Nine Heavens

Chapter 2173 The Brain of the Heavenly Soul

"Dark Cosmic Witch is really hateful. When we reach the Mountain of Langyuan Tianhun, I will definitely make her look good!"

The spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng has blue long hair and fluttering rainbows, holding a golden whip in his hand, and angrily recites a distant voice.

"Feng'er doesn't need to be angry. Didn't the human world of Empress Nuwa say that evil cannot prevail over good? Although the universe has no such reason, the immortal way does.

This pain, maybe he can understand it. The key to the ultimate victory of this competition lies in the gathering of all the remnants of the stars of life. Now is not the time for us to be sad and angry, but to help Yuantian get a favorable opportunity in Yuantian Dream Mountain as soon as possible! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan smiled slightly, comforting his beloved wife Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

"Hmph! It's still a chance. Except for Brother Qianlang's Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountain, they have captured all the remnants of the stars of life. How can we get the chance?"

It's okay not to mention this problem, the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng heard the question mentioned by her husband, and immediately remembered the scene where Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang ordered Qixiang Zhou Jun Liu Juan and others to sacrifice their lives, and couldn't help but snorted .

"Hehe, Feng'er doesn't know that although the nine life star remnants and the spiritual heart remnant are both life star remnants, their spirituality is not exactly the same.

Each remnant of the star of life is a spiritual element of nature, which is equivalent to the head, chest, abdomen, limbs and five sense organs of the universe and the universe.

Among them, the remnant of the star of life in the chest contains the spiritual heart, and the aura and spiritual power released by it. It is where the elements of spiritual life, heart and wisdom are condensed into the universe.

And the remnant star of life with the head nature is where the brain of the soul gate of Shengzhou's spiritual life is located, and there is no need to elaborate on the others.

Does Feng'er know, what are the two most important parts of the Nine Stars of Life? "

Speaking of which, Tianjun Wuxiannan smiled and asked his beloved wife Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

"Oh! It turns out that there are so many sayings about the remnants of the ten stars of life. According to what my husband said, if all the remnants of the stars of spiritual life gather together, it means one spiritual life.

The remnant star of life on the head is our soul door, which contains the soul of the primordial spirit. The remnants of the star of life in the chest are our sea of ​​hearts, and inside is the sea of ​​mind, wisdom and thoughts. How could my husband make such a joke? How is this possible? "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, naturally didn't believe what her husband Tianjun Wuxiannan said.

"Hehe, we live and die, and have experienced countless things. Are there still few things that make us dumbfounded? The universe of life and death is infinitely magical, and there are still many things we don't know. Believe me, my husband, what you just said may be true.

I think the head of Yuantian also guessed this, so he ordered Brother Zhen, Brother Yuanfang and Sister Juan to also take the initiative to donate the three stars of life.

Now the star of life on the head is remnant in the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain, and it has turned into the brain of the head of Yuantian, as long as the soul of the head of Yuantian exists, no matter whether it is life or death or death, it cannot be easily captured. of.

And the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain is the source of life for all the remnants of the stars of life. As long as our Langyuan Xianmen firmly guards the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain, coupled with the blue crescent moon where the life source and wisdom of the dying star of life are located, we will be connected with each other.

In fact, the person who really controls the remnants of the ten stars of life is still the head of Yuantian, our elder brother Qianlang! So Feng'er, you don't have to worry too much, the head of Yuantian is extremely wise, every step he takes is foresight!

good! The ten head sisters-in-law were all suddenly poisoned by the dark cosmic witch's soul-stripping curse, and the entire Langyuan Xianmen disciples, except for us, the masters of the Shenzhou with amazing heavenly souls and magical powers, were all taken into heaven by the head of Yuantian. Soul and brain.

Although the head of Yuantian didn't say anything, we can all guess that most of them have fallen now, and their soul spirits are drifting among the black jade skeletons of the sea of ​​souls of the head of Yuantian.

If they want to be resurrected, there is only one chance, and that is when the head of Yuantian controls the resurrection of the first righteous spirit and immortal light when the ten stars of life are all gathered!

And such an opportunity is definitely an unprecedented gamble by the head of Yuantian! If it succeeds, everyone will be happy, and if it dies, the universe will be destroyed.

So, Feng'er, now is not the time for us to be angry or sad, what we have to do, the most important thing is to closely cooperate with every step of the head of Yuantian! In this way, our chances of winning the ultimate victory of Langyuan Xianmen will be even greater! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan seems to have already speculated about the future outcome in his heart, and every word he speaks is earnest.

"Husband, why are you so familiar with the ten stars of life, as if you have seen the stars of life in the ancient spirit universe with your own eyes?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, thought about what her husband said, and felt that what Tianjun Wuxiannan said was indeed reasonable, so she pondered for a while and asked her husband.

"Feng'er, it's not just for my husband, we all the disciples of Langyuan Xianmen, including Feng'er's ancient spirit body have seen it.

Does Feng'er still remember the Shenlong Tiandial and Youlan Guyue above the Tianling River in the west of the ancient Lingtian? "

"Of course I remember. Didn't I, Sister Juan, Brother Yuanfang and Brother Qianlang cultivate into the four shuttles of crossing? Husband asked why they are, do they have something to do with the Star of Life?"

"Hehe, of course. The Shenlong Tiandial and Youlan Guyue are the divine splendor shot out by the Star of Life.

At that time, Feng'er and all living beings, including the evil spirits of the Three Universes of Darkness, all the gods and demons didn't care about the meaning of the existence of the Star of Life above the distant sky, and they never even knew what it was. "

"Oh! Could it be husband, could it be that the star of life you mentioned is the bright human-shaped star that is infinitely high above the Tianling River!?"

"Exactly! It turns out that Feng'er has also noticed it. It is it. It looks light blue and unremarkable, but it is the source of all spiritual life in both the dark universe and the living universe. Without it, there is no spiritual life in the universe of life and death." possibility of appearing.

It's a pity that the universe of life and death gave birth to us after the spiritual life, and we were ignorant and didn't know its magic, so we destroyed it in the holy war of the ancient spirits, so the star of life burst into ten yuan The death of the star of life, and the infinite changes after the universe of life and death appeared..."

"So it is!"

"That's right! The ancient spirit jihad game of life and death so far can be said to be a big joke in the universe, a ridiculous mistake! And this joke made us pay an infinitely terrifying price."


"Sister Feng, fairy man! Concentrate the divine power of the Heavenly Soul, and we will follow Yuan Tianlang Lord to rush into the Yuantian Realm!"

While the spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng was talking with Tianjun Wuxiannan, hundreds of millions of light miles away, the voice of Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan reminded the two of them.


Tianjun Wuxiannan and Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng heard the words, immediately withdrew their words and concentrated on controlling Lanhong Shenzhou.

"Haha... Yaya, do you know why the artifact in your hand is called the Mitian Snail?"

Lord Yuantian Lang stood on top of the Golden Rainbow Shenzhou, with white hair flying wildly, pouring wine on the fairy altar, leading the nine waves Yuan Shenzhou and the two refuge arks, and laughed at the last moment of breaking through the clouds.

"Master, Yaya doesn't know, but Yaya can guess that the reason why Master called it the Mitian snail contains Master's greatest wish, that is, Master hopes that all the celestial shadows of Langyuan Xianmen will permeate Jiujiuba The eleventh heaven reaches the highest extreme heaven!"

Yaya replied crisply without hesitation, her voice was swayed by the soul power of the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens, and the sound resounded against the sky.


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