Nine Heavens

Chapter 2174 Ascension to Yuantian

"Yaya is really good, but when the master gave you the Mitian snail, he didn't have such a grand wish as you said.

I just hope that all those who are destined to be with the master can always accompany Yaya's melodious Luoyin, step by step against the sky, and pursue the future together.

I hope that the sound of this artifact will permeate the vast sky and guide us in the direction we are going. However, the sky is vast, where is the way back, and there is no direction but at a loss, so the teacher named it Mi Tianluo!

Now that we have finally ascended to the Yuantian Realm, we should tell Yaya Mi Tianluo the real name, which is Mengxiangluo.

It is neither an artifact of the ancient spirit life nor a magic weapon of the ancient spirit death universe. I have thought about its origin so far, but I have never thought of where it came from. The only way I understand it is to decipher the three mysterious universes on it. Text—a few words of Mengxiangluo. "

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang controlled the Jinhong Shenzhou and continued to gallop, and said leisurely.

"Yaya doesn't care where it comes from, or what it was originally called. Yaya only likes the name given to it by the master. It will always be called Mi Tianluo."

Although Yaya was surprised by Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang's explanation, she didn't care about anything, and responded far behind Jinhong Shenzhou.

"No! Yaya, you must remember its original title, maybe it will be useful in the future.

This dream snail is full of magic. Tens of millions of years ago, when we were still in the universe, the four masters of the galaxy in the city of galaxies all said that because of its sound, the stars of life above their galactic domain were all strange. Disappeared.

At that time, the master couldn't understand the reason, and later in the master's "Book of Words Without Words", he finally understood that there are countless other universes besides the universe, the universe, and the time and space in which we live.

The stars of life that appear in our universe of birth and death, and the stars of life that appear in the area of ​​the four-square galaxy at the edge of the cloud universe, all originate from the universe of our birth and death. "

When Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang said these things at the moment, he naturally had other deep meanings. Although the occasion was a bit wrong, he was helpless and had to explain.

Yaya heard what the master said, she seemed to understand something in her heart, her heart trembled, tears came out spontaneously, and she responded somewhat choked up:

"Master, don't worry, Yaya has written down what Master said!"

"Haha...Okay! Yaya, Yun'er, you all urged the Ark of Refuge on the left to fly to the front of the father, and the Ark of Refuge on the right is tied with the nine great arks!

Yaya, continue to play the celestial snail and lead Langyuan Xianmen to fly to the top of Langyuan Tianhun Mountain. "

When Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang heard Yaya's answer, he was secretly relieved, laughed and trembled, and poured wine again.

At this moment, the Ark of Refuge on the left of Gong Yaya surrounded by the top ten wave Yuan Shenzhou roared straight up, and in a blink of an eye it was submerged in Yuan Tiandi's vast clouds and waves.

Tens of thousands of years later, on the top of Yuantian Realm Langyuantianhun Mountain, eleven huge and infinite divine boats suddenly landed.

Yuantian Realm, Newman Poison Mountain.

Dark Zhou Wu used the evil spirit of death to refine Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch for tens of thousands of years, and finally made them obedient.

At this moment, Shui'er and the Flame Poison Witch are on the left and right, with sinister and indifferent expressions, standing on the left and right sides of the Dark Cosmic Witch's Seat, with the Sky Witch and Demon Fire dancing around them, looking at the one-dimensional avatars of the three Dark Cosmic Witches, His Royal Highness .

However, the expression of the dark witch was completely opposite to theirs. The nine beautiful faces were like peach blossoms, smiling shyly, with eyes full of satisfaction, and they were appreciating His Highness's trinity avatar.

"The main soul avatar suddenly summoned me to come here. What orders do you have? Please ask the main soul avatar to issue an order. This blood demon avatar will immediately serve the main soul avatar!"

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, is wearing a blood demon robe, holding a blood demon sword, with a nine-dragon crown on his head, and a blood-moon mask gleaming with blood. road.

"Xu Xiao's avatar is the same!"

"Qi Ai is also duty-bound!"

Xu Xiao's clone and Qi Ai's clone, located on the left and right of the Blood Demon Tianjun's clone, said while holding a dead skeleton and the other holding a piece of lifeless wood.

"Well! You are all very loyal, which makes the Wuwu of this universe very happy. I think you have all seen that the Eleven Shenzhou of the Langyuan Xianmen has finally arrived at the mountain of the Tiansoul of Yuantian Langjun.

Their arrival made the witches of this universe look forward to and angry infinitely. What the witch of this universe is looking forward to is the light and dark Hunyuan mountain inside the Yuantianlang Lord Liu Qianlanghunmen. What makes him angry is that Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang will be the biggest opponent of the witch in this universe!

Calling you to come here at this time is naturally to remove obstacles for the witch of the universe, so that the witch of the universe can go to Yuantian Dream Mountain comfortably. "

Hearing the question of His Highness's three one-dimensional clones, the dark Zhou Wu looked up at Yuantian Dameng Mountain, which is located far away from Newman's Demon Palace located on the top of Newman's Mountain, and said.

"The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch understands that Zhou Wu wants us to go to the Mountain of Langyuan Tianhun to kill the masters of the Eleven Divine Boats of Langyuan Xianmen, and take back the last piece of the Star of Life, Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness!"

Before the Dark Cosmic Witch could finish speaking, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch avatar immediately took up the conversation, and then he was about to leave the palace to act.

"Cackling... Quacking..."

"Wait a second, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, you are wrong this time. I will personally deal with the humane and cheap immortals of the Langyuan Xianmen. It is true that the witch of the universe asked you to go out of the palace to kill, but it is not the cheap immortals of the Langyuan Xianmen who are killed. , but Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, the real young masters of the three dark cosmic witches.

Then, the Rainbow Mountain that flattened Empress Nuwa and the Dumojian Mountain that just pierced through the Yuantiandi Realm forced both Empress Nuwa and Demon Sword Ancestor to the mountain of Langyuan Tianhun!

Although the witches of this universe like the majestic and complex layout of the universe of life and death, they don't like complexity when all the witches of this universe gather together the stars of life.

One mountain of Langyuan Tianhun is enough, as for all the other mountains of life and death around Yuantian Dameng Mountain, the witches of this universe don't want to see any of them! "

The nine beautiful faces of the Dark Universe Witch first smiled coquettishly, and then let out a sharp and cold smile, which was extremely vicious.

"Yes! The blood demon Tianjun avatar knows what to do. However, there is something unclear about the blood demon avatar. I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

The blood demon Tianjun clone immediately agreed, but asked after a little hesitation.

"The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord is really refreshing! If you have anything to say, just ask, you and I are avatars of the same soul, so why be polite."

The dark Zhou Wu was very happy with the unusually obedient cooperation of the Gorefiend Tianjun avatar, and was naturally willing to answer his questions.

"Thank you for the promise of the main soul, Zhou Wu. The avatar of the blood demon Tianjun is just strange. Didn't the avatar of the main soul say that the bitch Yuan Tianlang Liu Qianlang is not worthy of being the opponent of the avatar of the main soul? The real opponent is Nuwa Niangniang and Demon Sword Ancestor! What are you doing now?"

The Blood Demon Heavenly Sovereign clone saluted and asked.

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