Nine Heavens

Chapter 2191 the ancient moon on the sundial

"Hehe, well, let's set up an array of guardians, and we will help Lang'er and Langlong revive the Star of Life!"

Demon Sword Ancestor smiled lovingly.

Then he turned around and stretched his hand towards the Yuantian Dameng Mountain below. The towering fairy peak that originally stood on the top of the Yuantian Dameng Mountain was transformed into a majestic fairy peak by the remnants of three stars of life. Soon after, it turned into three fetishes, a rainbow, a red sun, and a pure white divine clock.

The queen of the three fetishes, who was finalized, flew towards Empress Nuwa and Dumojianzu.


Sword Master Du Mojian smiled slightly, raised his whisk to catch the red sun, and the Nuwa Empress beside him caught the rainbow.

And the pure white divine clock circled endlessly behind Empress Nuwa and Dumojianzu, as if looking for something.

"Junior brother, I know you must be in Yuantian Dameng Mountain, why don't you come out to protect the Dharma!"

Sword Ancestor Du Mojian looked at the circling pure white divine clock with a smile, and said with a smile.

"Haha...Senior Brother, Junior Sister, I don't want to be involved in any Dharma protection or not, I have already taught Qian'er and Xiao Yu'er the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art.

Let them do it for me, God of War, who can't get out of cultivation in Yuantian Dream Mountain! "

From the Yuantian Dream Mountain under the huge azure blue light group hundreds of millions of miles away, Zhong Sheng's grand and hearty laughter came from within.

"Heck! That's good, Senior Brother Zhong Xing, after the Star of Life is revived, don't regret your choice, Qian'er, Xiao Yu'er, step forward to pick up the Cosmic God Clock!"

After hearing the words of the second senior brother Zhong Sheng, Nuwa Empress knew that he was taking advantage of the resurrection of the Star of Life, so she reminded with a smile.

"Hey! My sister Peixian, Empress Nuwa, when did your second senior brother regret doing something.

Back then, you planned to win a game of chess with the dark cosmic witch, and I would rather give you a bad face than you, and I would not hesitate to be charged with the crime of killing masters and ancestors and breaking promises. Your second senior brother has never regretted it.

But your second senior brother is really suffering. Since the late period of the holy war in the ancient spirit universe, he has been imprisoned by the dark cosmic witch in the sea of ​​ice, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

This great achievement is about to be completed, so it is not too much for me to choose this Yuantian Dameng Mountain to provide for the elderly! "

Xiao Zhong died and the God of War refused to come out, telling his reasons without concealment.

"Hey! Master, you can think clearly, after the resurrection of the star of life, life will be turned upside down, maybe Yuantian Dameng Mountain will collapse and disappear, and you will die if you don't have a mouth!"

Ever since he was freed, Zhong Sheng has been nothing short of an old urchin, educating his apprentices only in skills but not in etiquette, so there is no scruple at all between master and apprentice talking about messing around with each other.

Xiao Yu'er listened to Liu Qianxiang's description of how wonderful life is after the resurrection of the Star of Life, and any mountain top is thousands of times more majestic and magical than Yuantian Dameng Mountain.

So when she heard that Master was so lacking in ambition, she hid in Yuantian Dameng Mountain and couldn't come out, she said angrily.

"Damn girl, don't worry about it, it's better to die in the Dream Mountain than to be fooled by you! Stop arguing, I'm going to continue dreaming!"

Zhong Sheng also listened to the mischievous apprentice cursing himself, laughed and annoyed him, and fell silent again.

"Haha... Qian'er, Xiao Yu'er, don't worry about them, just let him go, why don't you leave the Great Immortal of the New Universe, lucky you, just keep the Cosmic Divine Clock away."

Sword Master Du Mojian waved his hand to raise dust, swept the cosmic god clock behind Liu Qian and Xiao Yu'er, and said with a smile.

"It turns out that Master, Uncle Zhong Zhan and Uncle Nuwa have long been in control of the three life star remnants on Yuantian Dameng Mountain. This disciple thought..."

Liu Qianlang couldn't help sighing when he saw that the three fetishes had long been the masters of the three masters.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Du Mojian Zu:

"Hehe, Lang'er, Langlong, you reincarnated human children, the star of life can only have a future of great kindness and virtue if it belongs to our universe, how can we let her fate be controlled by monsters.

Let’s be honest, Lang’er, if you and Langlong can’t recognize each other as you until one second before the resurrection of the Star of Life, we have already made preparations to counteract the poisonous waves of Langlong Newman with our spiritual energy.

In the battle of resurrecting the star of life, we can only succeed and not fail!

Everything in the spirit world is too great and miraculous, and we cannot bear her destruction. So we would rather destroy ourselves than make her eternal!

But fortunately, you recognized each other at the critical moment, allowing us to continue to exist by chance, and then we used the dream power of Yuantian Dream Mountain to restore the collapsed fairy body, so that we have the opportunity to meet here Above Yuantian Dameng Mountain, above the blue ancient moon. "

"Youlan Ancient Moon?"

Hearing this familiar word, Liu Qianlang couldn't help repeating it in surprise.

"Don't be surprised, Youlan Guyue is the star of life, and the star of life is Youlan Guyue. There is also the Shenlong Tiandial that Lang'er once owned, which is the source of all the red suns in our life!

Do you know where is the source of all the red suns in the ninety-nine, eighty-one heavens of our birth universe, and all the red suns in the universe? "

The Demon Sword Ancestor raised the flaming red sun in his hand to a higher sky with the Heavenly Whisk, and asked Liu Qianlang with a smile.

"is her!"

Liu Qianlang looked up at the red sun, one of the remnants of the star of life flying into the sky, and said with certainty.

"No! It's not her. This round of red sun is just a star from the source of the red sun. The real source of the red sun is nothing but your Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword!

The source of the red sun used to be one of the two life celestial bodies that kept the life of the universe unbroken. The source of the red sun is the only fiery red sea in the living universe.

The fiery red sea is infinitely magical, and within the vast and endless sky fire, a round of red sun can be conceived within hundreds of billions of years.

Then this red sun was sent to the barren space belt on the edge of the universe by the original fairy god three-color Huowa with the fire dragon space car. With the star of life in the sky, that is, the life aura of Youlan Guyue, the barren space belt will be Slowly life multiplies. "

Liu Qianlang and everyone else were astonished by these words of Du Mojian Zu.

"Sword Ancestor Immortal, how did the source of the red sun turn into a divine sword? Didn't Youlan Guyue be cultivated by us to become a shuttle to travel through? Where does it still exist? How could it be related to the star of life?" Is there a connection?"

Liu Juan felt that what Dumojianzu said was inconsistent, and it didn't make sense no matter how she understood it, so she asked.

"Juan'er asked a good question. The reason why the source of the red sun turned into a divine sword is due to both the Dark Cosmic Witch and me.

In the distant ancient spirit era, when the star of life was shattered, the dark cosmic witch soon fell, but the cosmic universe did not for a long time.

And the reason for this is precisely because of the existence of the source of the red sun. Because of the existence of the source of the red sun, the eternal light and warmth of the life universe are not like the dark three universes. Once the star of life is broken, it immediately falls into endless death, cold and silent.

This made the dark cosmic witch very angry, so she sneaked into the universe, the source of the red sun in the universe, and used conspiracy to seal the three-color fire god, the source of the red sun, into a fire egg, and then threw the three-color fire egg away. skyline.

Then it tore the sea of ​​the source of the red sun into pieces, and scattered it anywhere in the universe. After that, Shengzhou also quickly went into decline.

At that time, I deeply realized that if I want to restore everything in the universe, I must resurrect the two life blessings that are indispensable to the universe.

One is the star of life, and the other is the source of the red sun.

So my junior sister Nuwa Empress and I didn't care about any struggle between life and death, and began to concentrate on discussing the resurrection of the future universe. She attacked the human way, and I attacked the fairy sword that defended the universe.

Lang'er's Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, that is, the Danjian Yangzhuo I created at the beginning, contains the fire of the sea of ​​​​the source of the red sun that was scattered by the dark cosmic witch, and it was created by me at that time.

However, in order not to be discovered by the Dark Cosmic Witch, the light of the red sun in the source sea of ​​the red sun did not enter the Danjian Yangzhuo, but was cast into a dragon sundial by me and thrown into the human world.

This is the reason for the appearance of Jiutian Xianyuan and Shenlong Tiandial.

As for the issue of Youlan Guyue, it is similar to the source of the red sun, and it is also my masterpiece. I can't find the remnants of the star of life, but I can capture all the ancient spirits of the star of life.

I will give part of it to your uncle Nuwa Empress to create ninety-nine and eighty-one moons in the heavens and the universe, so as to maintain the temporary existence of the creatures in the upper universe.

At the same time, most of the remaining ancient spirit flower, the star of life, was cast into Youlan Guyue, which was also sent down to the world.

The next step is our arduous task of searching for the spiritual body that can resurrect the star of life in the future, and guiding this spiritual life with everything we have carefully prepared, that is, little waves, you approach them step by step, practice divine power, and then return to heaven to complete the mission ! "

Demon Sword Ancestor explained as simply as possible.

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