort me?"

The two immortals burst into flight, and when the colorful clouds and rainbows floated in the sky above the Palace of Emotion, they both laughed excitedly.

"Well! When your merits and virtues are complete, you have completed your mission by turning your emotions into emotions. Let your souls return to our bodies. In the future, when the waves of the immortal gate revive the star of life, you will be sealed by the heavenly gods. We will wait for you!" Naturally, you will be the immortals of the universe."

"Haha... Thank you Lord Du Mohun, then Xiao Hun from this Realm is waiting for this day in your Soul Realm!

Desire, you can also return to the Soul Realm of the Immortal Master Soul, and soon we will play the Nine Heavens Immortal Destiny Desire Immortal Song again. "

This is the voice of Jietong Zhenxian, said with a smile.

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