Nine Heavens

Chapter 2180

"Nuwa Empress, if the Star of Life is revived, can the master, the ladies who lead the waves, and the disciples who are full of waves come back to life again!?"

After staring for a long time, Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang choked up and asked.

"Yes, if we succeed, everything in Shengzhou will be completely new, not only your master, your Tianling wife and children, Langyuan Lingxian, and all the immortals and gods in Shengzhou will be reborn!"

Empress Nuwa is also teary-eyed, looking at the person in front of her, completely trapped in the joyful memories of the fairy gate of Langyuan, although she is the original immortal, high-ranking, still unforgettable humane love, back to the past, called Yuantianlang Jun Liu Qianlang is his father.

"That's good, that's good!"

Although Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang suppressed his grief, tears still rolled down his face, repeating these words.

"Daddy, don't be sad, Lian'er and all the sisters want to see Xianwei's domineering father, okay?"

Empress Nuwa looked deeply at Yuantian Shenjun who said sadly.


Lord Yuantian heard that Empress Nuwa took the initiative to call her humane baby name, and was overjoyed in her heart. Looking at Empress Nuwa in surprise, her lips trembled, and she called softly.

"Daddy, you're so biased. Why do you keep looking at Sister Lian'er? Ling'er is here too."

Seeing Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang's happy face, Tianling smiled angrily.

"That's right! Daddy, Sister Lian'er is your good daughter, so are we!"


Xiao Ying, Die Er, and Lan Die also said coquettishly.

"Hehe, Daddy has seen it all, and Daddy is really happy to know that you are both Empress Nuwa, Gu Lingxian, and reincarnated by the human Daddy's side.

But Daddy also feels very disappointed, your mother suddenly left Daddy, and you all came to Rainbow Mountain.

Daddy also knows that Xiao Luo and Qian'er will also come here soon, they are the guardian prodigies of "The Complete Book of Destroyer Realm" and "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm".

Let Daddy take a good look at you, Daddy is really worried that he won't..."


"Daddy, how could it be, we are your humanitarian daughters, no matter what time it is, we will always remember Daddy in our hearts.

The star of life is about to be resurrected. At that time, not only will we not leave you, but all loving mothers will also be resurrected, as well as all relatives who have been in the fairy gate. We will be reunited soon.

Then, the universe is reborn, and everything in the ninety-nine, eighty-one and eighty-one heavens is infinitely beautiful. All the relatives of our Langyuan Xianmen can be free in the nine days, as happy as they want! ! "

Empress Nuwa smiled sweetly, and her tone was full of naughty Lian'er's naughty tone in the past, she seemed very excited and said.

"Really! The Demon Sword Ancestor had deduced it before he disappeared into the Great Dream Mountain. The master of the sect master and sister Lian'er's expectation of the Great Kindness, Great Virtue, Great Duke, Nine Heavens Immortal Fate and Le Xianzhou are about to come true.

He asked Sister Lian'er to tell his father that as long as his father let go of the fairy and walk the last critical part of the road, we will be infinitely happy and beautiful, and the real love of light and darkness will come.

He also said that when the magical star of life is revived, Dad will see a magical door appear in front of Dad, and all of us will be in this magical door, the soul-slaying Demon Sword Ancestor and all loving mothers, the door will be full other relatives! "

Tianling looked sideways at the sweetly smiling Empress Nuwa, her eyes dimmed, her heart fluttering, her face was filled with sadness, and she continued with a sweet smile.

"Isn't that right, Master! We are so happy to see that you have finally ascended to the Fate of Heaven Realm. Let us cooperate tacitly for the last time to create the resurrection mission of the Star of Life, and then we are happy for a new fairy journey!"

"Life is changing, the fate of the nine heavens, it's great that the three-color fire baby can meet the head, the head is the only immortal god who the three-color fire baby has seen since ancient times, with great kindness, unswerving obsession, brilliance, humanity, and love!"

"Until today, Ling'er didn't know why the master did not hesitate to endure Yun Zhou's countless years of waiting for the master!

The sect master's protection for them transcends spiritual life and breaks out of the universe. This is something that no god is willing to do for others in the nine days, but the sect master has always insisted on it. "


Hearing the conversation between Empress Nuwa and Tianling, Hongxian, Sanse Huowa, Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle were very moved, and they all sighed with tears.

"Thank you, little immortals, for your kindness, but I'm ashamed and dare not take it. So what about the persistence of Lord Tianlang, at the last critical moment, it's really heartbreaking that he didn't bring all the disciples to the ascension!"

Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang's white hair flutters, his silver robe flutters, and his psychic eyes are shrouded in rainbows. He looks deeply at the Nuwa Empress and others on the top of the Rainbow Mountain one by one, full of shame.

"Father, don't blame yourself. Since all the mothers left happily, it means that they have no regrets. The same is true for us. We don't say anything for nine days. It's just a humane encounter, which is enough to comfort the soul!

Heck... Besides, we still have better things waiting for us after the resurrection of the Star of Life. "


"That's right... Daddy! The head master! The head!"

Seeing the rainbow light in the eyes of Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang who blamed himself deeply, Empress Nuwa and the young immortals of Langyuan all laughed and said.

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang is so divine and wise, he knows in his heart that Nuwa Empress is waiting to comfort him, and he is grateful and said:

"Empress Nuwa and all the children, take care for the time being. Mr. Benyuan Tianlang will follow what you said, go back and concentrate on cultivating Zhengling Xianguanglangyuanxianhao first."

After Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang was familiar with Nuwa Empress's thoughts, he looked deeply at Rainbow Immortal, then turned around suddenly, and went to control the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Sword.

Behind, Empress Nuwa, Tianling sisters, Hongxian, Sancolor Huowa, Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle remained unchanged.

Their fairy robes fluttered, and they looked up into the distance, watching Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang disappear from sight.

"Mother, Ling'er really misses Daddy, if we... how lonely and painful Daddy will be!"

Tian Ling saw that his father's white-haired figure had disappeared, and couldn't hold back the tears for a moment, and looked up at Empress Nuwa with tears streaming down her face and said with a sob.

"Daddy is the only great good fairy god in the universe. He not only possesses powerful and infinite divine wisdom and immortal abilities, but also has a majestic and majestic mind. Don't worry, everyone, he will look away.

However, Lian'er couldn't bear him either! Maybe after the resurrection of the Star of Life, although we can feel his presence at any time, we may never see his whole body and fairy appearance again. "

The rainbow around the Empress Nuwa's body, the rainbow eyes dripping tears, the long past suddenly hits her heart, bitter, hot, sour and sweet, all kinds of smells cleanse the mind, and the Cangsang Road.

"Your Majesty, are we in the future alive, or have we fallen?"

Now the head of the little devil turtle is covered with divine wisdom beads, various colors, dazzling and sparkling, and the whole body is glistening with emerald green light. Looking around the crowd, he asked Empress Nuwa very puzzled.

"We are both alive and fallen. Fundamentally speaking, the past is the past. There is only new life, not resurrection. Let's go back first, we should also prepare."

Empress Nuwa pondered for a moment, and said this more mysterious sentence.

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