Nine Heavens

Chapter 2176 Cosmic Dharma Body

"Well, the two avatars have finally figured it out! The main soul, Zhou Wu, is so hypocritical and treacherous, even his avatar is so calculating and deceiving, we are still loyal, isn't it stupid!"

Hearing the words of Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch avatar secretly sneered in his heart, but he nodded sincerely and said somewhat sadly.

"The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch seems to have some plans, otherwise, wouldn't it be more beneficial for you to see us being fooled?"

Qi Ai, with a single eye flashing rainbow on his pale face, Fox questioned.

"That's right! If the main soul Zhou Wu falls, our avatar will not have the control of the source soul, and the avatar will become the main body. Don't the two avatars expect this?"

"Hiss! What do you mean by Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch's avatar?"

Xu Xiao and Qi Aiwen couldn't help but gasped when they heard the words of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch avatar, staring in astonishment.

"Kill her, and the star of life will die. How about our three one-element avatars persuade the two possessed avatars to practice Newman Dulan together, and then resurrect the star of life to be the future Zhou Zun?"

The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch said this, and he no longer concealed his ambition, and spoke the truth.

"Okay! Between life and death, there is a chance to live, why should we die.

Gorefiend Tianjun avatar, just tell us how we can kill that crooked woman. "

"Well! Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch's avatar just said it, and I, Xu Xiao, just follow your command."

Qi Ai and Xu Xiao, the two dark cosmic witch avatars, pondered for a while in their hearts, and said one after another.

"Ha ha……"

"Two avatars, no! Xu Xiao's main body, Qi Ai's main body, refreshing! We will return to Newman's Demon Palace immediately, and I will do as I please!"

The Gorefiend Tianjun avatar stood on the head of the winding Gorefiend Dragon, shaking his sword and laughing wildly.

Then the three space soul clones roared and flew towards Newman Poison Mountain.

The mountain of rainbow in the sky.

The Nuwa Empress is floating on the top of the Rainbow Mountain, with rainbows flowing all over her body, with her hair in a high bun, holding a nine-color lotus in her hand, smiling, and looking up at the top of the Linshan Mountain.

Because on the top of the mountain of Langyuan Tianhun, a white-haired and white-robed immortal Langyuan came flying from the top of the mountain.

"Heck... Madam, when Daddy arrives soon, should Madam call Daddy Father, or Yuantianlang-Jun?"

Next to Empress Nuwa, there is a group of fairy shadows floating, besides the sisters of Tianling, there are also three-color Huowa, Hongxian, Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er and the little devil turtle.

As a Qinglong, Tianling still looks like a daughter, looking at the figure of the human father from a distance, happily making fun of Nuwa Empress.

"Hehe, you bug, you are not big or small, you can even make jokes about your master. How about calling him Daddy, so what about Yuantian Langjun.

These are not important, what is important is that he survived all the calamities of the heavens, and finally came to the realm of fate. "

Empress Nuwa smiled, glanced sideways at Tianling beside her, and then turned her eyes to the white-haired man in the direction of Langyuan Tianhun Mountain.

"Hmph! Madam, what are you talking about, we are Qinglong Baihu Zhuque Xuanwu, why did you turn us into daughters and reincarnate under the knees of your human father?"

Tian Ling also had bright eyes, looking at the figure of his father Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang getting closer, and said coquettishly.

"Aren't you very smart, can't you guess that all this is to confuse the Dark Cosmic Witch? If I let you all be in the lower realm of the body, how could you come back to me so easily?"

"That's right, Dad is so pitiful now, all the mothers have lost their souls, and now we have all left her, only little Lian'er is with her!"

"Yes, but some things are bound to be regrettable. It wasn't just your human mothers who lost their souls the next day. In fact, your father's human body and soul also drifted away.

Now Mr. Yuantianlang, who comes here every now and then, is no longer the humane father you used to be. His spiritual body is the body of waves, his heart is the condensation of love from all of you ladies, and his soul is the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness. "

"Then is he still our father?"

Hearing what Empress Nuwa and Tianling were chattering about, Blue Butterfly, who was wearing a faint blue butterfly skirt, blinked her big eyes and asked them.

"Of course it is, the human body is broken, but the humane relationship remains the same, and your father will not give up his heart for love, so that he can truly become the great virtuous and virtuous king of Yuantian.

One day his cosmic Dharmakaya merits and virtues will be perfected, and the principle of great kindness, great virtue and great justice in the universe will naturally be established. At that time, all spirits in the universe will no longer suffer, no longer fight, and live forever forever! "

"Your Majesty, what is the Law Body of the Universe? Blue Butterfly seems to have heard about it from Daddy Humane."

"Oh! Xiaolanghua'er is so powerful. It's really a blessing in life to be able to realize this while still in the human realm.

Blue Butterfly, in fact, I don't know what the Law Body of the universe is, but I know that everything in the universe is by no means accidental, and there is always a mysterious Law Body controlling everything in it.

The formation of any great law of the universe is actually the process of forming a magical body of the universe. I only know the opening method of the Universal Law Body, but I don't know his ultimate appearance.

In the era of the ancient spirit universe, there were rumors in the universe that the star of life is the law body of the universe, but there is no way to prove it. "

"Oh, what are you talking about, the lady, can the blue butterfly not understand what you are talking about at all?"

"Sister Blue Butterfly didn't understand. Sister Xiaoying can tell you. Madam, are you listening to what Xiaoying said right?

The so-called cosmic law body is actually another name for the star of life. The Law Body of the Universe is the Star of Life, and the Star of Life is the Law Body of the Universe.

The reason why it is called the Universal Law Body is because the infinite wonders conceived in the Universal Law Body follow many common laws.

For example, all spiritual beings in the Universal Law Body follow the common characteristics of the seven orifices, the five elements, the four exits, the double balance and the five sense organs. The reason for this is that the law body of the universe itself is like this.

This is the reason why the principles of the macrocosm check and balance the principles of the microcosm. As long as everything is in the same cosmic law body, it will follow the principle of the cosmic law body. "

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang and Qinghua Palace Master Xiaoying smiled sweetly, took Blue Butterfly's hand, and said casually.

"Xiaoying, are you aware of these?"

Empress Nuwa heard Xiaoying's words, her eyes flickered with astonishment, she looked at Xiaoying on her right, and asked.

"Hee hee! What's wrong, what Xiaoying said is what I overheard Daddy talking to Uncle Zhen once. Hearing what Daddy said, he learned all of these things from his study of "Book Without Words."

""Wordless Heavenly Book"? Your father has "Wordless Heavenly Book"!"

"That's right, I've seen "The Wordless Heavenly Book" before, but it's just a small black scroll about an inch in size.

That little scroll is very strange, it's pitch black, it can't be opened, it can't be unfolded, it's as thick as a finger, but the pages can't be read... Only Dad can understand it. "

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder he is so confident that he deliberately lost the remnants of the eight life stars to the dark universe witch!"

When Nuwa heard Xiaoying's explanation, her expression became more joyful, her eyes sparkled, she nodded and sighed.

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