Nine Heavens

Chapter 2160 Poison Love Curse


All of a sudden, Yuantian God Lord Liu Qianlang and Sword Zhan Zhou Lord Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, Ling Yao Zhou Lord Cheng Shifeng, and Heavenly Dragon God of War Prince Jiebo saw the two immortals and the passionate Palace Master who went to greet them all. Don't worry, I was dumbfounded for a while.

Especially Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang saw the sudden tragic death of his beloved wife, Yuantian Shenjun's heart throbbed and he cried out in grief.

"Three apprentices! I finally see you again as a teacher, Lang'er, didn't you hear what my sword ancestor's avatar Jietong said just now, she is not a celestial spirit, she is clearly demonized by the evil spirit of death of evil spirits!"

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang was in pain, stepping on the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and shooting like a burst of black smoke, he stretched out his hand to grab it.

However, at this moment, amidst the fluttering pear blossoms and snowflakes in front of him, a tall and mighty man with white hair and snow beard, dangling silver robes and holding a blue magic scroll suddenly appeared.

The person's eyes were full of rainbows, and he looked intently at Yuan Tianshen Lord Liu Qianlang, sword-occupied Zhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo, laughed loudly, and then said.

"Master! Is it really you? Lang'er really saw her mentor again, the Jietong mentor just now..."

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang lost his mind because of his anxiety for a while. Hearing the words of Du Mojian Zu, and looking at the black smoke in his hand, he immediately realized that he was with his beloved wife, Palace Master Zhiqing, who had come here just now. Fake.

Then he looked at the real ancient spirit and immortal master Du Mojian Mountain again, full of sorrow and joy, as if in a dream, and asked with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, the teacher will tell you all of this slowly. Don't talk about it now, just now, the demonic demon of death pretended to be Lang'er's beloved wife and the palace master, and you must be destined for the fairy sect There must also be a large number of Linghe fairy spirits demonized by the death demon god mixed in!

Don't you hurry up and fly down the mountain to kill them, otherwise your Langyuan Xianmen will be in great trouble! "

The sword ancestor of Du Mo, with his eyes swaying, he floated steadily and merged with the shadow of Jietong's soul, reminding Yuantian Shenjun with a positive look.

"Ah! That's right, third brother, what the master said is right, there must be some immortals from the ancient Lingling River demonized by the death demon god in the Yinhong Shenzhou, who came to make trouble.

Could it be that the sisters-in-law and Shuang'er on the Yinhong Shenzhou were all hijacked by them! ? "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw his mentor, and before he had time to thank him for his kindness, he suddenly realized the truth.

"Zhanxuanzi is right, just before you flew to the top of Dumojian Mountain, our avatar sensed the evil spirit of death in the main body of the False Emotion Palace.

Since she came back after following your Yinhong Shenzhou, it is impossible for her to get into the Yinhong Shenzhou by herself. The biggest possibility is that they ambushed the next day and took advantage of the opportunity of the Yinhong Shenzhou to go to the West Heaven Spirit River , hijacking all the immortals on the Yinhong Shenzhou.

Then imprison you who are from the Immortal Gate of Waves, and they will transform into people from the Yinhong Shenzhou and come to your residence, Rainbow Mountain, trying to achieve something. "

At the side of Du Mojian Zu, an exquisite and beautiful fairy appeared at the same time. She was wearing a rainbow god dress and a shining golden phoenix crown on her head. Following the words of Du Mojianzu, she reminded Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang and others.

"Okay! Teacher and Uncle Peixian take care for now, we will go down the mountain immediately to kill the demons, and we will go up the mountain to pay a visit later!"

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang heard the reminder from his teacher Dumojianzu and his uncle Peixian, he was flustered, and quickly saluted, and in the next second, he shot down Dumojian Mountain.

"Zhan Xuanzi bid farewell to his mentor and uncle!"

"Long'er and the third junior brother help each other to kill the evil spirit, and come back immediately to greet the master and uncle!"

The situation was urgent, although Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhan Zhou, Zhanxuan, and Prince Jiebo, the god of war of Tianlong, had something to say when they saw their mentor suddenly, they had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.

"Hey! It's all our fault for our carelessness. We thought of everything, but we didn't expect Lang'er's birth to be a catastrophe!"

Peixian was surrounded by rainbows, holding a rainbow flask with one hand, and sighed as he watched Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang and other figures flying away.

"You don't have to worry about being a part of my younger sister, not only you and I didn't expect this, even the younger sister's main body, Empress Nuwa, probably didn't expect it.

We cultivated three gods and disciples, and we did not hesitate to divide our souls into the lower realms. I transform into Wenyang and connect to the realm, and you transform into obsession and cultivate immortals.

From the ten thousand universes of the earth to the universe of clouds, the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens to the thirty-six realms, all the evil spirits have thought of it, but in the end they have forgotten the starting point.

West Tianling River is the starting point of Lang'er's fairy world. They have descended to the lower realm, but there are still some celestial bodies who have not obtained the lower realm of the seven-color fate soul.

They don't know the suffering of the lower world, and paranoidly think that Lang'er and the others are going to the human world to enjoy happiness and happiness, so hatred and jealousy arise spontaneously, and they must have been poisoned by a clone of the blood demon Zhou Wu, secretly leading to the next day. In the middle, wait for Lang'er and the others to come and cause trouble!

However, fortunately, just now we saw that the heavenly soul and divine power of the three apprentices have all reached the extreme level.

Especially Lang'er, the younger sister's main soul, Empress Nuwa, really didn't miss her. His soul power has actually reached the realm of Yuansoul, which is the limit that our ancient spirits and original immortals have not broken through so far!

So take some time to find them one by one, and then eliminate them, it's not difficult! "

Du Mojian ancestor thought for a while, and then he knew the source of these demons and evil things in the next day, and comforted Pei Xiandao.

"Senior brother, the younger sister's avatar is not worried about Lang'er. Zhan Xuanzi and Long'er can't find and kill them! Peixian is worried that they will cast some kind of magic spell on Lang'er's ten love souls, and finally make Lang'er suffer. unspeakable.

Brother still knows, according to our original plan, when Lang'er's ten beloved wives are promoted to Yuantian Sub-Tiantian Realm, their ten souls should have been united into one!

But this child Lang'er, our dedication and love of giving is deeply rooted in him, and he has guarded the ten wives who are divided into souls to this day. This is obviously not what we originally thought of. I'm afraid this time..."

Empress Nuwa's avatar Peixian, who is also the beloved wife and younger sister of Dumojianzu, looked worried, looking at the direction where Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang and the others disappeared, and said quietly.

"Then it depends on Lang'er's good fortune. We didn't expect this catastrophe, but the blood demon Zhou Wu left behind the poisonous love spell as early as the era of the ancient spirit universe.

The blood demon Zhou Wu is amazing! In the age of the ancient spirit universe, she saw the last move of the ultimate chess game in the battle for the remnant star of life in the universe of life and death.

He has long known our chess commander in this life-and-death chess game, but we didn't know until almost the end that the terrifying chess commander of Death Universe is Ouyang Langlong, son of death!

Based on this alone, we lost to her. Whether we can capture all the remnants of the Star of Life in the end, we are powerless, we can only see Lang'er's luck! "

The Demon Sword Ancestor swung his arm to the sky, and the flying fairy swords in the sky turned into divine light one after another, and flew into the fairy scroll in his hand like a torrential rain.

Demon Sword Ancestor said while moving.

"No! If we don't go to the last step, the outcome is still unknown. Lang'er is absolutely extraordinary. He can protect humanity and love regardless of everything. I think he will create a miracle!"

Although Peixian was very disturbed, he was still full of longing for the final victory of Langyuan Xianmen.

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