Nine Heavens

Chapter 2170

"Lord god Zhou Wu, you are too confident. What a god of righteousness and righteousness is Liu Qianlang, Lord Yuantianlang. We couldn't completely destroy him this time, even if he destroyed his immortal soul and Jiutian Juemai, How could he not be vigilant and protect all the people of Langyuan Xianmen."

The Flame Poison Witch is still characterized by the bright red sky fire of the Sky Witch Protoss, plus the effect of the spiritual breath of the ancient spirit sub-Tianling River deep in the Soul Gate, it is somewhat different from the Dark Universe Witch, the body of his main soul. Resisted, said coldly.

"Huh? You asked if the two spirit-attached avatars were poisoned by the poison of human nature. From the tone of your words, it seems that you care about your husband, Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang!"

The dark universe witch was very annoyed when he heard the flame poison witch's words.

"The main god, Zhou Wu, don't get angry, Sister Yan'er is just discussing the matter, and the avatar of Shui Hua'er also thinks that the main god, Zhou Wu, should be prepared.

That Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang is really not easy to mess with, the main god Zhou Wu should know how important his ten beloved wives are in his heart, including us!

Now, Zhou Wu, the main god, activates the soul stripping curse to kill his eight beloved wives.

Then wake up the spirit-attached souls of sister Yan'er and me, and let us kill Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang. He suffered infinite pain, died and was reborn. With his character, I am afraid that the main god Zhou Wu will never again There is no chance to kill anyone who is in the immortal gate of Langyuan. "

Shui'er reached out to stop the Flame Poison Witch who opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, and then said.


"shut up!"

"Bah! Are you the ghostly avatar of the witch of this universe, or the obsessive spirit flower of his Yuantianlang Jun Liu Qianlang!"

Hearing the words of Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, Dark Zhou Wu was furious, and the jet-black demon sun suspended above his head suddenly shot a jet-black evil rainbow at His Highness, instantly swallowing Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch into it.

"Naturally! You are so shameless, in order to achieve your own goals, you will do anything. Don't you hate the humane relationship created by Empress Nuwa!

But you were so disgusted that you divided your soul into our sisters of Lingdao, and then approached Yuantian Langjun in every possible way. The humane relationship is everything, and it is omnipotent. Is this what you call the humane relationship to beg Nuwa Empress, and fight against her for life and death?

You have deceived and framed Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang, and at the same time lost your dignity as a dark cosmic witch! "

The water in the Dark Cosmic Witch's pitch-black Demon Yang Poison Rainbow Fire was burned by the blazing poisonous fire, suffocating in pain, and they questioned the Dark Cosmic Witch angrily.

"Cackling... Quacking..."

"Fools! With your poor wisdom, how can you understand the grand plans and strategies of this universe witch. If you want to defeat your opponent, dignity is nothing, loss is nothing, and long waiting is nothing!

besides! The thing you hate the most about your opponent is often the best weapon to defeat your opponent. Isn't it, the witches of this universe hate the humane love of Empress Nuwa the most.

However, the more hateful the witches of this universe are, the more far-sighted they are. Both life and death have laid out a big chess game of humanity and love, planting one after another, and then walking the universe of life and death of the witches of this universe step by step according to the plan. The vast chess game of the game.

You can question everything we have done, but you can't deny that the witches of this universe are victorious in the end!

It stands to reason that although you succeeded in killing Yuantianlang Lord, you did not come to the "Wanfa Shenjue" for the witch of the universe. The witch of the universe should immediately accept your souls and destroy your spirit flower body.

But after hearing what you said just now, the Zhou Wu changed his mind. The witch of the universe wants to keep you by my side, and let you watch step by step, how the witch of the universe gathers the remnants of the stars of life, and how he shoots the light of death and awakening into the remnants of the stars of life gathered together, Resurrected from the dead universe. "

"Okay! Hehe... Sister Yan'er, then we will wait for that day, but sister, we are really worried that before the main god Zhou Wu can defeat Lord Yuantianlang, we will see her being killed by his clone first." Overlord!"

"Sister Shui'er feels the same way? I also saw the son of death, Ouyang Langlong, Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, the three main bodies of the Zhou Wu, and none of them really obeyed the main body of Zhou Wu! I think they will break the main body sooner or later." It’s a big deal for a cosmic witch.”

Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch were resentful because Dark Cosmic Witch released the Rainbow of Demon Sun to torment themselves, and they said nonsense.

But the speaker had no intention, listening to the heartbeat, the dark Zhou Wu heard the words of Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, she was already suspicious, and immediately remembered that Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, had sent dark demons to follow her, and immediately stopped. Say no more, think deeply.

A moment later, his figure turned into a jet-black evil rainbow, rushing out of Newman's Demon Palace like an electric shot.

The next day, the Rainbow Mountain.

Jun Liu Qianlang of Yuantianlang sat cross-legged in the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou. After millions of years of thinking, his white hair flew wildly, his silver clothes fluttered, and he shot out of the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou.


"call out--"


As soon as Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang shot out the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou, he heard the sound of heavenly fighting from the sky between Rainbow Mountain and Dumojian Mountain.

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang heard the sound, thinking of the tragic scene of his eight beloved wives flying away, he was shocked, and the shuttle under his feet flew like a ghost, and instantly came to the sky hundreds of millions of light miles away.

Then Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang took a closer look, and three figures of Tian Zhan appeared in the rainbow of his eyes.

The three sky war figures formed a triangular shape, with wild rainbow and lightning, thunder and lightning.

The closest sky war figure to Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang is Sirius Zhou Lord Cheng Yuanfang standing on the dark wolf castle and whistling, dealing with Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon Tianlang.

On the left, Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhanzhou, Zhanxuan, and Prince Jiebo, the god of war of Tianlong, flanked Xuxiao, the young master of Xuliangzhou.

And on the right side of the battlefield of Dark Wolf Fort, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan and bronze armor Tiangangmen Tiangang are fighting the Bird Head Immortal Qi Ai.

Around them are surrounded by eight gods. On the Shenzhou, the boat owners or temporary boat owners are majestic and valiant, standing on the bow of the Shenzhou, offering flying artifacts, fully armed, ready to join the battle at any time.

Among them, Tianjun Wuxiannan and Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng floated on the Lanhong Shenzhou, and the Zhengdong position located in the encirclement was directing the eight Shenzhous.

The eight great divine boats slowly rotated around the three heavenly battle battlefields in the center, and the boat rainbow stretched left and right to form a wheel of the universe rainbow with a radius of hundreds of millions of light miles, firmly enclosing the three dark demon gods.

"Huh! You prodigal gods, you are still so arrogant when you are about to die. Don't make unnecessary resistance anymore. No matter how much you resist, it is meaningless.

If you want to die millions of years later, and then see the beauty of the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens in Shengzhou, then quickly hand over the celestial demon meteor, the soul-controlling vine, the star sword and the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain !

In this way, we can let you go temporarily, we need to go back to Yuantian Newman Mountain Newman Demon Palace to return to Zhou Wu, and wait for you to ascend to heaven and die in Yuantian Jing! "

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, stepped on the blood demon god dragon, danced the blood demon sword, twirled and circled, and fought against the heavenly wolf Zhou Jun Cheng Yuan's pitch-black wolf castle.

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