Nine Heavens

Chapter 2178 goodbye

Hundreds of millions of years later, the second season of Darkness Three Universes was formed.

Hundreds of millions of years later, due to the influence of the only magical azure star in the sky, the universe of life gradually appeared in the dark three universes.


Empress Nuwa recalled her past like flashes of light and flint in her mind, the process of the birth of the ancient spirit universe, and the mysterious "Book of Words Without Words".

Then he told these memories to Tian Ling and others who were around him.

"Then how did "Book Without Words" end up in our father's hands?"

All the little fairies of Langyuan, the fairy pet spirit body of Empress Nuwa were all amazed after hearing Empress Nuwa's memories, Liusha asked curiously.

"Hehe, hehe! Your father is here, just ask your father and you will know."

Empress Nuwa looked left and right with her beautiful eyes, looked forward intently, and said with a smile.

"Oh! yes, Daddy—"


"Master in charge—"

"Master Yuantian!"

At this time, Lord Yuantianlang, Liu Qianlang, stepped on the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanjian, with fluttering white hair and dangling sky brocade silk robes, and suddenly shot near the Rainbow Mountain, and stopped firmly.

Tianling, Xiaoying, Die'er, Landie, Danrou and Liusha, as well as Hongxian, Linger, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle all cheered and shouted when they saw Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang yell.

Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang's eyes swept across his beloved daughter and apprentice and all the little fairies of Langyuan one by one, smiled and nodded with gratification, then respectfully saluted:

"The head of the Immortal Sect is destined for Tianlang Lord to meet Empress Nuwa!"

"Mr. Yuantianlang, don't be too polite. Speaking of which, you are still Nuwa's humane father, and Nuwa should return the courtesy."

Empress Nuwa smiled, looked deeply at Mr. Yuantianlang, and wanted to throw herself into the arms of this humane father, but at this moment, she was no longer that naughty Lian'er, so she had to try her best to suppress her excitement Emotions, staring for a long time, eyes moist, said pretending to be relaxed.

"Nvwa Empress called from afar, she must have something to order, Lord Yuantianlang listened attentively."

Mr. Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang naturally saw the strange look of Empress Nuwa, but he didn't want to make Empress Nuwa feel sad, so he immediately changed his mind and asked Empress Nuwa.

"Mr. Yuantianlang, all of my...mother's body has fallen, but are their spirits still there?"

Empress Nuwa's eyes were blurred with tears, her lips trembled, she hesitated again and again in her words, and finally she asked so habitually.

"Lian'er, no! Empress Nuwa, thanks to your concern, she, their spiritual thoughts have become my heart, and they are all there."

Mentioning his beloved wives, Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang also felt heartbroken and said softly.

"Okay, okay! That's good. In the past, when you were a child, you shed ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine tears of heavenly spirit because of your instinctive kindness and eagerness to protect your sister.

In the broken Emerald Mausoleum, the cosmic witch annihilated the soul curse, and the magic sword of summoning souls came out, and the cosmic witch led you to the fairy road. She failed to demonize you, but instead made you and your ten fairy wives humane.

At that time, you didn't know what the dark cosmic witch was, but I knew it, but I still underestimated her. I didn't expect that she would cast spells in a row and use clever tricks, which made me hard to guard against, so that I was in pain today.

But you and I don't know that she casts two major death curses, the curse of destroying the soul, and the curse of stripping the soul.

So much so that when all the mothers were close to the door and ascended to the heavenly realm, their bodies fell the next day. This really made Nuwa heartbroken! "

In the words of Empress Nuwa, she couldn't help crying.

"Please don't be sad, Empress Nuwa. Although they passed away, they were all very safe when they left. They won't blame you."

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang looked at the Nuwa Empress in the rainbow dress fluttering on the top of the rainbow mountain tens of thousands of lights in front of her, her former beloved daughter, tears streaming down her cheeks, her heart felt like a knife was piercing her heart, she was very uncomfortable, and tried her best to enlighten her .

"Nuwa knows that no matter how wronged or painful your mothers are, they will not blame Nuwa, they are the most amiable and respectable mothers who make people feel infinitely distressed!

Although their physical bodies were gone, when they saw their father, their voices and smiles seemed to be still in front of them. Nuwa misses them so much! "

Empress Nuwa couldn't control herself, she called Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang's father, and whimpered.


When she cried, the Young Immortal Lang Yuan in front of her and behind her burst into tears of grief.

"Since the jihad of the ancient spirit universe unfortunately broke the star of life in the universe of life and death, in this universe of life and death, in the eyes of empress Nuwa, how sure are we of our ultimate victory?"

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang saw that Empress Nuwa and her beloved daughter and disciples were very sad, so it was inconvenient to ask Empress Nuwa why she summoned him, so he found a topic that he cared about and asked.

"Three points!"

Hearing Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang asked this question, Empress Nuwa withdrew her sadness and said seriously.

"Even Empress Nuwa is so unsure. It seems that the dark cosmic witch is really terrifying. She controlled the royal family of the dark cosmic universe under her magic wand in the age of the ancient spirit and the dark cosmic universe. Now that we have come to today, She still hasn't escaped from the chess game of her life and death universe seizing the fall!"

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang sighed.

"What Lord Yuantianlang said is true, the dark witch is too terrifying, Jiulian Nvwa created an original human way to save the future of the universe.

She can enter the Dao layout without anyone noticing, always catching Nu Wa by surprise.

If it weren't for Yuantianlangjun's innate wisdom and persistence, we would have been defeated by her long ago.

Her layout is indeed terrifying, and the character who is about to accept the chess now is thousands of times scarier than her! "

Empress Nuwa looked at the Newman Poison Mountain opposite Yuantian Dream Mountain, she shook her head slightly and said.

"What is Empress Nuwa saying?"

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang vaguely guessed what Empress Nuwa was referring to.

"It's Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon Tianjun, one of her three one-yuan avatars!

Now, Dad's human body has been destroyed, and Tian Linglang is reborn. However, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord who has already ascended to the Heaven Realm, still has a human body, which shows that his strength is stronger than that of the Dark Cosmic Witch.

So we have always regarded him as the biggest opponent in the time of humanity, in fact, the direction is right, Nuwa Yaoyin called Dad to come, one is to miss Dad, and the most important thing is to tell Dad about the death of the blood demon Tianjun The situation of the young master Ouyang Langlong. "

"Thank you, Empress Nuwa, Mr. Yuantianlang understands. After returning, Mr. Yuantianlang will make careful arrangements to defend the mountain of darkness and three universes. At the same time, pay attention to the cosmic witch on Newman's poisonous mountain and Ouyang Lang, the dead son of the blood demon Tianjun. The situation of the dragon!"

"Let's not be too distracted. According to Nuwa's understanding of them, Daddy can practice Langyuan Xianhao with peace of mind. Nuwa boldly speculates that they will definitely intrigue and kill each other.

In the end, what Dad has to deal with is definitely not Zhou Wu, but Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon Tianjun! "

Empress Nuwa's mood gradually calmed down, her thinking became extremely active, and she guessed very confidently.

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