Nine Heavens

Chapter 2194 Destiny of Heaven

Yuantian Temple, with the vast sea of ​​sun in the east and the majestic moon in the west, is infinitely continuous.

On this day, the sky is beautiful and beautiful, with auspicious clouds and auspicious birds all over the sky. Liu Qianlang, the Tianjun of Yuantian Temple, wears the Yuantian Lord's robe and crown with silver crystals and diamonds all over his body, holding the banner of Langyuan Equal to Heaven, standing majestically, with his eyes shining shake.

He gazed deeply for a long time at the parallel height of Qiongtai, tens of thousands of miles away, and all the ancient and modern immortals on the platform of worshiping gods are conferring on their thrones:

"Ouyang Langlong stepped forward to receive the decree, and the Yuantian Damengzhou was established, and all the dark monsters calmed down in the dark soil and sank into the earth among others.

You must be protected by the Heavenly Palace, and you must be named the Emperor of the Universe, and form the God of the Earth of the Universe to rule together! "

"Ouyang Langlong is here, accepting the order!"

On the vast worship platform where countless fairy shadows are floating, all Langyuanyuanxian are very excited, happily waiting for their own gods to be sealed.

Ouyang Langlong was the first to hear the order of conferring the gods. Ouyang Langlong was very grateful. As a demon of evil, he was finally conferred as a god. There is no reason why he should not be moved. Yun Piaofei landed on the listening platform to accept the seal.

Ouyang Langlong unfolded the decree of enshrining the gods, and clearly saw the words "Emperor Wanzhou" shining on it. After thanking him loudly, he turned and ran back to the altar of worship.

"Ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons came forward to listen to the seal. You have the magic power of patrolling the sky in ancient times, and later you will have the virtue of the new universe. You are specially sealed as the dragon emperor of the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, in charge of all rivers, lakes and seas in the world. Waterfalls and streams, a blessing of rain in the Buze of the world!"


"Ninety-nine and eighty-one immortals and phoenixes came forward to listen to the seal. You are not only superb in martial arts, but also beautiful in fairy rituals. Therefore, you are specially appointed as the queens of the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens. All the things that are true, good and beautiful in the world, ensure that the great dream of Yuantian, the universe, the great virtues, the great virtues, the great merits and the great beauty will keep you young forever!"


"Ninety-nine and eighty-one degree demon swordsman, ninety-nine and eighty-one god arrow and arrow attendant stepped forward to accept the seal, and you all have meritorious service in guarding your respective artifacts in ancient and modern times, and you are conferred the title of god of war in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, The Conferred God Conference is over, and Yu Lin will take office immediately!"


"Ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon ball guardian spirit envoys, nine nine and eighty-one phoenix pill guardian envoys stepped forward to accept the seal. You guard the source of righteousness and gathering of spirits in the Ming universe, and always defend the purity and justice of the universe, and your miraculous achievements are extremely great.

Tefenger and others are the holy emperors of the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, who are located slightly below the Dongyang emperor, assisting the Dongyang emperor and Xihuayao emperor to keep the eternal light! "


"Nine swords, Fairy Zixia stepped forward to listen to the letter, you were once the light of the world, on the day of Ziyang, the pearl of hundreds of millions of years was the moon, and the magic is commendable.

Tefenger and others are the guardians of the sun and the goddesses of the moon, responsible for the safety of the sun and the moon in the ninety-nine, eighty-one, heavens and all five human worlds! "


"The three-color fire baby came forward to accept the seal! Erben is the source of the red sun in ancient times, and the source of the red sun is reborn today. Your credit is well deserved, and you should be granted the title of Emperor Donghua!"


"The Holy Envoy of August stepped forward to accept the seal. You sixteen sisters, eight pairs of twin human spirit sisters, have made meritorious service in protecting Youlan Guyue. You are also specially conferred as Emperor Xihuayao to protect our star of life, Youlan. moon!"


"The Red Immortal stepped forward to accept the seal! You are the beloved queen of the Heavenly Spirit Crane, the ancestor and mother of the crane. The two original immortals did not hesitate to send you to the human reincarnation for the future of the universe, and you have immeasurable merits for the resurrection of the universe. Therefore, I seal it You are the emperor of the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens and all the heavens and birds, and you are in command of the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens and all the animals in the universe!"


"The five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er stepped forward to accept the seal! You are obsessed with the loyal master, and you follow Langyuan Xianmen to share joys and sorrows, go up against the sky, and have made countless contributions to Langyuan Xianmen. In charge of all the wind and waves of the earth and sea in the universe. And enjoy the right to go to the sky at any time."


"Xiaomei, Lin'er, the little devil turtle stepped forward to accept the seal! After you were originally honored as the original fairy of the ancient spirit, the Virgin of the Linhe River, in order to save the future of the universe, the Virgin of the Linhe River sacrificed his life righteously, and you waited for the immortal gate of Langyuan Dedication is countless, and the achievement is respectable.

Tefenger and others patrol all the rivers, lakes and seas in the world and protect all the scale creatures in them! "


"Tian Ling, Xiao Ying, Dan Rou, Liu Sha, Die Er, Lan Die, Xiao Luo stepped forward to listen to the letter!

You were originally the god's favor next to the ancient spirit Nuwa Empress. In order to save the common people and all spirits, you were ordered to be reincarnated in the lower realm as a human being. After going through vicissitudes, you finally passed away to heaven.

Tefenger and others are the fairies of Yuantian Buhua, in charge of the protection of the ninety-nine, eighty-one heavens and all the beautiful fairylands in the world, and must ensure that the entire universe is eternally vibrant and beautiful! "


"Little Lian'er stepped forward to listen to the letter! Although you are a child, you are the Sheng Dehua of Empress Nuwa, and your growth contains the infinite good expectations of Empress Nuwa. Therefore, you are specially named Changle child, and you are ordered not to cry forever. , to be an example of the happiness of all children in the ninety-nine, eighty-one, heavens, and earth, universe, and myriad universes!"


"Yaya, Liu Yun stepped forward to accept the seal! You guard the heaven-defying snails, and you are the pioneers of the God-defying gods of Langyuan Xianmen. Only this miraculous skill deserves the title. This dream, Zhoutian Lord, specially named you and others as the pioneers of the heavenly husband and wife God of War, Continue to be vigilant at all times for the safety of the future of the universe, and sound the snail every day to repay the safety!"


"Die'er's biological father, Zhang Chasheng, stepped forward to accept the seal! You are obsessed with the way of heaven, earth and tea, and you are deeply attached to your father's love. In compliance with God's will, you are specially appointed as the god of heaven and earth tea, and continue to benefit the world of tea!"


"God scissors stepped forward and listened to the seal! Although you are unknown on the road of Langyuan Xianmen, I just want to cut the best fairy robes and god clothes for every Yuanxian.

Such devotion to the public heart, touching the heavens and the earth, specially seals Er as the god of gods and cuts the sky, and gives the rainbow god one cut, and in the future will be in charge of cultivating the heaven and earth cutting masters, and beautify the heaven and earth fairy rituals! "


"The four sages of Yunque stepped forward to listen to the letter! You are virtuous, elegant, talented, and a model of elegance in the world. You are specially appointed as the four emperors of piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and bestowed with the Heavenly Palace of Confucianism, elegance, virtue, and virtue, so that you can guide the world in the future." Wen Fang painted elegant chess, fragrant and secluded things."


"Seven Immortals of Tai Cang, Yun Zhongzi, etc. came forward to accept the seal! You are deeply chaotic, you can always stick to justice, for this reason, you can bear the burden of humiliation, and you don't seek fame and fortune. You can be called a role model of immortals and gods. Therefore, you are specially appointed as the teacher of Yuantian Emperor, Responsible for all the enlightenment of the Emperor of Heaven and the human world! The main body lives in Yuantian Emperor's Palace!"

"Golden Hong Shenzhou's thirty-six routes against the sky, the vanguard stepped forward to accept the seal! You are familiar with the thirty-six ways of the ancient spirits every day, so each boat divides the army into thirty-six routes into the sky. If the battle is no longer today, everyone The Thirty-Six Dao of Heaven is waiting to be revitalized, and you are ordered to take orders in the face of danger, and you are specially appointed as the Daoist of the Thirty-Six Dao of Yuantian, and you will go to your post immediately after the completion of the conferment!"


"Silver Rainbow Shenzhou, Red Rainbow Shenzhou, Orange Rainbow Shenzhou, Yellow Hong Shenzhou, Green Rainbow Shenzhou, Blue Rainbow Shenzhou, Indigo Rainbow Shenzhou, Zihong Shenzhou, thirty-six heavenly warrior vanguards stepped forward to accept the seal!

Tefenger and others are the thirty-six daoist priests of the heavens under Yuantian, and they will take office immediately after the Conferred God Conference is over, so there must be no mistake. "


"Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, Xiying stepped forward to accept the title. You are the Heavenly Dragon God of War, and Tefenger is the Emperor of the Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Heavens and the Universe. He is in charge of all strategic matters in the universe! Bestow God Gongdongnan."


"Looking for the dark emperor, Yuelan stepped forward to accept the conferment! Feng Er and others are gods and empresses, all are gods of love, in charge of the blooming of all love flowers in the world, and manage the happy marriage of the elders in all realms! Bestow the northeast of the shrine .”

"The Four-Shadow God Fox came forward to accept the seal, and seal Er and others to control the gods in the world as the gods, demons, spirits, and ensure that the righteous spirits of the world are strong at all times, and no evil thoughts will ever grow! Give the southwest of the shrine."

"Lan Shuang, Ye Xiang stepped forward to listen to the letter! Feng Er and others are the gods of pens and incense, bestowed on the northwest of the palace. The pen is a model for the world, and the incense is the fragrance of flowers blooming in all realms."

"Liu Juan stepped forward to accept the seal! Seal you as the Emperor of the Eastern Universe, in charge of educating all the affairs of the Great Dream Universe, the Eastern Universe, and the enlightenment of heavenly officials! And control the affairs of the spiritual life of all walks of life in the universe."


Cheng Yuanfang stepped forward to listen to the seal! Feng Er is the Emperor of the Western Universe, in charge of all the matters of enlightening the heavenly officials in the Great Dream Universe! And the matter of controlling the strength of the universe's divine power! "


"Song Zhen stepped forward to accept the conferment! Confer you as the Emperor of Beizhou, in charge of all the matters of educating the heavenly officials in the Beizhou of the Great Dream Universe, and the responsibility of controlling the fate of the universe."


"Cheng Shifeng stepped forward to accept the seal, and granted you the title of Emperor of the Southern Universe, in charge of all the matters of educating the heavenly officials in the Great Dream Universe and the Southern Universe, and controlling the suitability of the spiritual energy in all regions of the world!"


"The Wu Xiannan stepped forward to accept the seal! Feng Er is the central emperor of the great dream universe, in charge of all matters of the enlightenment of the heavenly officials in the central universe, and always supervises the gains and losses of the emperor's words and deeds to ensure that we correctly lead the Yuantian Great Dream Universe Eternal Go on nice!"


Yuantian Zhoudi Liu Qianlang conferred thousands of gods in one go, but it was not over yet, and continued for several days before the new conferred gods were completed.

Naturally, after a few days of cheering and cheering, all the gods and gods had already set off for their posts.

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