Nine Heavens

Chapter 218 Octagon Immortal Formation

The Octagon Immortal Arrays in these eight regions each have a core artifact with very powerful spiritual power, which are the Immortal Realm Mountains and Rivers Map in the East, the Astrology Ruler in the West, the Golden Fire Lotus in the South, the Black Steel Bell in the North, and the The Bishuiqin, the Yaotian Mirror in the northeast, the Soul-Blocking Umbrella in the southwest and the Jiuyang Banner in the northwest.

Each fairy formation is guarded by a mysterious sect, and each fairy formation corresponds to a magical astrology in Tianyu: if the astrology does not appear, everything in the world will be safe, but otherwise, disasters will follow one after another. These ominous astrological phenomena are called "eight celestial omens" by the fairy world.

It is rumored that the "Bad Omen of the Eight Vaults" will appear once every 30,000 years when the Eight Directions Immortal Array is weak. And the reason for the weak spiritual power of each fairy formation is related to the continuous impact of the monsters, ghosts and ghosts sealed in the fairy formation.

Moreover, some of those monsters and ghosts are miserable people who often cast vicious spells. Once someone in the mortal world accidentally breaks the spell, the spiritual power of the fairy formation will be weakened by the devouring and destroying monsters.

Around the map of mountains and rivers in the Eastern Immortal Realm as the core artifact, there are also 8, 8, 64 directions, each with an unprecedentedly powerful Luoxian brush, which together with the map of mountains and rivers in the fairy world form the "Mountain, River and Luoxian Formation". The strange and ominous celestial phenomenon corresponding to this formation is "the seven outs of the red moon".

The so-called "seven red moons" is actually seven red moons appearing in the night sky at the same time.

The Western Kowloon Fireworks Jade Seal and 361 universe chess pieces in 361 directions together form the "Nine Dragons Fireworks Universe Formation", and the corresponding magical celestial phenomenon is "Immortal Changhong".

Everyone knows that after a heavy rain, a beautiful rainbow sometimes appears in the sky, but it disappears soon.

But once this "Immortal Changhong" appears, the rainbow in the area where it is located will always hang in the sky, and the beautiful rainbow light will bring people one disaster after another.

The golden fire lotus in the south and the seven refining lamps in seven directions form the "Golden Fire Lamp Array", also known as the "Earth Fire Long Dragon Array".

The celestial phenomenon corresponding to this formation is "Fire Cloud Sky". As soon as the celestial phenomenon came out, the clouds all over the sky turned into balls of flames, burning all over the sky.

The Northern Xuangang Bell and the Xinghua Nine Swords form the "Xuangang Xinghua Nine Swords Formation", which corresponds to the "Four Stars Gathering", that is, four strange demon stars, black, white, blue and green, gather around Tiangang Star.

The Bishuiqin in the southeast and ninety-nine sacred trees in strange areas form the "Clear Water Shenmu Array", and the corresponding strange celestial phenomenon is the "catastrophic star rain".

In fact, it is the meteor shower we often say, but the meteor shower seems to be full of romance and mystery, but this disaster star shower is a kind of disaster.

Although it looks equally beautiful, under the starry sky, there are beautiful falling arcs of meteors everywhere.

But no matter where the meteor falls, it will be a sea of ​​flames, and all creatures will be instantly reduced to nothingness, and no one will be spared.

And this kind of horrible thing is constantly happening.

The Yaotianjian in the northeast and the three nine-day galaxy jades jointly created the "Yaotian Galaxy Formation", and the corresponding auspicious celestial phenomenon is "no day and night".

As soon as this celestial phenomenon comes out, people in the area will face the endless night all the time.

The soul-blocking umbrella in the southwest and thirty-six ice needles together form the "soul-blocking ice array", and the strange celestial phenomenon it faces is the "Xuanyang wheel".

The celestial phenomenon of "Xuanyang Wheel" means that there is a large black circle around the sun, and the cold and dark smoke that shoots towards the earth all day long in the black circle contains countless strange and extremely poisonous substances. It makes all creatures living here complain endlessly.

And the Jiuyang Banner in the northwest and ten prehistoric beasts form the "Nine Suns Divine Beast Formation".

The corresponding disaster astrology is "Feixuanfeng". When this celestial phenomenon appears, countless mountain peaks on the earth, no matter how big or small, will suddenly be uprooted without warning, rising into the sky, and then mixed into layers of clouds and mist, floating in the sky together, and even carrying some of them that are too late to escape. creatures.

"Nine Suns Divine Beast Formation" also discusses in detail the attributes and abilities of the ten prehistoric divine beasts.

These ten prehistoric beasts are Huang Yan, Liang Yu, Chi Li, Hua Dun, Ba Jia, Li An, Ya Liao, Ang Ji, Kai Su and Kong Rong.

Huangyan looks similar to a unicorn, with red body, lion head and horse face, crocodile mouth and fangs, fire attribute, violent temper, and can spit hot flames. He is the eldest son of the god of the wild, the god of fire.

Liangyu, with the body of an ox and the head of a tiger, has two wings and is metallic. He is good at emitting powerful light. When flying, he can bring bright light to the world. He is worshiped by the world and is revered as the God of Light. He is the second son of the god of the wild, the god of light in the world.

Chili, a five-clawed dragon, water attribute, arrogant and perverse, capable of causing great floods, has mixed praise and criticism in the eyes of the world. He is the third son of the god of the wild, and is called the god of water by the mortal world.

Hua Dun, the ice-winged snake, has the wind attribute and is good at creating hurricanes. Indifferent and ruthless temperament, quick action, the world called Fengshen. He is the fourth son of the Great Desolate God.

Overlord Armor, crocodile body and dragon head, metal, can make thunderbolts, extremely irritable, moody, and is revered as the god of thunder by the world. He is the fifth son of the Primordial God.

Lie An, with a fish body and female head, wood attribute, good at making all kinds of lightning, splitting the sky and splitting the earth, has a cold and arrogant personality.

She is the sixth son of the Primordial God and the only female, known as the Mother of Lightning in the world.

Ya Liao, turtle body, fire wings, two songs, one front and one back, look forward to the future, look back to the past, ice attribute, stubborn personality, meticulous, good at spraying ice, time respected as the god of time, is the first god of prehistoric gods Seven sons.

Angji, the head of a wood god eagle, has countless feet and feet, which change indefinitely. Wood attribute, high-pitched personality, easily excited, good at coloring all things in the world, revered as the god of agriculture and mulberry, and the ninth son of the god of prehistoric times.

Open breath, like a turtle head, with two horns on the head, wings, complete five elements, peaceful and generous personality, good at insight into the good and evil of the world, and the World Honored One is the god of space. He is the tenth son of the Primordial God.

In addition, the book has detailed notes on the core artifacts and auxiliary artifacts in the Octagon Immortal Formation, and even includes these magical picture styles and magical sources.

However, Liu Qianlang didn't look too carefully at these, but sighed at the subtlety of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation from time to time.

Each artifact is itself a fairy formation, and then combined together, it forms a more powerful fairy formation. In other words, the Octagon Immortal Formation is divided into four levels. The first level is that each artifact independently forms a fairy array.

The second level is that the auxiliary artifacts are connected with each other to form a fairy array. The third level is that the core artifacts and auxiliary artifacts together form a powerful fairy array.

In the fourth level, the Eight Directions Immortal Formation echoes each other, forming an extremely powerful Eight Direction Immortal Formation.

There are four levels, and the mana of each level increases, so that the mana of the last level is impeccable.

Liu Qianlang withdrew his thoughts slightly, and began to think with his eyes closed. According to the explanation and picture description above, some of the core artifacts mentioned in Wu Zun’s translation seem to have been seen before, but I’m not sure yet.

For example, the map of mountains and rivers in the fairy world seems to be similar to the map of mountains and rivers of the four sages of Yunque, the Bishuiqin is almost exactly the same as Yuexian's, and the astrological ruler is like Song Zhen's.

If there is no second or more three artifacts in this world, Liu Qianlang can almost believe that these three core artifacts should be in the hands of the three.

However, things in the world are ever-changing and unpredictable, and my own cultivation base is so shallow that it is possible to see things incorrectly.

But when Yaotianjian and Xuangang Zhong appeared in his mind, he felt a burst of excitement, because Yaotianjian was right now within his Black Jade Skull of the Profound Realm.

According to the description in the book, the sound of the black steel bell was the bell of the elders' home in Qingshi Villa, which I heard since I was a child. Every time the bell rang melodiously, the nine tombstones of the Emerald Mausoleum groaned softly. The brilliance of the body is flowing, people are just curious.

Of course, I didn't know why at the time, but now I know it. The Xuangang Bell is the miraculous bell of the Elder's House. I and Song Zhen have seen it before, and it is covered with strange characters and patterns.

As for the Golden Fire Lotus, the Soul Covering Umbrella and Jiuyang Banner really don't have much impression.

It is recorded in the book that the eight core artifacts are located in eight extremely strange eight mysterious realms, distributed in strange areas in all directions, and it is difficult for ordinary people to know except for the high-level people in the fairy world.

The eight profound realms are Lingling Lotus, Linglong Pagoda, Cuizhizhi, Piaolinghua, Zhuanyun Boots, Lianxiang Ancient Papa, Luohe Book and Dazzling Core, which correspond to the Xuangang Bell, Jiuyang Banner, and Bishuiqin respectively. , Yaotianjian, astrology ruler, golden fire lotus, fairy world fairy river map and soul cover umbrella.

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