Nine Heavens

Chapter 2181 Disturbance

Yuantian, Newman's Magic Palace.

The dark witch is sitting cross-legged, the black magic wand has turned into a sky witch dragon, and the terrifying Xuanyang is hanging above his head, cultivating Newman Dulan crazily.

Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch were sitting on the Sky Witch's magic carpet, and they were also hovering around her, also sitting cross-legged.

At this moment, the Dark Cosmic Witch's whole body was pitch black and the blood-red evil smoke monster mist was rising majesticly, pinching the magical formula with both hands, and chanting oh woo woo.

There are two main acupoints on its body, one red and one blue, and two celestial witch god fires from Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch shoot fiercely.


Seen from a distance, the dark magic sun above the head of the dark Zhou witch has formed two hundred thousand huge phantoms of Newman's poisonous dragon, one black and one red.

The two dragons of Newman's Poisonous Waves, Shuanglong Xiyang, both howled and roared, swallowing the dark magic sun on the head of the dark universe witch. At the same time, the Sky Witch Dragon entwined around the Dark Cosmic Witch was also roaring and spitting fire and electricity at the Newman Poisonous Dragon swallowing the dark Xuanyang on the Dark Cosmic Witch's head, the scene was very shocking.

"Congratulations to the main soul, Zhou Wu! The dragon of Newman's Poisonous Waves has already begun to appear. If this progress is made, within a hundred million years, we will be the first to succeed in cultivating Newman's Poisonous Waves!"

The Shui'er and the Fire Poison Witch flying around the Dark Space Witch all had the Heavenly Soul and Divine Fire dancing on their bodies, one with azure blue hair fluttering, and the other with a blazing fire method flying wildly.

Their hands were moving crazily in front of them, constantly pushing out mighty blue and red crazy rainbow fire, continuously supplying the Dark Cosmic Witch.

Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch saw the image of three dragons roaring around the head of Dark Zhou Wu while circling, and they were pleasantly surprised to congratulate Dark Zhou Wu.


"Hmm! 100 million years! Up to 100 million years, haha... Quack... Another 100 million years, the star of life will be resurrected in the roar of Newman's poisonous dragon of my dark universe witch.

Then the witch of this universe is the master of the star of life, no matter where he lives or dies, he will prostrate at the feet of the witch of this universe, all spirits will return to the devil, and I am the only one—”

The Dark Universe Sorcerer burst into evil smiles, proudly raising his arms to the sky and shouting wildly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

However, at this moment, three huge and majestic phantoms suddenly shot around them.

"Hmph! It's you, why did you kill Qi Ai, Xu Xiao and Mr. Death so quickly!?"

The Dark Cosmic Witch felt a hurricane of clouds and universe suddenly blowing around him, and his heart suddenly stopped. He raised his head and looked around, and found that it turned out to be the three one-dimensional clones of the blood demon Tianjun, Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, who had not been away for hundreds of thousands of years.

An ominous feeling suddenly rose in Dark Zhouwu's heart, because she had already realized that her three one-dimensional clones had almost cut off contact with her demon soul.

They suddenly appeared, but I didn't realize it at all. This kind of situation can only explain one problem, my three one-dimensional clones have completely betrayed me.

"What are they trying to do?"

The dark universe witch asked himself in his heart, trying his best to suppress his anger, and asked coldly.

"Ha ha……"

"What are you doing, the main soul, Zhou Wu, can't guess it!"

Ouyang Langlong, the blood demon king, stepped on the blood demon dragon, the blood red demon robe was vast and surging, the nine dragon crown on his head, the nine dragon roared, and the blood moon mask sprayed cold and vicious rainbows, looking at the dark Zhou Wu with disdain The back view, sneered.

"You want to kill me and take away the remnants of the Star of Life!?"

The Dark Cosmic Witch felt chills on his back, and quickly understood the opponent's intention from the killing intent of the opponent's cosmic hurricane.

"Smart, as expected of the ancient spirit and demon god who lays out the overall situation of the Universe of Life and Death, but it's a pity, you never thought that one day your own chess piece would turn against the commander-in-chief!"

The avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch stood on top of the huge head of the Blood Demon Dragon, and amidst a sneer, the Blood Demon Sword had already been launched.


The blood demon sword shot into the sky of Newman's Poisonous Mountain. Amidst the roaring sound, it kept growing. In the blink of an eye, it had already dominated the sky. , Flame Poison Witch.

"Hmph! Just rely on you?"

The dark Zhou Wu raised his head and smiled wickedly, then stopped abruptly and asked.

"No! It's not just the avatar of the blood demon Tianjun, but also Qi Ai, Xu Xiao and the two guardian avatars beside you!

We know how powerful your Dark Cosmic Sorcerer is, how could we attack you without any confidence? "

The blood demon Tianjun avatar let out bursts of yin and yang laughter, and replied with a sarcasm.

"Huh? You guys!"

Hearing the words, the dark witch, the nine-faced witch's self-confident figure suddenly returned to the original state of wrinkled face, and then the pale face, black pupils and black rainbows shot randomly, looking around her five clones, unbelievable asked.

"That's right! We hate you so much, we were originally your own clone, but you use everything to your advantage, and treat us as pawns to achieve your goals step by step!

What's even more hateful is that you deceived, poisoned, and drove us arbitrarily, and you are secretly planning to kill us when you are about to complete your success!

Since you are so ruthless and ungrateful, you don't care about the friendship of the main body, the soul, and the soul, and you cross the river and demolish the bridge, and you will die like a rabbit!

Why should we be loyal to you and have the same obsession. Dedicate everything to you, in the end you dominate the universe of life and death, but we will perish!

Therefore, this avatar and the avatar of the flame poison witch have already made a secret agreement with the avatar of the blood demon Tianjun, allowing you to enter the cultivation state of Newman's Dulan Shuanglong as soon as possible, when your demon soul can vent and cannot return to the body , work together to kill you.

Afterwards, they practiced Newman's Dulan Ssangyong together, and Muyun went to the Mountain of Dreams to win the battle against Langyuan Xianmen and other mountain forces, and then resurrected the Star of Life together. "

Shui'er covered her face with frost and said coldly.


"You idiots, the remnants of the stars of life can be summoned and manipulated by your remnant soul clones. Even if you don't need to snatch them, the witches of this universe will give you all the remnants of the nine stars of life for nothing, and you will definitely not be able to control them they.

Because in the universe of life and death, only those who possess the "Wanfa Shenjue" can truly control the remnants of the ten life stars.

And the only person who deeply comprehends the "Wanfa Shenjue" is Benzhou Wu, except for Yuantian Langjun of Langyuan Xianmen!

Don't be stupid anymore, the only value of your appearance is to work hard for the witches of this universe, and then fall and perish, and the soul returns to my body. "

The Dark Cosmic Witch cursed angrily. Although he was terrified in his heart, his mouth was extremely strong.

"Old witch, you are right, of course we know this. But as you said, it is not only the one who knows the "Wanfa Shenjue".

After we slaughter you, it is not difficult to find a way to control Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang, don't talk about it, you can die with peace of mind! "

Opposite the Dark Cosmic Witch, Xu Xiao's avatar and Qi Ai's avatar are located in two favorable positions, and they also successively sacrificed their respective instinctive magic weapons, namely the immeasurable sea of ​​imaginary energy and the countless dead birds of Wanfa.

At the same time, Shui'er and Huo Lie Poison Witch stepped on the magic carpet of the Sky Witch, and a group of demon fire suns appeared on their chests, and the fire waves of the magic fire sun spewed out.

The two possessed spirit clones are condescending, majestic and proud of the dark universe witch.

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