Nine Heavens

Chapter 2192 Life Star Resurrection

"That is to say, if you want to revive the Star of Life, you must regenerate the source of the red sun, right?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, asked with a frown.

"That's right, after the Star of Life is resurrected, it can only guarantee the eternal life, but if you want the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens and the earth, the universe and the universe to be eternally warm and peaceful, the source of the rebirth of the red sun is necessary." .

The great eternity of the universe requires the harmony of yin and yang. The star of life is yin, the source of the red sun is yang, yin and yang complement each other, and the spiritual body is formed! "

Empress Nuwa nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Hehe, look, my red sun is already in the sky, it's time for you to summon your own star of life to shoot into the sky.

By the way, Lang'er, you summoned the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness, and the rebirth of the source of the red sun was left to Langlong. The combination of your Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and his Blood Demon Sword Sky is the source of the red sun.

But Langlong, remember, it is best to revive the source of the red sun and the star of life at the same time, so that the future life will be eternally auspicious and bright! "

Demon Sword Ancestor smiled kindly and reminded everyone.


Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong responded loudly.

Then the two looked at each other, and suddenly raised their arms and waved their sleeves. The next moment, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and the Blood Demon Sword, one wrapped in a gorgeous rainbow, and the other shot towards the eastern sky of Shengzhou.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong's celestial demon meteor, soul-controlling vine, blue crescent moon, star sword, and heavenly flute immediately returned to them under the call of their master's soul. Immediately he listened to the master's call, and shot towards the sky with a howl.

Then, the rainbow of Empress Nuwa, and the cosmic clock of Qian'er and Xiao Yu'er also flew steadily into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the ten masters of the remnant star of life also flew off, chasing after the remnant star of life in the sky.

Millions of years later, the remnants of the ten stars of life and their owners have all stabilized in their respective positions in the sky, and they form a huge sky wheel.

Liu Qianlang is located in the center of the dome wheel, and the others, Dumojianzu, Nuwa Empress, Qianer and Xiaoyuer, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen, Cheng Shifeng, Wuxiannan, and the dark emperor are evenly distributed Around the dome wheel.

Inside the huge dome wheel, there are two smaller concentric dome wheels around Liu Qianlang. Around the outer wheel, there are nine Shenzhous and two refuge arks. Around the inner wheel are four shuttles shining through.

The two inner wheels are composed of Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo, Huanfeng Shenlong, Yaya, Liuyun, Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Dieer, Blue Butterfly, Three-color Huowa, Hongxian, Linger, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Devil Turtle control together.

The light and dark Hunyuan mountain in Liu Qianlang's soul gate, that is, the ink jade skeleton, has become colorful and infinitely bright at this moment, and all kinds of divine rainbows are constantly shooting out of it.

In the far east of the universe, Ouyang Langlong is already in place. The Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and the Blood Demon God Demon Sword on his head are now turning into two rounds of red sun in the sky, one light and one fire, just waiting for Liu Qianlang to give orders. It can start to unite the two yangs, and the source of the red sun will be reborn.

"Benevolent teacher, can Master Uncle activate the Fosun Dome Formation?"

Liu Qianlang suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, checked and analyzed countless times, and after confirming that everything was safe, he asked for orders from his mentor Du Mojian Zu and his uncle Nuwa Empress.

"Little Langhua, now the fate of the star of life is in your hands. You are the master of the future universe, and your thoughts are her thoughts. She won't listen to us, and we can't feel her life thoughts." , she only looks after you, and everything is up to you."

Empress Nuwa said with a smile from the universe.

"Yes, the future life universe is the era of your four spirits. You are the master of the spirit universe. Don't worry about giving up. The future life universe with great kindness, great virtue, great contribution, great love, and infinite beauty will be realized in an instant after your order. gone."

The Demon Sword Ancestor also supported Liu Qianlang with great trust and kindness.

"Thank you teacher and uncle for your encouragement, Lang'er knows what to do!"

After Liu Qianlang was encouraged by the two original benevolent venerables, the soul power of the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens surged in his mind, and the rainbow blood all over his body was washed away. In the heart of love condensed by the soul essence of ten beloved wives The phantom shadows of the ten beloved wives danced around, raising their heads and shouting loudly for their husbands.

After Liu Qianlang once again explored and analyzed the Foxing Vault Formation, suddenly his white hair flew into a rainbow, his body was surrounded by hundreds of millions of fairy rings, and his pure white brocade robe fluttered, and he opened his arms to the sky and shouted:

"Yaya! The Heavenly God Conch Kaizhou Fuxing!"


Yaya already has a hundred thousand spirits, just waiting for the master's order. At this moment, after asking about the divine orders of the Great Mengzhou Lord, he was suddenly in a state of mind, then stood on the refuge ark on the left, steadily raised the snail, and began to play it in a heroic manner.

The melodious sound of the sky conch penetrating the entire universe sounded, and in an instant, the three rounds of Fuxing dome array underwent vast and majestic changes.

First, the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain in Liu Qianlang's hand was the first to shoot into the azure blue light group under hundreds of millions of lights, and then the nine life star remnants of the outermost circle also flew down together.

Afterwards, the nine divine boats and the four crossing shuttles also maintained the formation of the sky wheel and shot down the azure blue light group in unison.

At the same time, in the far east of the universe, the two rounds of red suns in the sky controlled by Ouyang Langlong were also shooting at each other quickly.

This process was as fast as lightning, almost completed in the blink of an eye, and then the infinitely vast and beautiful red clouds burst out in the east of Shengzhou, flying all over the sky. , came across in an instant.

On Liu Qianlang's side, the azure blue light group under hundreds of millions of light years received the remnants of the ten stars of life, the nine great arks and the four crossing shuttles, and suddenly turned into a blue moon and lifted off majesticly. After a while, I arrived in the far west of the universe, hanging in the sky.

Danxia flies in the east, and the moon born in the west is also infinitely blue and auspicious clouds float.

This process was miraculous and noisy, but the people of Fosun Void Formation didn't have time to appreciate it carefully, and they were swallowed by the colorful clouds from the east and the west.

No matter who they are, they can hear the laughter of all beings, smell the fragrance of the universe, and feel the warmth in the arms of a loving mother, but they can't see all these beautiful things, just like wandering in a dream.

This feeling of not having a good dream lasted for hundreds of millions of years, and then the universe gradually regained its clarity.

The sky is bounded by the sky, the white clouds are long, the blue sky is vast, and so are the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens below.

The thirty-six realms have all been revived, and the universe is full of vitality. Each of the five human worlds is in a state of infinite peace.

Sky, Liu Qianlang, Demon Sword Ancestor, Empress Nuwa, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, Song Zhen, Wu Xiannan, Emperor Seeking Darkness, Huanfeng Shenlong, Yaya, Liu Yun, Liu Qian, Xiao Yu'er, sisters of Tianling, Sansehuoba, etc. are still maintaining the original position of the Fuxing dome.

Everyone's face was filled with joy, eyebrows raised and eyes twinkling, and their hearts were immersed in the unspeakable beauty of the new life.

After looking around for a long time after the sky cleared up, all the people invariably approached Liu Qianlang in the center slowly, and at the same time continued to gaze at the beautiful scenery of the universe.

In the east, a huge bright red sun is slowly rising in the sky, and below it is the source of the vast red sun, where new suns have already begun to be bred.

In the west, there is a blue and dazzling full moon hanging in the sky, and a sea of ​​wavy moons is formed under it. There are sparkling lights, and countless crescent moons are also growing in the sea of ​​moons.

Under the blue sky of Yuantian, countless majestic and majestic mountains emerge from among the white clouds, distributed in the eight directions and the center of Yuantian.

Among them, there are two divine fronts located in the center of Yuantian, one towering through the clouds, piercing through the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, and it is the highest peak of Yuantian.

The other one is ridiculously low, just showing its peak in Yuantian. You can guess which one this low and ridiculous mountain is.

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