Nine Heavens

Chapter 2164 Killing Demons in Sword Mountain

Lord Yuantianlang's white hair fluttered around, seeing the two juniors pretending to be their mentor Du Mojianzu and his uncle Peixian away, he secretly laughed in his heart.

At the same time, he quietly waited for the reaction from the Fish Body Flower Head King Jing. At this moment, a ray of divine light suddenly shot into his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Let's do it! The poisonous monsters on the shore destroy the Tianchao Sword Formation, the flowing plants on the river destroy the Tianhuo, and all the flashing scales in the river strive to win the "Wanfa Shenjue"!"

After confirming the transformation of Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen and Heavenly Dragon God of War Prince Jiebo, Du Mo Jian Zu and Pei Xian went away, the Fish Body Flower Head Jing King gave a loud shout!


"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The fourteen elves and seven dark three universe demons around Dumojian Mountain suddenly heard Jingtou's order, and after a moment, they responded almost at the same time. The rainbow divides into three strands and shoots towards the sky above the Zhiqing Ice Palace on the top of Dumojian Mountain.

"Huh? Sankou Shrimp Essence, why don't you go and win the "Wanfa Shenjue"!"

After the king of the fish-body flower-headed spirit gave the order, he found that the three shrimp spirits beside him hadn't moved at all, so he couldn't help asking in surprise.

"King Jing! In the eyes of my Sankou Xiajing, although the "Wanfa Shenjue" is important, it is not as important as Jingwang's safety! The Sankou Xiajing must protect Jingwang at all times and protect Jingwang's safety!"

Hearing the words, the three shrimp spirits looked serious, impassioned, and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"Three mouthfuls of shrimp essence!"

The fish-body flower head spirit king was obviously moved by the sincerity of the three shrimp essences. He patted the three shrimp essences' shoulders with both hands, and was so moved that he almost shed tears. Ten Thousand Laws and Divine Art" also pounced.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Fish-body flower-head spirit, all the spirits of the Linghe River in the West, do you still recognize me, Yuanlinglanghuaer?"

Just as the fifteen elves of the Linghe River in West Heaven and the seven evil spirits from the Dark Three Universes broke through the sword wave over the top of Dumojian Mountain, restored the sky fire, and seized the "Wanfa Shenjue", Lord Yuantianlang suddenly appeared and laughed loudly .

"Huh? Why are you here? Aren't you in the Rainbow Mountain Golden Rainbow Shenzhou?"

Just when the fish body and flower head Jing Wang was about to fly into the Tianchao sword array, he suddenly saw the white hair flying wildly and the Tianjin silkworm robe dangling Lord Yuantianlang, he was startled and shouted.

"'s not just Yuantianlang-jun, you see we're here too, haha..."

In the astonishment of the Fish Body Flower Head Jing Wang, two figures suddenly appeared on the north and south edges of the top of Dumojian Mountain. The fish-body flower-headed spirit king looked intently, and it turned out to be Dumojianzu and Peixian who had left.

"And this Sirius Zhou!"

Afterwards, a pitch-black wolf castle roared up from the west side of the top of Dumojian Mountain.

Standing majestically on top of Wolf Fort is Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang. I saw Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang with black hair flying a rainbow, pulling away the blue golden arrows of killing evil with both hands, and all ten golden arrows were on the strings.


On the walls of Wolf Castle, Wolf King Mancang led countless strong 30,000 wild wolves, and roared at the twenty-two spirit demons and dark monsters high in the sky.

"Hmph! These lifeless bastards dare to pretend to be us, and we are here too!"

Unlucky for these Xihe spirit demons and dark monsters, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan and spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng went to rescue the real Yuan Tianlangjun, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi, Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuan, all the immortals Mrs. Jun is back now.

Hulala a large group rushed up from the southeast direction of Dumojian Jianshan.

"It turns out, you, you are fake, you have already seen our tricks?"

Seeing people from Langyuan Xianmen pounce on the top of Dumojian Mountain in all directions, the fish-body flower-headed spirit didn't realize that she had been fooled until now, with strange eyes rolling around her head and evil smoke rising, scanning Dumojianzu and Peixian, who were in the north and south of Dumojian Mountain, howled with mournful faces.

"Fish body flower head spirit, you have transformed into the wives of many high immortals from our Langyuan Xianmen. You have been hiding in this Tiantian Realm for hundreds of millions of years. You just want to mutilate them and take the opportunity to steal the secrets of our Langyuan Xianmen." The four stars of life died.

But don't you know, the real Sifang Tianling River of the next day has long since broken into the lower realm and scattered throughout the universe.

Today's Xitian Linghe is the original Tianlang Lord's illusion to remember the old days of Langyuan's ladies and gentlemen. It is ridiculous that you take advantage of every opportunity to imprison our Xianjun's wife and some young immortals who are going to play in front of Langyuan's fairy gate!

Now that you have been surrounded by our Langyuan Xianmen, if you still have a sliver of immortality, the love of the same origin of the West Tianling River will not be lost! Mr. Benyuan Tianlang can consider letting you live! "

"Bah! You Langyuan Xianmen don't know how to live and die, and you are talking nonsense here, admonishing us! I see, it's not us who are ridiculous, but you Langyuan Xianmen!

If you are wandering immortals who are full of humanity and demeaning the heavens, you will return from your way, immediately donate the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain, the Heavenly Demon Fall, the Soul Controlling Vine, the Star Sword and this "Myriad Laws and Gods", and then escort the king of spirits Enter Yuantian Dameng Mountain and offer gifts to the Blood Demon Origin Blood Demon Zhou Wu.

Maybe there is a good word from the king of this essence for you, and the Blood Demon Cosmic Witch will consider letting you human beings go against the heavens, so that you can save your life and become the slaves of the dead New Cosmos! "

The fish-body flower-headed spirit king is worthy of being a chaotic elf and demon, facing the impenetrable siege around Dumojian Mountain, he can still calmly speak as usual, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hehe, do you really think so? Langyuan Xianmen has always adhered to the Dao of Good Fate, and the immortals who can live a righteous life and have been demonized will never be killed.

However, if you are stubborn and determined to be the puppet slaves of the Blood Demon Zhou Wu, we will never show mercy! "

Lord Yuantianlang looked calm, ignoring the rebelliousness of the fish-body flower-headed spirit king, and still smiled.

"Hmph! Three mouthfuls of shrimp catch the "Wanfa Shenjue", and I will protect you with all my strength to rush out of Dumojian Mountain, ascend to Yuantian Dameng Mountain, and then hand it over to the blood demon Zhou Wu!

Don't worry about us, no matter whether we live or die, when the Blood Demon Zhou Wu revives and the star of life dies, we can all be resurrected by the demon! "

The fish body flower head spirit king sneered, shot into the Tianchao sword formation suddenly, and dashed wildly through the vastness of the sky fire. Like lightning, he seized the so-called "Wanfa Shenjue" in his hand, and then threw it to the unbelievers with all his strength. Suspicious three shrimp spirits are in love with the palace lord.

"Ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, the Master of the Passionate Palace who received the "Wanfa Shenjue" let out a clear and bright smile, and then suddenly turned into a phantom of the white-haired Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang.

This phantom of Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang fluttered leisurely, holding the magic scroll of "Wanfa Shenjue" in his hand, flew to the side of Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang God, and entered Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang's body in a flash. in the body.


"Three Shrimp Essence, you, when did you become his phantom body!"

Seeing the essence of the three shrimps transformed into the incorporeal body of Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang, he was so angry that he howled like a wolf.

"Ha ha……"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, these Xihe fairies didn't have to be arrogant for too long, and they were wiped out by the Langyuan Supremes who were present talking and laughing.

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