Nine Heavens

Chapter 2193

When everyone in the third round of the Fosun Immortal Formation came to Liu Qianlang, they looked at each other deeply.

A pair of eyes are full of pride, emotion, happiness, and gratitude.


"Ha ha……"

"Hey—Master Yuantian, why are we alive again? Where is this place? It's so beautiful, so beautiful!"


After everyone looked at each other for a long time, they suddenly heard east and west, under the red sun and the moon, white clouds shining red and blue light were dancing in the sky, and bursts of laughter suddenly came from above.

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered, and when he looked around, he burst into tears, because he saw that all the relatives of Langyuan Xianmen who burst into the body on the sky and clouds were resurrected.

Mankong is full of auspicious clouds, Mankong is very familiar with fairy shadows, Liu Qianlang laughed wildly:

"Welcome home, this is our new universe, called Yuantian Dream Mountain Universe!"


"Ha ha……"

"Yuantian Damengzhou, oh! So this is the newborn universe after the resurrection of the star of life!"

"Yes, you see, the big moon in the western sky is the star of life. I heard that the reason why our ancient universe has spiritual life is because of her appearance. She is the mother of life!"

"Oh! The moon looks round and round, so beautiful!"

"Her crescent moon looks more beautiful and romantic, like a curved boat."

"Look, there is a sea of ​​moons below her. Do you know, I saw it from a fairy scroll, in the very ancient, ancient time of life, when the moon, the star of life, was not destroyed, it was like this of.

Whenever the new moon in the moon sea matures, a moon sea goddess will be born at the same time, and then they will go to the dark area on the edge of the universe, shine there, open up a new and beautiful world on earth, and step by step to a better heaven and earth evolution. "

"Hee hee! Don't show off, I've seen this too, and there's the sun in the east. The sea where the red sun originates under the sun is also giving birth to a new sun day and night.

Whenever the new sun matures, the newly sprouted sun god will also drive the dragon chariot, pulling the sun to the dark edge of the universe to open up a new warm world.

And what's interesting is that the sun and the moon always appear in pairs, a pair of sun and moon in one world. So, the human world is also called the Sun Moon Dao Realm. Heck... I'm right! "

"As long as you like to show off, this "Imagination of the Future Life and Universe" was written by the head of Yuantian, and everyone in the Langyuan Xianmen has a copy, so you are the only ones who know.

Don't make trouble again, you see, all the supreme beings, and the two original immortals Du Mojianzu and Nuwa Empress are also here, please be quiet for the time being. "

"Oh! Oh!"

"We finally have a stable and beautiful new home!"


The fairy shadows above the clouds in the sky cheered happily, how can they relax after suppressing the infinite pain, and those who shouted to be quiet couldn't calm down themselves. For a while, around Liu Qianlang and others, the area of ​​the sky with a radius of thousands of miles was like a flower in the sky. Blooming, blooming gorgeously, undulating lightly, like a sea of ​​flowers pitching...

"Hehe, Lang'er, you children, everything in Yuantian Damengzhou will be taken care of by you in the future, and your benefactor and I have completed our merits and virtues.

We just choose a Hongxia fairy island in the sea of ​​origin of the red sun in Dongyang to practice, what do you think, brother? "

The Empress Nuwa in front of Liu Qianlang looked at the cheering scene of Yuantian Damengzhou from far and near with infinite satisfaction, and after a long time looked around at the Yuanxians of Langyuan Xianmen in front of her, and said to Liu Qianlang and others.

"Well! The intrigue in the final universe is finally quiet, it is more beautiful than watching the sun rise in the morning, and the moon in the past, and this is what I mean as a brother!"

Demon Sword Ancestor smiled slightly, looked sideways at Nvwa Empress beside him and said.

"Why, now that Yuantian Damengzhou's newborn has not yet been conferred in Daqing, the two original immortals are about to leave. Why, don't you want to let the younger generation calm down?"

Liu Qianlang and the others were taken aback when they heard the words, Liu Qianlang asked reluctantly.

"Hehe, Lang'er, children. I am happy in my heart and have great luck in life. This is our greatest comfort.

There is still a lot to do in the future of Shengzhou. Although she is beautiful, there is no limit to her beauty. You have to continue to work hard.

We are not far away from you. In our eyes, your laughter is our most beautiful scenery. You should be noisy, which is full of vitality.

But after your uncle and I are overjoyed, we yearn for a quiet and sweet life. It is enough to see you happy. I hope Langer and everyone understand. "

The Demon Sword Ancestor said again.

"Master, Uncle, Lang'er understands, and Lang'er is no longer reluctant. Although Lang'er is not qualified to be the god of the two original immortals, but the teacher is eternally the ancestor of the fairy sword in the child's heart, and the uncle is eternal. God of Creation!"

Liu Qian took the lead and knelt down to give a big gift, and the Supreme Master Langyuan around him immediately knelt down to see him off. Seeing the situation, the laughing Langyuanyuan immortals on the clouds in the sky suddenly quieted down, and knelt together to watch for the pulse.

"Lang'er, the matter of conferring gods is necessary for you in Langyuan Xianmen, because it is necessary to govern Yuantian Damengzhou. But it is just a false name for us, and it makes no difference whether you have it or not.

It is enough for us to be eternal in our hearts: that is, no matter when, no matter what we do, it is for the better future of Yuantian Damengzhou! "

Empress Nuwa looked deeply at the formidable and upright immortal who could be called both her human father and her disciple, who ascended to heaven in the human way, and spoke with all kinds of affection in her heart.

"Lang'er always remember the teachings of my uncle and master!"

Liu Qianlang and the people around nodded heavily.

"Lang'er, you have already controlled your uncle's divine ability to create humans, but Yuantian Damengzhou is harmonious and happy, it does not mean that the universe outside the universe is also a world of harmony and music, in order to protect the eternal peace of Yuantian Damengzhou , you will inevitably need divine skills and immortal methods.

Therefore, I will give you the sword-forging furnace, and the method of cultivating the immortal sword, I will inject it into your soul gate long ago, and you will find it after a little searching. With the immortal sword protecting the universe, you will be at ease in the universe. "

Du Mojian ancestor smiled slightly, and Empress Nuwa had already retreated and floated in the air, slowly drifting towards the east of the sky, while flying, he waved his sleeves and pushed the azure blue fairy sword furnace in his hand to Liu Qianlang.

"Congratulations to my benefactor! Uncle!"

"Congratulations to the ancestor of Dumojian, Nuwa Empress!"

After Dumojianzu and Nuwa Empress reached a certain height, they turned around slowly, gradually drifting away, and never looked back.

Above the long blank clouds are the figures of Langyuan Xianmen Yuanxian kneeling to send off Changwang.


"Hey! Senior Brother, Junior Sister! After some time, the Yuantian Dream Universe must have already been formed. Why is my Yuantian Dream Mountain covered with Yang Yuehua everywhere, and it is pitch black!

No, you have to help me out, this Yuantian Dream Mountain is really not the best place in Xinzhou, I want to find the best place..."

After Du Mojian Zu and Nuwa Empress left, Liu Qianlang led all the people from Langyuan Xianmen to fly up to Langyuan Mountain, the highest mountain in the center of Yuantian Great Dream Universe.

At this moment, all the people of Langyuan Xianmen are in full swing to display the fairy magic and build the Langyuan Xiangong. Therefore, there is not even a trace of people around the 100,000 low Yuantian Dameng Mountain under Langyuan Mountain.

Zhong died in Yuantian Dream Mountain, after waking up in the dark, he shouted for a while, and finally responded:

"Hee hee! Zhong Zhanben, Zhong Zhangang, Zhong Zhan is a big slob! Zhong Zhanben, Zhong Zhangang, choose the dwarf mountain for the gods of the universe! Zhong Zhanben, Zhong Zhangang..."

"Haha, let me just say, Senior Brother and Junior Sister will not leave me alone, who is teasing me like this, please let me out quickly, the God of God in this life is too powerful, I can't get out through it."

When Zhong died heard the movement outside, it was a childish voice, and the words were still mocking himself, guessing that it was the fault of the senior brother and junior sister, so instead of being angry, he shouted happily.

"Hmph! Who is your senior brother! I am Yunwa with a newborn heart. My name is Xiaoxiao. What's your name? I don't know if newborns need to be quiet.

I have no ability to rescue you, but an old man with a white beard came over with a whisk, and he said that when I heard someone shouting in the mountains, I read these jingles to him.

And let me tell him that after hundreds of millions of years, Yuantian Dream Mountain adapts to the new Eternal Psychic Power, and you will naturally be able to come out, and why would you go to the source of the red sun to find him. "

The person who claims to be Yunwa's little talker outside Yuantian Dameng Mountain turns out to be a small white cloud, almost humanoid in shape, jumping up and down on the ordinary clouds around Yuantian Dameng Mountain, talking talk.

"What! This dead demon, the new universe sprouted, and they went to the two-person world to have fun, and threw me here and can only sleep, wow...I'm so angry..."

"Hmph! You are uncivilized, I will ignore you!"

Yuantian Damengshan swayed straight at Zhong Death's clamor, Yunwa smiled when she saw that she was frightened immediately.

Yunwa smiled coquettishly for a while, then ran away in a hurry.

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