Nine Heavens

Chapter 2171 Sacrifice Three Meteorites

"Third Brother! Haha..."

"You have finally come out, after tens of thousands of years of meditation in the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou, you must have figured out a way to break the soul stripping curse and save your sisters-in-law!

Hurry up and join the battle, help us kill the three dark three universes to capture the meteor demon! "

Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, stepping on the light of the rainbow, and the silver crystal flower's shuttle appeared in the sky, just when he was watched by the Langyuan Xianmen Zhuzun in the battle of heaven, the sword Zhan Zhoujun's five-color eyes flashed brightly, and he laughed.

"Fourth brother, sister Juan, listen to the order from Yuanfang, and immediately hand over the three major life stars, the remnant star sword, the soul-controlling vine, and the celestial demon to the three dark demon gods!"

Lord Yuantianlang, with vast eyes, shooting rainbows across the universe, stood floating on the rainbow mountain among the rainbows, looked up at the sky for a long time, and then shouted intently.

"What, third brother! What are you talking about!?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen couldn't believe his ears when he heard the words, and immediately refuted and asked.

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang's face was condensed, and he repeated the original words again.

"Brother Zhen, carry out the order of the head!"

During the battle, Liu Juan, the king of Qixiang Zhou, stepped on a pure white ancient handkerchief made of incense, and held the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal in her hand.

At the same time, with a movement of the soul, the emerald green soul-controlling vine on her forehead floated away from her forehead. Then the soul-controlling vine, which was less than an inch away, drew a beautiful divine light and shot towards Qi Ai.

On the other side, Sirius Zhou Lord Cheng Yuanfang didn't say a word, after hearing the order from Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang, he directly threw the colorful celestial demon meteor on his chest to the dead son Ouyang Langlong.

"This is!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw that Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan and Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang both surrendered their star remnants of life, the black and white eyebrows twisted a bit, and also put his star god The sword was thrown to Xu Xiao.

"Oh ha ha... ha ha..."

"Unexpectedly, since Yuan Tianlang stepped into the heaven, he has finally become smarter and aware of current affairs!

You human bitch, if you had been like this on the way to Panshui back then, it would have prevented this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch from hating you all the time!

If it weren't for Zhou Wu's legal purpose first, today's blood demon Tianjun would like to kill you again! snort! Xu Xiao, Qi Ai, we will immediately return to heaven and return to our purpose. "

"Haha... let's go!"

Qi Ai and Xu Xiao also laughed wildly, and then the three dark space demons each carried a star of life and left.

"Qixiang Zhou Lord, Heavenly Wolf Zhou Lord, Jianzhan Shenjun, Lingyao Zhou Lord, Extreme Tiantian Lord, Mentian Zhenjun, Darkness-seeking Zhou Emperor, Yunque Four Sages, Yaya Zhenjun, Nine Swords and Sword Lords, all masters of the Shenzhou! Command! Mobilize the Shenzhou, set sail and go straight up to the mountain of Tianlang and Tiansoul!"

Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang angrily watched the three Eternal Emperor Demon Gods leave, his white hair flew wildly, and he screamed in shock.


Eleven new and old Langyuan Shenzhou masters heard the fairy order of Yuantian Lord Liu Qianlang and responded in unison, and then they all suddenly called out their respective Shenzhou.

The next moment, the nine great arks and the two arks of refuge once again formed a majestic formation, and started the second ascension to heaven.

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang stood proudly on the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou alone, holding a sword pointing to the sky with one hand, and swiping a palm with the other.

Except for the masters of the Shenzhous, all the people from the Langyuan Xianmen on the Shenzhous turned into a little bit of light, and shot at the head of Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang.

"Qianlang, you asked us to take the initiative to donate the star of life, my sister knows your intentions, but why did you include all the disciples in your soul sea? You have been in your black jade skeleton for tens of thousands of years. What have you experienced? What? Where are you brothers and sisters?"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan, with long emerald green hair fluttering, and emerald green eyes, saw the streamer shooting at her younger brother Yuantianlang Jun Liu Qianlang, thinking in her heart, guessing that my younger brother must have discovered something about Yuantian Dark Zhou Wu Conspiracy, so I asked.

"Sister Juan, Qianlang is sorry for all the beloved wives, they all fell under the Soul Stripping Curse! Only Shui'er and Yan'er are still alive, but they are all the spirit-possessed clones of the Dark Cosmic Witch!

The Dark Cosmic Witch is extremely vicious, and you have also seen that the once fallen young masters of Void Universe and Qi Ai Zhou have come back to life. This is why.

Obviously it was because they were not the real young masters of the Three Universes of Darkness at all, and they had never died because of the evil forces of the Three Universes of Darkness attacking each other.

Before their death, it was all the dark cosmic witch's play. Originally, Lord Tianlang's ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly clones passed on the breath, and they were not outdated as the clones of the Dark Cosmic Witch!

The dark cosmic witch is so vicious, since the time of the ancient spirit universe, he has played a big game to kill people, Taoists, immortals and gods. The ten beloved wives were killed by her soul stripping curse, but it was just the tip of the iceberg of her poisoning of Langyuan Xianmen.

If Qianlang's expectations are correct, all of us who are in the Yuanyuan Xianmen, including Lord Benyuan Tianlang, have been casted by him in the era of the ancient spirit universe.

Everyone must be prepared, maybe we will be scattered at any time! Qianlang is ashamed that he didn't protect the thousands of disciples of Langyuan Xianmen!

But no matter what, Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang will never let the souls of the disciples of Yuanshen suffer from the poison of the soul stripping curse again, and their souls will be scattered.

Now the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain has turned into the brain of the soul sea of ​​Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang. No matter what they are, just let them float in my soul sea forever.

In this way, even if we all fall in the future, at least our souls will still be together. "

Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair and was in a mess. Hearing his sister Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan mentioning his ten beloved wives, his heart was like a knife again, and tears flowed undercurrents, and he said in pain.

"That's fine, no wonder Qianlang's human body is no longer there, and Tianlinglang's body is built! Your immortal soul and Jiutianjuemai must have been destroyed by the Dark Cosmic Witch's Soul Stripping Curse!

Immortality is exchanged for a bright red heart of love, all brothers and sisters are still missing, so it can be regarded as a little bit of comfort for the younger brother! "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan heard the painful words of her younger brother Yuantianlang Jun Liu Qianlang, her heart was as uncomfortable as a thousand arrows piercing her heart, she suffocated for a long time, and comforted her younger brother.

"Thank you sister for comforting, Qianlang is fine. How about Tianling and the others, why didn't Qianlang feel their sister's soul breath?"

Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang Cangsang smiled wryly and asked.

"Back to the third brother, Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er and Lan Die received enlightenment from Nuwa Empress when you meditated for tens of thousands of years.

Turned into Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Luandie, and Blue Magpie and flew to the top of Yuantian Rainbow Mountain.

In addition, the three-color fire baby, Hongxian, Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er and the little devil turtle also went with them!

Only little Lian'er will not let go of Shen Lang no matter what, and is determined to stay with you. She is in your Golden Rainbow Shenzhou.

We were worried that she would be harmed, so we sealed her with the Rainbow of Waves before the battle with the three demon gods of the Dark Cosmic Witch. If Qianlang wants to see her, he can do it at any time. The method of breaking the seal is the nine-color fate soul of your father and daughter. When you look at each other, the seal will be released immediately. "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen heard the conversation between Yuantianlangjun Liu Qianlang's third brother and Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, tears streaming down his face, and said sadly.

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