Nine Heavens

Chapter 2163 Confrontation and Waiting

In the middle of the night the next day, the sky was bright with eighty moons, and the silver glow was vast.

Speed ​​to the top of Demon Sword Mountain.

Yuan Tian Shenjun Liu Qianlang, Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, and Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo have already floated and disappeared in the sky above the Ice Palace of Passion.

They created the heavenly fire at the top of Dumojian Mountain and the quenching sword pool they invented, and the azure magic scroll that shuttles non-stop in the sea of ​​fire——"Wanfa Shenjue"

"Third brother, the time has come, why haven't you received the immortal breath from brother Yuanfang, don't they come? Or, why don't we just go down and kill them!"

The three Heavenly Sovereigns swept their gazes and kept paying attention to the edge area of ​​the sky fire at the top of Dumojian Mountain. However, they waited for a long time. Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, a little impatient!

"Hehe, fourth brother, be patient, they are all Xihe elves, they have the wisdom of life and the soul of evil spirits, so they must be very cunning and difficult to deal with.

I think they have come a long time ago, just like us, hiding their evil aura and spying on the situation here in secret. They were afraid of the sudden appearance of their mentor and uncle Peixian, so they dared not make a move. "

Yuantian Shenjun Liu Qianlang used his spiritual sense to explore for a long time, and felt that the eight people on the top of Dumojian Mountain had some abnormal auras, and the soul thoughts were transmitted to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and his second junior brother Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo.

"Well, it makes sense! What Senior Brother Yuan Tianlang said is that they must be afraid of their benefactor and uncle, so they dare not make a move."

Heavenly Dragon God of War Prince Jiebo's white robe, with sparkling light on it, deep dragon eyes, handsome face, slightly frowning empty brows, looked at the white-haired elder brother Yuantian God Liu Qianlang and said smoothly.

"Huh? Second senior brother, what do you call third brother? Lord Yuantianlang, this fairy name is good. After third brother, you might as well change your fairy name to this.

We are disciples of Langyuan Xianmen, and the third brother is the head of Langyuan Xianmen. It would be best to be called Langjun. "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen listened to the words of the Heavenly Dragon God of War Prince Jiebo, the five-colored eyes flashed with excitement, and he digressed and said with a smile.

"Hehe, the name of the fairy is just a title. If you like, you can call it whatever you like. It seems that they are afraid to do it easily. The distance below must have been too late to notice that they have come up. What do you think?"

Lord Yuantianlang smiled slightly, and then sent a voice transmission in his mind to explain to the two juniors.

"Wonderful! That's wonderful. Third brother is here for the time being, just watch it. Brother Tianlong, then who of us will become a mentor?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhentianyuan Tianlangjun's idea, immediately clapped his hands in favor, and asked the Tianlong war god Prince Jiebo with a smile.

Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, didn't answer. He turned around and changed into the appearance of his mentor Du Mojian Zu, and then he smiled and said:

"What do you say?"

"Okay, then I'll be like Uncle Peixian, but don't tell Shuang'er and Xiang'er, or I'll be ashamed."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw that the senior brother Jiebo, the god of war in Tianlong, had become a mentor first, his black and white eyebrows twitched, and he reluctantly reminded the two senior brothers.

"Ha ha……"

Lord Yuantianlang and God of War Tianlong laughed, and then their transformed Dumojianzu and Peixian quietly floated out of the seal circle.

In the northwest corner of the extreme top of Dumojian Mountain, the fish-body flower head essence king and the three shrimp essences have been hidden in a firm invisibility formation for a long time.

Like the three supreme beings of Langyuan, they have been staring at the "Wanfa Shenjue" in the sky above the Zhiqing Ice Palace on the top of Dumojian Mountain.

It stands to reason that with their demon powers, they can instantly capture the "Wanfa Shenju" in the sky tens of thousands of miles away.

However, they stared for a long time, with golden eyes and drooling, but they didn't dare to take it lightly. Just as Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang said, they were afraid, extremely afraid of Du Mojian Zu.

"Let's do it, Fish Body Flower Head Spirit King, believe me, that Du Mojianzu and Peixian Sword Immortal must not be here, otherwise they should have made a movement."

The three shrimp spirits secretly shot a ray of divine light behind the hidden circle, pretending to observe the movement at the top of the Demon Sword Mountain very carefully, and reminded the fish-body flower head spirit king.

"No! No! Look again, we must not have any accidents. You also know that Dumojian Zu and Peixian Jianxian are living immortal gods. They are the primordial gods of the living universe who are afraid of even Zhouwu ah.

If they are here, even if our strength is increased by a hundred thousand times, we will not be able to take away the "Wanfa Shenjue"! Wait a little longer, we must make sure they are not here before we can start. "

The Fish Body Flower Head King Jing looked very excited and nervous, trying to suppress the trembling voice, and said.

"High! Fish-body flower-headed spirit Wang Shun is indeed tall, no wonder Xu Xiao, Zhou Wu's avatar, has taken a fancy to you. With you here, we don't have to worry about great things.

Didn't Zhou Wu say that if we can seize the "Wanfa Shenjue" for her, after the dead Zhou is resurrected, she will definitely make us gods and give us flesh! "

The Sankou Shrimp Essence is now in the appearance of a passionate palace master, and said with eyes full of longing.

"That's right! That's the day we're aiming for. This prodigal girl looks very good, and I'm so happy to be like this."

Mentioning the vision of the future, a smile appeared on the dignified face of the fish-body flower-headed king. Although his eyes never left the "Wanfa Shenjue" in the sky fire on the top of Dumojian Mountain, he nodded in approval .

"Fish Body Flower Head Essence King, look quickly, the southeast corner?"

Suddenly, the Mistress of the Three Shrimp Essences, Pointing to the southeast direction of the top of Dumojian Mountain, shouted.

"Hush! I saw it, keep your voice down, don't let them sense our presence."

Two Tianxi Linghe spirit demons looked intently, and saw Dumojian Zu wearing a huge white robe stepping on the pool, holding Dumoxian sword in his hand to forge divine scrolls, and Peixian, surrounded by rainbows, both appeared up.

"Brother, we finally waited until Langyuan Xianmen ascended to Yuantian next day. This time, we went to the top of Yuantian Rainbow Mountain, met the main body, Nuwa Empress, and told everything. Our merits and virtues have been completed!"

Wearing a bright red fairy dress, Peixian stepped on the Xiahai Sea, and held a tall long-necked rainbow jade bottle in his hand, and said clearly in a crisp voice.

"Well, let's go back quickly. The Heavenly Array Sword Tide has been weakened by Zhou Hao recently. We need to strengthen it immediately after we come back. The "Wanfa Shenjue" jointly sealed by Tianzhen Sword Dynasty is dangerous, and we must not leave under any circumstances."

"Senior brother, you are worrying too much, now in the next heaven, there will be no dark demon forces besides the people of Langyuan Xianmen and us, so don't worry.

Besides, we can only come and go in the time of a stick of incense, so what a coincidence, something happened to the "Wanfa Shenjue". Besides, apart from us and the Blood Demon Zhouwu who know the secret of the "Wanfa Shenjue", who knows its purpose, and it would be futile to steal it. "

"Hehe, you are right, let's go quickly, go back early!"

Dumojianzu and Peixian, the two living gods of the universe, behaved gracefully and gracefully, but they had already flown into the sky and disappeared while talking and joking.

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