Nine Heavens

Chapter 2162 Myriad Magic Art

Rainbow Mountain, inside Yinhong Shenzhou.

Pa'er, the master of the Shenzhou, led the sisters to float into the Shenzhou, looked far and near, and confirmed that there were no other Shenzhou people from the Langyuan Xianmen nearby, and immediately waved his sleeves to seal the space above the Shenzhou.

Then, very eagerly asked the Executing Palace Mistress:

"Three Shrimp Essences, that is on the top of Demon Sword Mountain, but as Yuan Tianshenjun Liu Qianlang said, is the ancestor of Demon Sword really not there?"

"Returning to the words of King Yushen Huatoujing, that's what he said, we originally thought that Dumojianzu and Peixian were there, but when we got to the top of Dumojian Mountain, we took a look.

oh! Good guy, besides the vast sky fire, a tempering pool like a sea is filled with immortal sword tides, that scene is really scary.

By the way, I also saw that in the fire that day, there were countless gods, demons and evil weapons of the dark three universes being refined in the sky fire. At a glance, I knew that they had killed countless dark three universes Demonic!

Oh my God! Fortunately, I didn't see Dumojianzu and his junior sister Peixian, otherwise they would have seen through their identities, and it would be strange if they weren't killed! "

Yuan Tian Shenjun Liu Qianlang's metamorphosis of the passionate palace lord looked around in fear.

"Don't worry about it, it's very safe here, only our fifteen Xihe elves and seven dark soul demons are here.

Didn't Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang say that there is still a divine tablet there? If you think about it carefully, you can see a blue divine scroll on the top of the Dumojian Mountain or in the tempering pool? "

The king of fish-body flower-headed spirits who turned into pa'er, eyes flickering around his head, and fish scales of various colors bursting out evil lights all over his body, looked at the cautious appearance of the three shrimp spirits, and asked.

"Zhanlan Divine Scroll? Oh! Yes! There is really a Azure Scroll at the top of Dumojian Mountain, floating among the skyfire and countless fairy swords!

However, the fish-body flower-headed spirit king, what's the use of that God-breaking scroll? Why does the King Jing care so much about that God-breaking scroll? "

Three Shrimp Essences, knowing that the upper part of the Yinhong Shenzhou was sealed, restored their original body, looked at their lobster-like body, and asked in surprise.

"Cut! You water plants, shrimps and insects know nothing. That's not an ordinary life book, it's the "Wanfa Shenjue" by Dumojianzu

Do you know, if we get the "Wanfa Shenjue" of Dumojianzu, there will be no need to ask those Langyuan stupid immortals to summon the star of life to die.

Because as long as we steal the "Wanfa Shenjue" and give it to Yuantian Blood Demon Zhouwu, everything will be fine. Then there is only one thing left for us, and that is to try our best to intercept and kill the people of Langyuan Xianmen, as many as we can, it is best to kill them all!

The Gorefiend Zhouwu has long handed me Yuantian's decree: first, to kill them by taking advantage of their visit to the Linghe River in the West Heaven, and second, to seize the "Wanfa Shenjue".

However, in case the two are not satisfactory, we must try our best to steal the "Wanfa Shenjue".

Three mouthfuls of shrimp essence! Are you sure about the azure magic scroll mentioned by the Blood Demon Zhou Wu that you saw at the top of Dumojian Mountain? "

The fish-scale flower head spirit king dismissively reprimanded a group of spirit demons who had recovered from the Linghe River in the west, and then asked the three shrimp spirits very seriously.

Hearing this, the three shrimp spirits drew back their beards and pincers, tried to think about it for a while, then jumped a few times, and nodded their heads very seriously.

"Hee hee hee hee! Good! In this case, let's wait patiently for a while, and they all rest at night, and then we will go back to Xitian Linghe to kill those girls from the Langyuan Xianmen, and then go to the top of Dumojian Mountain to steal " Ten Thousand Laws Divine Art!"

Seeing the confident look of the three mouthfuls of shrimps, the fish body Huatou felt confident, shook the fish body and said with a smile.

"This is not good, King of Fish Body and Flower Head! The "Wanfa Shenjue" is weird. It is like a lightning shuttle in the midst of the sky fire on the top of Dumojian Mountain and the surging waves of countless fairy swords. I am worried. If we don't rush to steal it, it might fly away at any time.

From my point of view, those prodigal girls are imprisoned in Xitian Linghe. If we want to kill them, it will not be easy.

But the "Wanfa Shenjue" is an opportunity that cannot be missed. The three shrimps thought that it would be better for the king of the fish-body flower head to lead everyone to steal the "Wanfashenjue". "

When the three shrimp spirits heard that the fish-body flower-headed spirit king planned to go back to the West Tianling River late at night to kill the imprisoned Langyuan Xianmen, they suddenly felt anxious and said hurriedly.

"Yes! Three Shrimp Essences are right!"

"Fish Body Flower Head Essence King, the "Wanfa Shenjue" is important!"


The surrounding Xihe elves shouted in support of the words of the three shrimp essences.

"Hiss! You are right, the blood demon Zhou Wu also emphasized that the "Ten Thousand Laws and Gods" is the most important.

Killing a person is a small matter, the most important thing is to capture the remnants of the star of life! good! Just listen to the three mouthfuls of shrimp, anyway, those women from the Langyuan Xianmen are sealed by us in the Xiling River mist formation, even if they are exhausted, they will not be able to escape.

Hehe... It's ridiculous that the so-called nobles of Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang and those of Langyuan Xianmen are still played around by us, and they don't even know that we have mixed in. Not to mention that their pussies are already imprisoned by us.

Come on, all you spirits and demons, hurry up and change into their appearance, we will adjust our breath and rest in Shenzhou, is it midnight, hee hee hee hee..."

"Hey, hey, haha... giggle..."

These Xihe spirit demons burst into laughter, their figures straightened up abruptly, and they turned into the appearances of the ten beloved wives of Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang and other people from Yuanyuan Xianmen, and began to cross their legs in the Yinhong Shenzhou Meditate and rest up.


All of them have been seen clearly by the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng and Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan who had long been hiding in the sky above the Yinhong Shenzhou.

The spirit monster Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng's blue eyes, bark sparkle, snorted coldly, and was about to rush down, trying to kill these Xihe spirit monsters.

However, she was stopped by Liu Juan, the Qixiang Zhoujun beside her.

"Sister Juan?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, frowned coldly, suspicious of Qixiang Zhou Lord Liu Juan, and asked.

"Sister Feng, don't be impulsive. It's important that we go and save your sisters-in-law. As for them, brother Qianlang, don't use the phantom body of your sister-in-law to lure them to the top of Demon Sword Mountain."

Qixiang Zhou Jun Liujuan looked calm and said softly.

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, pondered for a while, then nodded and said:

"Well, then leave it to Brother Qianlang and the others to pack it up, and let's go to the sisters-in-law!"

After the two reached an unanimous suggestion, they disappeared and floated hand in hand to the time when Yuantian and Xitian were in the second world.

In the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou, Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged, quietly sensing the message from the Zhier Phantom controlled by him in the Yinhong Shenzhou.

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang has closed his eyes slightly for a long time, and now he slowly opened them.

"Third brother, how are you? Do you know the whereabouts of your sister-in-laws and Shuang'er?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen also sat cross-legged, just opposite Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang, but he kept staring at his third brother Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang with five-color eyes.

Seeing Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang open his eyes, he hurriedly asked.

"Understood, Zhi'er's phantom said that they were imprisoned in the fog spirit formation above the Xiling River, and the specific location was exactly the same as the location deduced by the fourth brother.

Don't worry everyone, Feng'erhu and sister Juan have already gone to rescue them. Now we immediately fly to the top of Dumojian Mountain and arrange to kill these Xihe monsters! "

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang explained the situation he sensed to the opposite Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, and the second junior brother Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo beside him.

Then the three of them turned into three rays of divine light without delay, and shot out the golden rainbow Shenzhou.

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