Nine Heavens

Chapter 2175

"That was before, now it's different!"

The dark Zhou Wu said in a deep voice, and suddenly returned to his old-fashioned appearance, with a wrinkled face, jet-black pupils flashing cold and poisonous light, and his voice was hoarse.

"What is the difference?"

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch clone asked.

"In the past, the Dark Hunyuan Mountain was just a mysterious treasure of Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang, but now it has become the soul of his Langyuan Immortal Physique!

The light and dark Hunyuan Mountain is the death of the head of the star of life! In today's Universe of Life and Death, even its God of Creation, Empress Nuwa, and the number one god of war, Du Demon Sword Ancestor, are inferior to him in strength.

With such a change, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch avatar thinks, who is the biggest opponent of the witch in this universe? Immediately carry out the decree of the witch of the universe, don't miss the important event of the witch of the universe! "

The dark Zhou Wu hazed all kinds of thick and evil smoke, and returned to the clone of the blood demon Tianjun very impatiently.

"Thank you, the main soul, Zhou Wu, for explaining the doubts, and the clone of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch will go now!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After a brief pause, the Gorefiend Tianjun clone, Xuxiao clone and Qi Ai clone shot out of Newman's Demon Palace one after another.

"Shui'er, flame poisonous witch! Let's go, enter the bottom of the Newman Poison Abyss with this cosmic witch, and practice Newman's Poison Lan guardian for this cosmic witch!"

After the three one-dimensional clones of the Dark Cosmic Witch shot away, the Dark Cosmic Witch glanced left and right, and ordered in a cold voice.


Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch saluted respectfully, and then the three of them turned into three magic smokes of black, blue and red and disappeared.

Outside Newman's Demon Palace, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch's avatar, besides Xu Xiao's and Qi Ai's avatars, galloped on the Blood Demon Dragon for a while, leaped to the front of Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, and turned his head sideways.

"Hey! The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, what do you mean by this? Why are you blocking me from carrying out the edict of the Eternal Witch?"

Xu Xiao, with a huge body like a majestic mountain, with a hundred thousand magic rivers entangled under his feet, and the waves are vast, he stopped suddenly, looked at Qi Ai, the bird-headed fairy beside him, and drank.

"Fuck! Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch's avatar is almost enough, what's the matter, you haven't shown enough face in the main soul Zhou Wu just now, right? If you want to kill us, you can't do it alone?"

Qi Ai stood on top of a hundred thousand huge pale clouds, looking at the blood demon Tianjun avatar was not pleasing to the eye, cursed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Who would have thought that Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch's avatar, would laugh instead of anger when he heard Xu Xiao and Qi Ai's unquiet words.

"why are you laughing?"

Xuxiao's vast pupils shot brightly, covering the avatar of the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch above the head of the Gorefiend Dragon, very puzzled.

"What are you laughing at? Of course I'm laughing at you. Have you ever thought about it? Once we help her kill the young master of the Dark Three Universes and destroy the Rainbow Mountain and Dumojian Mountain, will the main soul Zhou Wu still need us? ?”

The Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch avatar looked down at the bloody Gorefiend Sword that was stroking in his hand, and said calmly.

"Hmph! Whether it is necessary or not, this is a matter for the main soul, Zhou Wu, to decide, and it is not our turn to decide.

We are her avatars, we can't control where we go, the meaning of our existence is her pawns.

Why do I hear what you mean, maybe you want to rebel against the master, and don't want to return to the soul master, Soul Zhou Wu. "

Qi Ai, your bird's head stretched and stretched, thinking about the words of the blood demon Tianjun avatar for a while, and said coldly.

"Stop pretending, don't you want to live against the Lord? You, like me, know very well that her purpose is not only for us to kill the real young master of the Dark Universe, destroy the Rainbow Mountain and the Demon Sword Mountain.

Another purpose of her is to make our demon body also collapse with the collapse of Rainbow Mountain and Dumojian Mountain in this mission.

Because if we want to destroy the Rainbow Mountain and the Demon Sword Mountain, the only way is to use the power of the sky witch in our demon body.

Once the power of the Heavenly Witch God in our body bursts out, it is naturally when our Demon God's body is broken, and then she not only completed the task she wanted to complete, but also took our Heavenly Witch Demon Soul back into the body of the main soul.

We have gone through countless tribulations and been used infinitely by it. Could it be that in the end we only get an ending of disappearance and destruction? "

The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch hit the nail on the head, pointing directly at the sore spots in Xu Xiao and Qi Ai's hearts.

"Since you have seen through it, if you want to kill us, then do it. However, Qi Ai wants to remind you that you may not be the opponent of our two clones!

If you unfortunately die under our hands, we have no choice but to apologize, and we will take away your celestial witch power! Xu Xiao, what do you think? "

Qi Ai sneered.

"Haha... giggling... the two avatars are wrong! We are both the avatars of the main soul Zhou Wu, don't say that we are not sure about killing you, even if we kill you, what good will it do me?

The reason why the avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch is blocking your way is that it does not want you to carry out the decree of the main soul, Zhou Wu. As long as the real young master of the Three Universes of Darkness exists, the Rainbow Mountain and Dumojian Mountain will not fall down.

We still have value for the main soul, Zhou Wu, and we will not die, so the avatar of the blood demon Tianjun advises the two avatars to cancel this operation. "

The blood demon Tianjun avatar suddenly let out a strange smile, and said.

"Shut up! Don't think you're smart for the avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch. As her avatar, how can we escape her monitoring of our every move. Terminating the mission is not asking for a dead end.

Once he knows that we have resisted and failed to obey the order, we will be wiped out in an instant, and we are not dead after all! "

When Xu Xiao heard the words, he roared and refuted.

"Haha... giggle..."

"Didn't the two avatars see it just now? The main soul, Zhou Wu, just sent us three one-dimensional avatars, but the two possessed spirit avatars separated her left and right. Obviously, the main soul, Zhou Wu, wanted to retreat and practice Newman Dulan!

Cultivating Newman's Dulan is not easy, and it takes tens of millions of years of concentration and meditation to succeed. During this period of time, she will never pay attention to us distractedly, and she doesn't care about our success or failure at all.

Now as long as she does two things well, she is the final winner. One is to protect all the remnants of the stars of life in her soul gate, and the other is to successfully cultivate Newman Dulan as soon as possible. "

The blood demon Tianjun avatar laughed again.


"That's right, once the main soul, Zhou Wu, has successfully cultivated Newman Dulan, she will immediately fly to the Great Dream Mountain. As long as she seizes the opportunity to gather all the stars of life and revive the stars of life, she can do whatever she wants." , arranging our operation this time is simply one action many times.

It seems that it is not the main thing for her to let us kill the real young master of the dark three universes. The real purpose is to let us disperse our souls, and then she withdraws the souls to return to the body, so as to improve the soul ability of the sky witch, so that I can practice Newman faster Poison Lan.

She is so despicable, she doesn't destroy us directly in front of her face, but she does this behind her back! Damn, really hateful! "

Hearing what the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch avatar said, Xu Xiao and Qi Ai suddenly came to their senses and cursed angrily.

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