Nine Heavens

Chapter 2188 The Same Origin Of Immortals And Demons

"Haha... giggle..."

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang was laughing freely, and Blood Demon Emperor Zhou was also laughing triumphantly.

The blood demon Emperor Zhou was extremely excited at this moment, and the nine dragons crowned on his head also taunted Yuantian Lang Jun Liu Qianlang.

"Hey! Emperor Zhou, it's time. Among the ninety-nine and eighty-one Heavenly Fate Heavens, except for Emperor Zhou, there is only that lunatic running with the waves left. When will the Star of Life not be resurrected at this time?" !

A ferocious faucet with a hideous green dripping poison, staring and baring its teeth, said in a low voice.

"Emperor Zhou must keep his word. Our Dark Nine Dragons have been ordered by the Emperor of Death since the Holy War of the Ancient Spirit Cosmos to protect you all the time. Once the Dark Zhou is resurrected, we will be named the Dragon Emperors of the Dark Nine Heavens immediately."

The Dark Painted Dragon reminded the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou very worriedly.


"Haha, don't worry, Dragon Emperors, you have always been loyal to me, how can the Emperor of this universe fail you!

By the way, if you don’t tell me, I’d forget that I, the blood demon Emperor Zhou, will become the only master of the universe in the universe of death and recovery. How can I not even have a chair of the emperor of the death demon palace? I see you It's just right, let you condense into the emperor's chairs of the emperor of this universe. "

The blood demon Emperor Zhou laughed, and suddenly took off the blood moon mask, swallowed it into his mouth, and turned it into the devil blood flowing in the veins around him.

Then he swung the Gorefiend Demon Sword, and instantly cut off the nine ferocious dragon heads on the nine dragon crowns on his head.

"You, you can't do this! Without us, no one will protect you!"

"Blood Demon Eternal Emperor, you are ungrateful, you will die!"


The nine dragon heads that were chopped off whimpered and cursed.

"Hmph! You idiots shouldn't have a mouth that can speak. It's your good fortune to give you the opportunity to sit under me, but you still want to be the Dragon Emperor of the Eternal Nine Heavens of Darkness. How dare you dream!

You can be the chairs of Emperor Zhou's magic light palace with peace of mind. This Emperor Zhou doesn't even believe in his own human clone, so how can he trust you. "

The Blood Demon Emperor sneered, swung the Blood Demon Sword again, and then made nine dragon heads into the Nine Dragon Palace chair, made it up with a maniacal laugh, and then flew into the sky with trillions of lights.

He didn't stop, and continued to wield the blood demon sword. Under its countless scarlet sword curtains, the mountain of Langyuan Tianhun, which symbolized the ascension of Langyuan Xianmen to the Yuantian realm, was also destroyed by him.

At this moment, the only sacred mountain standing in Yuantian Realm is Yuantian Dameng Mountain, and the other is the infinite and vast world of light waves.

Mr. Yuantian Lang is still infinitely majestic, running with the waves in the sea, throwing his head up and pouring wine, like a shooting star in a cosmic hurricane, drawing a strange arc of light, constantly speeding around Yuantian Dream Mountain.

It was as if he hadn't seen the horrifying image formed by the tens of millions of rays of light that erupted from the destruction of Langyuan Tianhun Mountain.

There is also the banner of Langyuan Equal to Heaven, thousands of stars are still twinkling, floating in the undulating waves; the Nine Heavens Xianyuan sword has been abandoned, but it is still shining for Danhua, and the colorful clouds follow him.

However, Mr. Yuantianlang turned a blind eye to this, and even shot past the banner of Langyuan Qitian time and time again...

The madman!

The Blood Demon Emperor completed all the tasks he thought he needed to complete. He incorporated the Nine Dragon Palace Chair into the body sea, and then summoned the Blood Demon Dragon. The tower stood tall on top of its huge dragon head, and he folded his arms around his chest. He leaned over to admire Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang who was still running around foolishly.

The current posture of the Blood Demon Emperor Ouyang Langlong was the posture he saw Liu Qianlang most often in the past. Ouyang Langlong has always hated Liu Qianlang flying into the sky with his sword on his sword, with his hands folded over his chest, his white hair fluttering, and his posture gazing at the flowing clouds in the sky.

This kind of dislike started from the moment Liu Qianlang was able to fly to the sky on the willow branches on the first day.

Now he adopts such a posture to look at Liu Qianlang, who is wandering in the sky, out of a kind of revenge. He wants to watch Liu Qianlang go crazy and stupid like this, and finally die under his great plan.

The chess game of life and death designed by the Dark Cosmic Witch is too grand and too perfect for him. From a minister to a king, he seems to be the only master of the resurrected universe.

The Blood Demon Emperor Zhou became excited just by imagining his future, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

At this moment, two emotions were intertwined in his heart, both of which made him excited. One is to immediately order Liu Qianlang to crash to death on Yuantian Dameng Mountain, and activate the magic circle of resurrecting life stars.

Another kind, the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou was actually reluctant to let Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang die immediately, because he couldn't get enough of Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang's failure.

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu led the waves and ran, and he kept thinking about a question in his soul, that is, what is Ouyang Lang's Tianling body.

In this contest of life and death between the two universes, the real dealer is not himself, let alone Ouyang Langlong, but the Nuwa empress who lives in the universe, the ancestor of the magic sword and the witch in the dark universe.

The reason why today's pawns are in the upper position is indeed caused by Shenzhou's good fortune.

This little wave of mine was ordered by Empress Nuwa and her mentor, Du Mojian Zu Qicai Yuanhun, to save humanity from the lower realms, so what exactly was Ouyang Langlong ordered by the dark universe witch?

The reason why Yuantian Lang Jun Liu Qianlang kept running wildly was because he was thinking about this mystery that he still couldn't solve at the moment.

The answer to this mystery is too important. If you don't know what Ouyang Langlong's body is, you can't finally destroy him.

"Haha... Langhuaer lunatic! Enough tossing, now that your wish is over, why don't you crash to death on Yuantian Dameng Mountain immediately, so that you can be with your Langyuan Xianmen forever!?"

In the intertwined excitement of the two great emotions, the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou finally made the ultimate decision, and shouted wildly in a gloating tone.


Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang was tangled in his thoughts, suddenly became bright, and suddenly controlled the Yinhong dragon transformed into the Nine Heavens Xianyuan Sword, ascending to the sky into billions of light, and flew to a position higher than Ouyang Long, and then his eyes were shrouded in rainbows because of him Ascension to the sky suddenly, the figure of Ouyang Langlong stood stunned in astonishment.

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang looked intently, and saw Ouyang Langlong's tall and straight figure, followed by a faint shadow, which was the shadow of a wave flower.

Although the shadow of this wave flower is very faint, it is not difficult for Liu Qianlang, who has the soul of ninety-nine eighty-one heavens and the brain of Hunyuan Mountain of light and darkness, to see it.

After seeing the shadow of the waves, Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang cast his eyes on Ouyang Langlong's long-lost real face, and he was surprised to find that he and Ouyang Langlong were surprisingly similar in appearance.

In the past, I just looked at the feeling that the other party and I seemed to know each other and then were out of place. Now, it seems that the latter is still there, but the former is more than similar, it is simply a person.

The two stepped on the same bright red dragon and held the same red giant sword. Ouyang Langlong lost the nine-dragon crown, the blood moon mask, and the blood demon robe outside his body.


Liu Qianlang stood on top of the huge red dragon head transformed into the body of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, looking up and down at Ouyang Langlong with his arms crossed in exactly the same posture as Ouyang Langlong.

Liu Qianlang felt the sudden similarity between the two, and Ouyang Langlong suddenly felt it too. Then Ouyang Langlong asked in surprise.

"I am Little Wave, and you are my shadow, Little Wave, and we are one and the same body.

I was enlightened by the colorful destiny soul of the Nuwa Empress, and you were enlightened by the dark cosmic witch with the death demon soul, and then there was a confrontation between you and me in the immortal journey, from the nine heavens to the human world, and from the human world to experience all the ways back to the nine heavens , Now we are floating above Yuantian Dameng Mountain! "

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang said lightly.

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