Nine Heavens

Chapter 2165 Demon Taunt

"The humanity of Langyuan Xianmen is against the sky and cheap immortals, don't be complacent, you think that you have won by killing us!

wrong! wrong! Wrong! You inferior human beings are so ridiculously wrong, how can you become the master of the Great Dream Universe?

The blood demon Zhou Wu said that in the battle of the universe of life and death, there will never be a winner of the human race, and only the dead devil is the eternal future of the universe.

The light is just a sudden spark in the universe, and after the light there is still endless darkness...

By the way, Mr. Yuantianlang, I forgot to tell you that the Blood Demon Zhou Wu had already guessed that you would create the Immortal Breath Sealing Technique to protect your ten spiritual wives.

So she also created the Soul Stripping Curse, and ordered us to implant their soul gates when we imprisoned them. Not only has it destroyed the immortal breath sealing technique guarded by their soul gate, but it is also devouring their souls.

Soon, your ten fairy wives, except for Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, will all turn into rainbows of spirit flowers and scatter in front of you.

As for Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, do you know who they are? They are all avatars of the Heavenly Witch of the Coconut Kingdom, the avatar left by the Gorefiend Zhou Wu in the ancient Coconut Kingdom, the most humane and chaotic universe of Empress Nuwa!

You are so naive, how could the human dimension avatars of the Blood Demon Cosmic Witch really let you be at your mercy? The reason why they appeared by your side was all arranged by the Blood Demon Cosmic Witch.

But you, who are extremely stupid, even regard them as beloved wives and companions. You say we are ridiculous, or you are ridiculous, hee hee...haha...hehe..."

When the soul body of the fish body flower head spirit king died, his evil and insidious laughter wafted in the sky fire on the top of Dumojian Mountain.


"Stop talking nonsense, bastard!"

Sword Immortal Zhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen heard the yin words floating in the air after the fish-body flower-head spirit was shattered, and suddenly became furious. He swung the star sword and slashed wildly, and then the fish-body flower-head spirit king and all the Xilinghe monsters , and the seven dark monsters were silent again.

"Third brother, that evil thing must be provoking us to provoke us, don't listen to him. The third brother knows better than anyone the nature of the ten sisters-in-law!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw the third elder brother Yuantianlang's expression changed drastically, and hurriedly reminded him.

Yuantian Langjun's face was pale, he raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly, and suddenly his soul moved, and instantly included ten beloved wives into the black jade skull, and then looked around at the Langyuan immortals around the top of Dumojian Mountain, and said in a deep voice:

"Back to the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou!"

At the end of the sentence, Lord Yuantianlang took the lead and flew away on the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanjian.

"Hey! This should be what to do. If I had known this before, the third brother really shouldn't have transformed into the West Heaven Ling River and let all the sisters-in-law, He Shuang'er and the others go to play!"

Seeing the third elder brother Yuan Tianlang leave sadly, Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, lost his position, looked at his unmoving fellow disciple, and lamented.

"It seems that Qianlang will not be able to end Nine Flowers' Love Tribulation in the end! The matter has come to this point, Brother Zhen doesn't need to be too pessimistic, I believe Qianlang will handle it well.

Red Immortal, Three-Color Fire Baby, Linger, Xiaomei, Liner, Little Demon Turtle, do you still remember the time when you were imprisoned in Xiling River? "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan is also pale, secretly suffering for her younger brother, but she knows better that this moment is the critical period before entering the realm of Yuantian, and no matter what happens to me, it is better to be calm .

"Red Immortal reported to Lord Qixiang Zhou that we didn't know we had fallen into their mist formation until we were rescued by you and the spirit monster Zhou Lord.

We have been playing there all the time before, and the Xitian Linghe transformed by the head of Yuantian is really perfect, when everything is as we left it.

We met all the companions of Xitian Linghe, greeted each other with emotion, and told each other the experience of parting from each other, and I also met my parents, Tianling Hezu and two crane mothers.

However, now that Hongxian knows, all of that was carefully conjured up by Master Yuantianlang in order to make up for our regrets. "

Hongxian was overwhelmed by the scene just now, asked in a daze, and replied with some sarcasm.

"Could it be that you didn't notice anything unusual at all, and then you were imprisoned, and those Xilinghe demons who were demonized by the blood demon Zhou Wu's avatar, Xu Xiao, changed into your appearance and came to Rainbow Mountain? "

The spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng heard what Hongxian said, with long blue hair fluttering, blue eyes flashing rainbows, and asked Hongxian and other young immortals in disbelief.

"No, it's just that we didn't think too much about it at the time. I clearly remember that when we rushed into the Linghe River in Xitian happily, there was suddenly a mist in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of millions of lights, and at the same time there were bursts of laughter from outside the mist. .

At that time, we all thought that the voice came from the Rainbow Mountain, but now that we think about it, it should be the voice of the fifteen spirit demons of Xilinghe and the seven evil spirits of the dark three universes taunting us. "

Xiaomei was wearing a golden fairy dress, with bright red fairy scales on the fairy dress, shimmering and shimmering, her eyes flickered a few times, she tilted her head and recalled.

"Everyone, don't be too pessimistic. It doesn't matter if Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch are the dimensional avatars of the blood demon Zhou Wu. Aren't the four beloved wives of Sirius Zhou Lord also demon foxes, and now they have all transformed into righteous immortals.

In my opinion, it's good for everyone to go back and be busy with the affairs of the fairy gate. I believe Qianlang will take care of everything. The ten siblings will be fine too. "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang stood on top of the dark wolf castle, and said calmly.

"Yes, Lord Sirius Zhou is right! We all know how much Dongluo's sister-in-law loves senior brother Yuantian deeply. And senior brother Yuantian is no different.

How could he have the heart to lose them, besides, even if the two sisters-in-law Shui'er and Yan'er were the dimensional avatars of the Blood Demon Zhou Wu, it's not like they have a chance to be completely upright and become pure immortals!

Brother Yuantian didn't kill the two sister-in-laws suddenly just now, but included them and other sister-in-laws in the Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountain, which explains everything.

As Lord Sirius Zhou said, let's wait patiently for the final result of senior brother Yuantian. We still have a lot of urgent and important things to do. If we do everything well, it is tantamount to helping senior brother Yuantian! "

Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, was surrounded by silver splendor, his eyes flashed, and he continued.

"In this case, everyone immediately go back to the Nine Great Shenzhous of Rainbow Mountain. Don't disturb Qianlang for now, let's study three things.

First, find a way to get in touch with Empress Nuwa; second, always pay attention to the information of Yuantian Damengshan sent back by Qianlang Ninety-nine Eighty-one; Whether there are other evil hidden forces the next day. "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan summed up the opinions of everyone and said simply.

"Okay! Let's listen to Mr. Qixiang Zhou!"

"Hula la..."

First there was a sound of waves breaking through the sky, and then the fairy shadows fluttered, like a group of heavenly birds and gods on the top of Dumojian Mountain, flying towards the Rainbow Mountain opposite Dumojian Mountain.

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