Nine Heavens

Chapter 2189

"Bah! You're talking nonsense, this blood demon emperor is the soul of the dead Zhou Zhou witch in the dark three universes, and he built his body in the living universe, how could he have anything to do with you!?"

Although the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou also discovered the similarities between himself and Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang, he was still unmoved and said angrily.

"That's right, you do have the soul essence of the dark cosmic witch in your soul sea, but that is by no means all the soul essence in your soul gate. There must be a soul essence nucleus in your soul sea. Zhou Wu's seal control cannot be displayed.

But it's different now, the Dark Cosmic Witch has died and was completely wiped out by you, so the spirit core in your soul sea is slowly unsealed, so you look like me now.

If you don't believe me, you can take a look inside and feel it yourself. If my guess is correct, it won't take long for your soul essence core to fully awaken. "

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang stood on top of the majestic and huge Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanjian Yinhong Dragon, with white hair flying wildly, and his whole body was silver and vast, he said calmly.


Ouyang Langlong, the blood demon Zhou Emperor, heard the words, murmured for a moment, but still did as he said.

As a result, just as Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang said, the blood demon Zhou Emperor really saw two miraculous soul cores floating in his soul sea, one was blue and the other was pitch black.

At present, the dark soul essence core is relatively strong, and the dark death magic smoke is bubbling, while the blue soul essence core is relatively weak in divine power.

However, the pitch-black core of the soul spirit is continuously melting, and its color is gradually getting darker, while the color of the azure blue positive soul core is gradually strengthening, and the released azure blue power is constantly devouring the pitch-black soul core and releasing it. Evil soul energy released.

"how could this be!?"

The blood demon Emperor Zhou really couldn't believe this fact, and he looked up for a long time to stare at the opposite god in the hundreds of millions of lights, like Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang.

"I just found out, and I think Empress Nuwa and her mentor Du Mojianzu also discovered it not long ago, so Empress Nuwa repeatedly told me not to climb up to Yuantian Dream Mountain to kill you, but to take the initiative to ask you Dedicated to the remnants of the six stars of life, who died a few days ago.

Because if I don't do this, after I kill you, I will die with it. Similarly, if you kill me now, you will be gone.

Therefore, if we want to revive the Star of Life, we must jointly display the righteous spirit Guanghao.

For this reason, in order to survive the future of the universe, Empress Nuwa, her mentor Du Mojianzu, and all the gods and gods of Zhengling took the initiative to burst out of their bodies, and flew into Yuantian Dream Mountain with their whole souls, in order to let me survive in the final stage. Recognize yourself at the critical moment, and don't do the stupid thing that the star of life has not been resurrected, but we perish. "

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang felt all kinds of ups and downs in his heart. Regarding such an existence, he didn't know whether to be happy or indignant.

"Since this is the case, the remnants of the top ten stars of life have all reached the Yuantian Realm. Empress Nuwa, why didn't Dumojianzu just kill you and me? Why did you do that?"

The Blood Demon Emperor Zhou asked a little puzzled.

"According to the "Complete Book of Extermination", the reason why the star of life in the ancient spirit universe collapsed was mainly because the life element, life energy and life temperature on it were destroyed, which caused the soul energy contained in the star of life to collapse. caused by the explosion.

And we are the body of the waves, I am the bright liquid, and you are the dark mist. After harmony, we will be the carrier of the nourishing air and life temperature necessary for the perfect star of life.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Nuwa Empress and Master Du Mojianzu are, they do not have our characteristics, so the mission of resurrecting the Star of Life can only be completed by us! "

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang further explained.

"Ah! We only know this now, it's too late! The emperor of this universe has killed all the dark demon gods, and there are countless righteous fairy gods. And your Langyuan Xianmen is gone, we are now the stars of resurrection life What's the use, is it just you and me, a wave, a wave's shadow existing alone?"

Seeing that the core of the dark soul essence in the soul gate had gradually disintegrated, the blood demon Emperor Zhou had to admit the facts before him, and at the same time, the soul thought also transformed into a righteous spirit, sighed.

Yuan Tianlang Lord Liu Qianlang did not directly answer the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou, but asked instead:

"If the star of life is resurrected, what wish do you have?"

The Blood Demon Lord replied without thinking:

"I hope my mother can come back to life again, this is enough!"

"Actually, even if you have been controlled by the dark soul of the dark cosmic witch, there are still good factors in your deep soul sea.

As far as I remember, no matter when you are, you never forget your mother, don't you? "

"So what, my mother is gone because of my crime!"

"No! Your mother is still alive. Your mother is also my mother. Her name is Feng Yue'er. My father is also your real father. His name is Liuhe Dong.

They are all guardian gardeners on the banks of Tianling River in Xitianxi, and they are the ones who take care of us day and night. They are fine now, and they have been living safely in the Hunyuan Mountain in the light and darkness of my soul and brain. "

"What, mother, she's still there, isn't she taken away by the Dark Cosmic Witch?"

"No, it was the Dark Cosmic Witch who lied to you in order to get close to you. Back then, the Dark Cosmic Witch really wanted to take your mother away, but your mother was rescued by the Nuwa Empress, and then your mother was sent to my ink room by the Nuwa Empress. Inside the Jade Skull, after our mothers met, their souls split into one."


When the blood demon Emperor Zhou heard that his mother was still alive, his face was full of smiles, and he raised his head and shouted.

Then follow Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang's words and ask Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang:

"Then what is your wish?"

"My wish is that in the universe, whether it is the past or the present, all righteous spirits, good spirits and gods who have just fallen will be resurrected, and then there will be peace in the nine heavens, and the warmth of the earth and the universe will last forever."

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang smiled.

"It seems that the blood demon Emperor Zhou is destined not to be your opponent. I only have mothers in my eyes, but you have thousands of mothers in your eyes. You are the principle of great kindness, great virtue and great merit in the universe.

This blood demon Emperor Zhou is willing to bow down and be your shadow without complaint or regret. Do you know, I have also felt the relationship between you and me in the Linghe River in the next day in sporadic dreams, and I know that maybe I am your shadow.

But I don’t know, it’s okay, the more I know that you are being fooled by the light, receiving the sun and rain day and night, and the beautiful Nuwa empress bestows colorful fate souls, and there are also spiritual flowers and plants on the banks of the river that are full of spirits in Hanoi. Cherishing each other, I was jealous, so the Hundred Times Darkness Cosmic Witch was used by Du Hun at some point! "

Hearing these words of Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang, the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou was ashamed and laughed at himself.

"It's all because I'm too selfish. I only care about my brother Lang laughing, but I never pay attention to your feelings. In fact, you and I are just the relationship between the palm and the back of the hand, and any of us can be on it.

I add one more wish, that is, after the Star of Life is revived, I will be the shadow, and you will be the little wave, so that you can enjoy the beauty of the universe fairly! "

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang also said apologetically.

"Ha ha……"

"You mean what you say?"

The Blood Demon Emperor Zhou asked with a smile.


"Well, what are we waiting for, let's revive the Star of Life together."

The blood demon Lord Zhou laughed freely, this kind of laughter was the first time since he met Liu Qianlang humanely, he laughed heartily, without any evil intentions, and was infinitely candid.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

After a good laugh, the two turned into dragons and dragons, each stepped on the majestic and winding bright red dragon, flew wildly with lightning, and shot towards Yuantian Dameng Mountain hand in hand.


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