Nine Heavens

Chapter 2182 who is the most evil


"Even if you have the ability to control Lord Yuantianlang, are you confident that you can kill the witch of this universe?"

Surrounded by five avatars, the Dark Cosmic Witch could not argue with them, so he suddenly stood up, whistling and flying above hundreds of millions of light miles, stepping on the pitch-black God Witch Dragon, and Newman's poisonous dragon circled and roared around him.

It turned out that the pitch-black magic sun above her head burst into hundreds of millions of pitch-black poisonous rainbows, five of which roared and shot at her five clones.


The five avatars of the Dark Cosmic Witch raised their heads and looked up, all secretly surprised.

"Do it! Don't let her go!"

After a moment of astonishment, Ouyang Langlong, the avatar of the blood demon Tianjun, shouted sharply. At the same time, he swung the Gorefiend Sword and controlled the Gorefiend Dragon soaring into the sky to kill the Dark Cosmic Witch.

call out! call out! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the next second, Xu Xiao's avatar, Qi Ai's avatar, Shui'er, and the flame poisonous witch also shot up to the sky from different directions to surround the Dark Zhou Wu.

Ouyang Langlong, the blood demon king, the blood demon sword breaks the sky and cuts the universe, and the blood light sword pours down, releasing the terrifying blood demon in the sky. Flash thunderbolt lightning.

Xu Xiao's towering body swayed, the sea of ​​energy under his feet turned upside down, the wind and waves roared, ice mountains and snow seas kept breaking between his palms, and ice cannons raged between cold cliffs.

Countless dodge cold cosmic hurricanes, crushing down from its virtual energy sea, constantly devouring the dark cosmic witch.

Qi Ai swayed, and the same huge bird-headed demon body shot the rainbow with one eye, and when it shook its arms and claws, countless death clouds and birds wailed in the sky, black and dark, and they also shot towards the darkness of the sky. surrounded.

This is the attack image of the three one-dimensional clones of the Dark Cosmic Witch, and the two ghostly avatars will naturally not be polite. One blue and one red, the two Heavenly Witch Divine Fires, have already formed two huge sky fire wheels, sealing the Dark Cosmic Witch in it .

"Haha... giggle..."

"My main soul Zhou Wu, why bother to struggle anymore, struggling is death, not struggling is also dead, why bother to fight so hard!

If it is wise, quickly hand over the remnants of the nine life stars, and immediately destroy yourself! In this way, it is also possible to avoid the pain of the burning soul! "

Ouyang Langlong, the blood demon king, stands on top of the blood demon dragon, while manipulating the blood demon sword to slash wildly, while laughing wildly, poisonous and arrogant.


"Fools! Don't say that you don't have the ability to kill this dark cosmic witch, even if you did, this cosmic witch would not give you all the remnants of the nine life stars.

The shamans of this universe have never been poisoned by any humane or emotional relationship in the universe. Death, insidiousness, destruction, darkness, and eternity are the nature of the shamans of this universe.

When I die, I will turn the remnants of the star of life into dust first, so that you will never even think about it! "

In the face of the crazy attack of the five clones, the Dark Universe Sorcerer stepped on the Divine Witch Dragon and charged forward without fear.

"Oh ha ha... giggle..."

"My main soul, are you really demon wisdom, or are you persistent and stupid! Do you think that the remnants of the nine life stars in your hands were really plundered by us for you?"

Ouyang Langlong, the clone of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, male and female voices laughed evilly at each other, taunting and sarcastically asking.

"Oh! Isn't it true that Lang Yuan Xianmen will not take the initiative to give it to you?"

Hearing the words, the dark universe witch paused for a moment, then retorted triumphantly.


Ouyang Langlong, the avatar of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, retaliated to the other side simply.

"That's right! It seems that the witches of this universe not only want to thank you idiots, but also the idiots of the Langyuan Xianmen!

In fact, it doesn't matter who took or sent the remnants of the stars of life for the witches of this universe. What is important is that the witches of this universe now have nine remnants of stars of life.

The process is not important, the important thing is the result, your existence and the existence of Langyuan Xianmen, even the Nuwa Empress of Rainbow Mountain and Dumojianzu of Dumojian Mountain are all processes and witches of this universe Chess pieces for juggling.

And this universe witch now has the nine life star remnant is the result, it is the satisfactory result of this universe witch secretly laughing at you. cluck...quick..."

The dark cosmic witch controlled the divine witch dragon to rush out of the encirclement of the five cosmic witches like an electric shot, ascending to a higher sky, leaning over and laughing at the five clones in the circle below, laughing endlessly.

"Is it useful to have the nine stars of life? If the blood demon Tianjun guesses well, you have not been able to summon any star of life until now. Prepare to count on Lord Yuantianlang in the end!"

The Blood Demon Lord Ouyang Langlong roared, and the five avatars instantly followed him like a shadow, and once again outflanked the dark Zhou Wu in the sky.

"how do you know!?"

The dark Zhou Wu's face suddenly changed, and because of surprise, his resistance movements suddenly became chaotic.

"You don't need to know this, it's ridiculous that you are eager for quick success and instant benefits, lose your mind, and think that the more remnants of the Star of Life you take for yourself, the more hopeful you will be able to revive the Star of Life.

As everyone knows, this weakness of yours has been repeatedly exploited by Mr. Yuantianlang. He ordered Supreme Lord Langyuan to take the initiative to deliberately lose the remnants of the nine stars of life to us and our avatar, and then use our hands to dedicate them to you.

But in fact, any of the nine life stars remnants, except for their masters of Langyuan Xianmen, other immortal gods and demon saints cannot be activated.

In other words, there is no essential difference to them whether the remnants of the nine stars of life are in our hands or in their hands.

As long as they are happy, they can use the energy of the heavenly soul to summon them from the universe. Among the nine remnants of the stars of life, the spiritual heart is like the Yuanshenyu, the blue crescent moon, the soul-controlling vine, the flute of the sky, the star sword, and the celestial demon. It will be back in their hands immediately.

The only things you can really summon are the three remnants of the Star of Life on the Great Dream Mountain. However, you know very well in your heart that the three remnants of life stars on Dameng Mountain are just remnants of limbs among the top ten remnants of life stars.

Even if you can summon them, it is meaningless, because the key to the resurrection of the Star of Life lies in the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain of Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang, the blue crescent moon of Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster, and the obsession of the Star of Life. Jade!

Among these three, the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain is the most important. It is the soul of the Star of Life, Haiyuanshen.

So, when you know this fact, you realize that all your previous efforts have been in vain, and now the only chance is to succeed in cultivating Newman Dulan Double Dragon as soon as possible.

Then when Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang went to Dameng Mountain to try to revive the Star of Life, you turned out to rush to inject Newman's poison into the remnants of the gathered Star of Life, so as to complete your plan.

This step is your only chance to revive the star of life, and it is also your last chance. If you fail, you and us will surely die. Is what the Blood Demon Lord said right? "

Ouyang Langlong, the blood demon heavenly lord, stood firmly on top of the blood demon dragon, and when he said it casually, he obviously knew everything about it.

"So you already knew this, you have been plotting to find an opportunity to kill me, and then you go to resurrect the Star of Life!?"

The Dark Cosmic Witch asked bitterly.

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