Nine Heavens

Chapter 217 The Fall of the Coconut Country

According to the records in the book, the ancient Coconut Kingdom is indeed as Shui'er said, the founder of the country was a descendant of the Shui tribe, and the book also mentions the legend of the ancient Coconut Kingdom's fairy tale. However, at the beginning of the founding of the ancient coconut country, there was not only the ancient coconut country. At that time, there were as many as tens of thousands of countries, large and small, entrenched in Longyun Mountain. Kingdom of Heaven".

These big countries kept enslaving the surrounding small countries, and after occupying them, they frantically expanded their power.

These countries fought against each other for more than 10,000 years, which was known as the "Rebellion of Ten Thousand Kingdoms" in history. In the end, the ancient Coconut Kingdom became stronger and stronger, and successively wiped out other countries, and unified the world of Longyun. At first the name of the country was "Aluo Water Country" and then it was renamed "Wizun Sheng Country". Later, there were records of changing the country name several times, and finally it was named "Coconut Country". Senior Wu Zun, the name of the country has not been changed since then until the country perished.

There are two legends about the demise of the ancient coconut country. One is that the ancient Coconut Kingdom is a country inherited by warriors. Although Wu Zun is there to help the country, it enjoys tens of thousands of years of succession. But the worry-free family of the ancient Coconut Kingdom royal family, who admired martial arts, was gradually despised by a strength that surpassed martial arts. This strength was the increasingly powerful Xiuxian family in the late ancient Coconut Kingdom.

These cultivators, relying on their physical abilities, can kill hundreds of martial arts fighters with just a few gestures.

In the beginning, Wu Zun was able to deal with it, but then a Xiuxian family of the Long family appeared, and its strength became stronger and stronger. It even instigated some vassal countries in the ancient coconut country to provoke rebellion, and at the same time sent an evil cultivator to infiltrate the ancient coconut kingdom. On the surface, he assisted Wu Zun to help the royal family of the Coconut Kingdom revitalize the world, but secretly provoked the relationship between Wu Zun and the royal family, so that Wu Zun was left out in the cold, causing the royal family to lose their biggest backer.

But this evil cultivator was repeatedly promoted and reused by the royal family, and finally replaced Wu Zun as the ghost and witch sage, as expensive as the royal family.

Without the assistance of the shaman, the ancient coconut country is declining day by day, and the family of the surname Long and the national teacher ghost Wu cooperate with each other, which eventually leads to the demise of the ancient coconut country. When the ancient Coconut Kingdom finally perished, the royal family finally saw the face of ghosts and witches and recalled the witches. Later it was renamed "Qingliu Kingdom".

Then there was a continuous massacre for more than ten years. Thousands of Shui tribe corpses were thrown into the Zhuo River in the southwest of Qingliu Kingdom, which is today's Zombie River. All the Shui tribe people were almost extinct. Even the ghost witch who made great achievements was not happy for a few days, and was kicked out of the palace gate by the Long family. And the Yelu family, the Xiuxian family that belongs to the same line as the Feng clan, has close contacts, is favored by all kinds, and is respected as a family of national teachers. The national teachers of all generations are all capable members of the Yelu family.

From then on, the Long family and the Yelu family united to support Qing Liu Kingdom until today.

However, there is another theory about the demise of the ancient coconut country. After 20,000 years of hard work, the ancient Coconut Country is in the trend of rejuvenation, the world is peaceful, and the people are happy and healthy.

At this time, a handsome young man came from a foreign country. It is said that he came from some fairyland in the legend. His name was Liu Xingdu. In addition to being outstanding in Taoism, this young man also looks surprisingly stern, with a heroic aura in his brows, and all the women fell in love with him when they saw him.

One day, the new crown prince married the new concubine Yiling and entered the palace. When she entered the city gate, the new concubine caught a glimpse of an extremely handsome face, and she never forgot it ever since. And Liu Xingdu, at the moment when the new imperial concubine glanced at him, his own gaze happened to be cast there, and suddenly saw the alluring beauty of the new imperial concubine, he couldn't help himself, his eyes met, and his whole body was covered for a while. It's just that at this glance, each other has long been in love with each other.

One day, the two secretly meet in the moonlit palace. Later, it was discovered. In the end, Yiling Wuyan faced countless members of the Shui tribe and crashed to death on a high cliff. Before his death, he wrote four terrifying characters on the cliff with blood: Eachother Mountain. This is to tell the world that the love for Liu Xingdu has been sworn to each other forever, and he will never regret it until he dies! And when he crashed to death, he swore miserably that he would divide his soul into yin and yang, practice adulthood again, open the gods, and rescue Liu Xingdu.

As for Liu Xingdu, he was buried alive in a magical tomb since then, and because of his torture and longing for Yiling, he finally became a big devil. It is said that in that tomb, the masters of the fairy world were invited to set up a magic circle, and no one could open it. As long as they entered, they would never see the light forever. As for where the tomb is, none of the people in the ancient Coconut Kingdom knows, only that the tomb is called the Emerald Mausoleum. It is guarded by five mysterious cultivating families for generations. Because that Liu Xingdu is an immortal cultivator of one of them.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang sighed in his heart. He never thought that the ancient Coconut Country and the Emerald Mausoleum in his hometown had such a connection.

Liu Qianlang was even more surprised when he saw the next paragraph. According to legend, at that time, Liu Xingdu broke into the mortal world as a cultivator, mainly because of the demon world, demon spirits, and ghosts. Countless ominous things from the caves of thousands of evil spirits have re-entered the human world, and the mortal world is facing an unprecedented threat of death.

As a result, powerful disciples from various sects and factions in the fairy world sneaked into the mortal world, and joined forces to destroy those demons and monsters to ensure peace in the world. After more than 10,000 years of fighting between immortals and demons, the Immortal School finally won, and most of them returned to the Immortal Realm to continue their cultivation. Only a few disciples stayed in the Mortal Realm and continued to hunt down the remaining individual monsters. It was at this time that Liu Xingdu came of the ancient coconut country.

After the Xianpai slaughtered most of the monsters and demon spirits, they drove the remaining powerful and unkillable demons to the dark place of eight directions: east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. Then, they sealed these monsters with a powerful formation in the fairy world, so as not to break into the world again and cause chaos.

Seeing this, I felt a burst of curiosity, and became very interested in the Eight Directions Immortal Formation, but unfortunately, due to the limited ability of the historians of the ancient Coconut Kingdom, I couldn't finish the book.

However, the records about the Emerald Mausoleum are quite detailed. It is rumored that when Liu Xingdu met the new imperial concubine Yiling in the mortal world, he fell into love and gradually fell into the way of the devil because of his mortal heart. Therefore, it was sealed in the Emerald Mausoleum, and the sealed immortal artifacts were nine emerald jade swords, collectively known as the Nine Swords of Xinghua, forming a powerful immortal sword array. And there are disciples with excellent qualifications from the Xiuxian family of the five surnames waiting day and night at all times.

Reminiscent of the great power of his soul-calling sword, Liu Qianlang guessed that maybe the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation in the Emerald Mausoleum was one of the Octagonal Immortal Formation mentioned in the book. However, it's not very sure, after all, Liu Xingdu was originally an immortal cultivator, and those sealed by the ten-direction immortal formation were all primitive monsters.

The content behind "Ye Guo Zhi" is the great achievements of the emperors and the biographies of important ministers. Liu Qianlang was not very interested, so he didn't read any more.

Throwing "Coconut Kingdom" aside, and then quickly entered another area of ​​the realm of mind, I saw countless dark scrolls of foreign land shuttled between layers of dark clouds, only three of which looked like mortal realm scrolls.

Liu Qianlang waved his hand and inhaled a pitch-black divine scroll, and tried his best to break the seal, but words like sparks danced everywhere on the pages of the book, and he couldn't understand anything. Then I opened a few more books, all of which were the same. In the end, his eyes could only fall on the three books in the mortal realm, and he read them one by one after opening them.

I can't help but secretly admire Wu Zun's intelligence and wisdom. These three books are the translations of the foreign god scrolls translated by Wu Zun in aquarium characters. What excited Liu Qianlang was that one of the books called "Exploring the Mysterious Realm" mentioned the Eight Directions Immortal Formation.

According to prehistoric legends, the sky has its seals, the earth has its gates, and there are several cracks in each of the heavens and the earth. There are seven cracks in the sky, which have always been sealed by the celestial artifacts. Only when the celestial immortals change the celestial artifacts, the spiritual power of the heavenly cracks will become weaker for a while.

This moment is generally at noon on a full moon night or at noon during the day, in short, it is a time for the human world to rest. If there are people in the mortal world who are cultivating immortals against the sky, the only chance to ascend to nirvana is the sky crack once every ten thousand years. The Seven Cracks are located in a mysterious area of ​​the celestial world, and they change throughout the year. No one in the mortal world can pinpoint its location. Moreover, there are thirty-three layers of heaven, and each layer has seven cracks in the sky, and the spiritual power of each layer is stronger than that of the first layer.

The seven cracks in the first heaven are firmly locked by Feng Tiansuo, and each crack is protected by a god and deterred by an immortal artifact. Xingjun, Tianji Xingjun, Tianquan Xingjun, Yuheng Xingjun, Kaiyang Xingjun and Yaoguang Xingjun. Each mana is boundless, ruthless.

There are five hidden cracks on the earth, which are firmly suppressed by the gate tower. At the same time, each crack is also sealed by five powerful fairy artifacts, and is guarded by the avatars of the five planets of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

However, because the aura of the human world is not as abundant as that of the heavenly world, and because of the invasion of countless filthy things in the dark and dark underground, the five ground fissures form eight weak areas in all directions. Once the underground monsters break through the gap, countless Monsters from the Demon Realm will flee to the world to do evil.

Each of the five fissures is guarded by the gods and generals of the heavens. Even if the monsters in the ground are replaced, there is no chance to escape to the human world. Because each god will contain the supreme white light aura, once the monster touches it, it will instantly disappear into nothingness, which is something no monster can bear, so you can rest assured that the five ground cracks.

On the contrary, those eight weak areas caused great headaches for the cultivators of the Mortal Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm. This place is not the responsibility of the Celestial Realm, and naturally there is no guard of the gods of the Celestial Realm. So every tens of thousands of years or so, the seal must be re-strengthened. When the power of the fairy world is weak, these monsters will take the opportunity to jump into the human world to do evil.

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