Nine Heavens

Chapter 2177 Rainbow Universe

"Your Majesty also knows about Daddy's weird "Book without Words"?"

Liu Sha asked curiously.

"How come you don't know that there are two great visions in the dark universe of the ancient spirits, one is the appearance of the star of life, and the other is the strange flashing building.

The appearance of the star of life gave life to the universe of life and death. The appearance of the weird flash building gave Shengzhou spiritual wisdom. "

Empress Nuwa's eyes were full of divine waves, and her memory returned to the distant past.

"Your Majesty, we were all born after you, so were you born after the Star of Life appeared, or before the Star of Life?"

Danrou, who was behind Empress Nuwa with Liusha, asked.

"Naturally, after the star of life, the star of life is the origin of all spiritual life in the universe of life and death. Before it, there was no spiritual life in the universe of life and death, and I was no exception."

Empress Nuwa looked back and smiled.

"That's strange. Since there is the Star of Life first, and then the Empress's Birthday, how did the Empress know about the two visions?"

Tianling frowned, and suddenly asked Empress Nuwa.

"Hehe, don't forget the "Book without Words" you mentioned. The "Book without Words" is not really wordless, nor is it that small."

Empress Nuwa said quietly, her thoughts fell into memories:

In the infinitely distant three universes of darkness, the Eternal Universe, the Universe of Death and the Universe of Void Coexistence have existed for an unknown number of years.

At that time, there was only darkness and coldness in the universe, no wind, no rain, no life, and of course no life. There was a terrible silence everywhere, which seemed to be eternally still.

However, suddenly for a moment, the existence of infinite darkness in the Three Dark Universes suddenly moved, and then an inexplicable cosmic hole appeared in the central Zhouxin area of ​​the Dark Three Universes.

Inside the cosmic cave is infinitely bright and brilliant, with all kinds of colors and illusions, and there are infinite magical sounds resounding in it.

The inexplicable cosmic cave appeared, and there were countless gods floating in it, two of which shot out of the cosmic cave and entered the dark three universes, and then the mysterious cosmic cave suddenly closed again.

Those two divine shadows are actually the Star of Life and the "Wordless Heavenly Book".

First, "Book of Words Without Words" flashed with pure white light, and the pure white light continued to spread in all directions in the dark three universes.

After hundreds of millions of years, an endless curtain of white light was formed, turning the once infinitely dark universe from darkness to light.

Then the white light curtain began to undergo all kinds of miraculous changes, causing the static dark universe to continue to move, and the entire dark universe began to rotate crazily.

After the turbulent changes in the dark three universes, countless gorgeous rainbow universes appeared on the huge white light curtain at some point.

At that time, spiritual life had not yet appeared in the three dark universes, so naturally no one saw those rainbow universes.

The gorgeous rainbow universe has existed for thousands of years, billions of years...

During this process, because of the appearance of the azure star of life, miraculous changes are taking place in every corner of the Three Dark Universes, and after countless years of changes, the first batch of spiritual lives in the Three Dark Universes finally appeared.

However, most of these newly sprouted spiritual beings are indifferent and unmoving, either standing in meditation on mountains, sitting in meditation on monsters... They are at a loss for themselves and the time and space in which they exist.

However, among these budding spirits, there is a woman with a human body and a monster body, who is extremely active and active.

Its face is delicate and beautiful, just like the flowers of the Empress Zhou Ling, but it has a human face and a snake body, neither human nor demon.

At the beginning of her birth, this woman roamed the infinitely vast universe, was infinitely happy and happy, and was extremely curious to see any existence in the dark three universes, and played with it all day long.

One day, when she was happily flying aimlessly, she suddenly came to a huge white light curtain hundreds of millions of light miles away, and she was overjoyed when she saw countless rainbows.


So, she floated above the huge white light curtain and carefully observed these rainbow universes one by one. Although she didn't know each other, but because she really liked these rainbow cosmic texts, she was no longer willing to leave these rainbow cosmic texts.

Touching, admiring, and contemplating these rainbow cosmic texts all day long, because I fell in love with them, sometimes meditating, sometimes laughing, sometimes shaking my head, sometimes nodding...

On the other hand, the other spiritual lives born with this woman turned a blind eye to the huge white light curtain and the rainbow universe, and still existed indifferently.

In this way, ten thousand years, one hundred million years, the years are passing by.

Because this woman has been submerged in the rainbow universe for a long time, the inside and outside of her body are soaked in the rainbow, and she wears a rainbow dress on the outside of her body, and her soul and eyes are also transformed into rainbow colors.

Also because of this reason, this woman suddenly understood these rainbow cosmic texts:

In the Great Wilderness of the Western Yuan Dynasty, the immortal king of the spiritual life bestowed on you the spirit name Nuwa, the colorful destiny soul, and the heart of creation. He specially allows you to finish reading this "Wordless Heavenly Book", and then bestows you with a fairy scroll golden tower, which contains the supreme There are countless books of wisdom, and after you learn all of them, you can enjoy the Great Desolation of the Western Yuan Dynasty.

If you feel that your spiritual wisdom is not enough, it is difficult to master the unique knowledge of the Golden Tower, or there will be uncontrollable changes in the Great Wilderness in the future, you can also find a spirit with super-human wisdom to complete the mission of opening up the Great Wilderness.

Remember! Remember! The day when the land reclamation of the Great Wilderness of the Western Yuan Dynasty is successful is the time when those who have completed their merits and virtues ascend to the Immortal Universe of Spiritual Life...


"I have a name, my name is Nvwa, cluck... I have a name... My name is Nvwa!"

Empress Nuwa was given the name of the universe, and she was ecstatic in her heart. After quickly browsing and memorizing the rainbow universe on the white light curtain, she danced on countless rainbow universes, cheering endlessly.

The cry of Empress Nuwa was the first voice of a fairy god in the three dark universes.

Her sweet, melodious and melodious voice was like a cosmic hurricane in the dark universe, constantly circling and washing away, and suddenly stimulated all the spiritual lives of the dark three universes that sprouted together with Nuwa Empress.

After a short period of astonishment, they all rushed to the Empress Nuwa who was dancing among the countless rainbow universes in the huge white light curtain.

These souls of the dark three universes, each with eyes of infinite envy, stared at the Nuwa Empress with colorful rainbows all over her body for a long time, some were envious and some were jealous.

They quickly divided into two camps in their hearts, one was the envious faction, and the other was the jealous faction.

"Nuwa Empress! Nuwa Empress..."

"Kill her! The magical light curtain is ours!"

After staring for a long time, the envious faction and the jealous faction soon realized that the reason for the miraculous change of Empress Nuwa was caused by the huge white light curtain and rainbow space text behind her.

Therefore, whether it is the envy faction or the jealous faction, the first batch of spiritual lives born in the dark three universes rushed towards Nuwa empress madly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

However, just when they were about to rush towards Empress Nuwa, there was a burst of laughter from the inexplicable space, and the dark three universes that had become infinitely bright suddenly turned dark again.

At the same time, an infinite raging cosmic hurricane blew up in the space of the Dark Three Universes.

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