Nine Heavens

Chapter 2195

After Yuantian Damengzhou Conferred God Ceremony ended, Yuantian Zhou Jun Liu Qianlang did not rest, he was also happy and sad, he built ten palaces in his own shrine himself.

These ten palaces are the palaces of every one of his beloved wives. He didn't use any immortal techniques, but just wore ordinary humane attire, sweated profusely, worked hard for 90,000 years, and finally completed ten palaces for his beloved wives. .

At this time, he was beyond exhausted, and in the exhaustion of running back and forth in ten palaces, crying and thinking about each other, he fell on a white cloud and fell asleep.

While he was asleep, a person who looked exactly like him appeared in front of his sleeping cloud. This person is stepping on a bright red dragon, and beside him is a kind and dignified middle-aged woman.

"Longer, Emperor Zhou is a good man. He has always been. Without him, how could mother be so lucky to see you? Now you see how pitiful he is. All the immortals and gods of the universe are reunited with their relatives, and her ten beloved wives Even one of them is gone, my mother feels sorry for him!"

The middle-aged woman said in tears.

"Mother, it's my boy's fault that he treated him so viciously. His ten beloved wives all lost their souls by stripping their bodies and souls. At that time, it was Ba'er who cast the spell for the dark witches.

However, the boy knew that he was wrong, and now he deeply feels that Emperor Zhou is respectable. Letting the mother accompany the child today is to help Emperor Zhou and let his ten beloved wives come back again! "

The man who was called prodigal by the middle-aged woman said respectfully.

"Really! Lang'er has a way to help Zhou Emperor's ten beloved wives return!?"

The middle-aged woman immediately smiled and asked anxiously.

"Yes, mother! But mother's help is needed. Mother will take care of him here until he wakes up. Before he wakes up, feed him the ten spirit flowers and flower petals collected by the child.

Then when he wakes up, his ten beloved wives will soon appear. But because the boy has hurt Zhou Emperor deeply, he doesn't want to be here with him, I hope mother understands. "

Ouyang Langlong's eyes were a little dazed, and he looked at his mother reluctantly.

The middle-aged woman was startled suddenly, and asked:

"My child, are you leaving mother?"

"Mother, the boy is only leaving temporarily, and the boy will come back sooner or later. With Emperor Zhou taking care of the mother, the boy can rest assured."

Ouyang Langlong couldn't help crying, and said.

"Can't you not leave mother?"

With trembling hands, the middle-aged woman took the nine petals of various gods and spirits that Ouyang Langlong handed to her, and she wept while feeding Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Emperor Zhou and I are both Heavenly Spirit Waves, one body and one shadow. His meritorious deeds have been perfected to create the Yuantian Great Dream Universe, and the boy is not a consecrator, but a destroyer. The boy is unwilling..."

Ouyang Langlong was in great pain.

"Lang'er, stop talking, mother understands, then you go, although mother is unable to follow and protect you, mother will pray for you day and night.

Mother believes that my son is as good as Emperor Zhou, if he chooses the right path, he will soon be successful! "

The middle-aged woman waved her sleeves and sent the last petal of the flower to Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang's mouth, she floated and jumped off Ouyang Langlong's bright red dragon body, and landed on a white cloud beside Liu Qianlang on, smiling to encourage his son.

"Thank you for your mother's fulfillment. This is a book sealed with a leaf of a kindness tree. Please give it to him after he wakes up. Mother, take care, the child is gone!"

Ouyang Langlong took out a dazzling rainbow-colored leaf from his arms, raised his hand and threw it to his mother, then turned around suddenly, and controlled the bright red dragon to shoot towards the infinitely far east.

"My prodigal son, take care too!"

Behind, the middle-aged woman also shed tears, and said na na.

Several days later, Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang finally woke up refreshed.

"Hiss, what is this?"

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang opened his eyes, and immediately saw a dazzling rainbow leaf floating a few feet above his face.

So he sat up curiously, held it in his palm, and admired it with great interest.

"Emperor Zhou saw the words, and Ouyang Langlong left a message. Langlong Wuyan stayed here to sit and enjoy peace and beauty, and left Zhou Chuangshan today.

Entrusting Emperor Zhou to treat mothers kindly, there is no way to repay the great kindness. The only thing I can do is to sincerely pick up the petals of the soul flowers of the empresses of Emperor Zhou and feed them to Emperor Zhou, in exchange for their rebirth as repayment! "

As soon as Emperor Zhou held it in his palm, the rainbow leaves immediately turned into a page of fairy scrolls without words.

After Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang finished reading, he was filled with grief and joy, and shouted:

"Brother Langlong!"

Then he looked around to find Ouyang Langlong's mother.

But he couldn't find it, but he heard a few words of seal from a small white cloud:

"Great Emperor Zhou, don't worry about your old age, think about your son eagerly, turn into a Wang'er mountain on the coast of the source of the red sun in the east, look at the direction where Lang'er is going all day long, and swear that your son will never return, and your body will never return. !"


Knowing the seal words of the two women one after another, Emperor Zhou got up with tears in his eyes, and a bright red dragon was called out from under him, and suddenly flew towards Yuantian Dream Zhou Dongfang.

Not long after, Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang appeared on the coast of the Sea of ​​Origin of the Red Sun.

Sure enough, there appeared a huge and lofty mountain in the shape of a woman. The whole mountain was lifelike, as if a real person had solidified, and the facial features were as clear as usual.


Emperor Zhou looked at Ouyang Langlong's mother, who held her head up and yearned for the east, and was silent. He knelt down and worshiped again and again, feeling sorry for the great mother, and also praised Ouyang Langlong's arrogance.


After Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang returned to his imperial palace from the source of the red sun, he began to shuttle non-stop between the palaces of his ten beloved wives, for fear that he would not see any of his beloved wives after they were resurrected in time.

However, he tossed and tossed like this for several months, none of the ten beloved wives were revived, and persisted for several months, and finally gave up in disappointment, thinking that Ouyang Langlong's method was not effective.

On this day, because of the disappointment of the past months, the dignified Emperor Zhou hugged his beloved wife Shui'er and fell asleep on his stomach on the steps in front of the hall.

In the dead of night, he dreamed back to the first human among the five human worlds in the chaotic universe, and he was looking forward to meeting Shui'er in Shuicheng.

"Shui'er, you are so beautiful!"

The night breeze in the heavenly court was fragrant, gently blowing his long silver hair, and he was whining because of his dream.


"Sister Shui'er, what is he dreaming about you doing? Seeing his happy face?"

In the night wind, the blue sky suddenly drifted down ten graceful women dancing with spiritual flowers all over their bodies. As soon as they landed, they surrounded the sleeping Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang, with excited and mysterious expressions. look.

They looked at it quietly for a while, and one of them, a beautiful woman in a golden fairy dress, covered her mouth with a smile and asked the opposite woman who was wearing a light blue fairy dress and surrounded by a layer of white mist.

The lover's ring on Shui'er's ring finger suddenly flashed faintly blue, she knew in her heart what her husband had dreamed about, but how could she say it, she instantly blushed and squeaked.

"Sister Ling'er, why bother to ask? You are also the empress of your husband. Do you still need to ask about some things?"

Pa'er, dressed in men's clothing as always, was holding the Floating Stars and Cracking Clouds fan in her hand, dragging Princess Jinling's chin, making ambiguous gestures only for men, and said with a smile.

"Oh! No way, my husband is so shameful to have such a dream!"

Princess Jinling understood immediately, and blushed, covering her face and said.

"Hehe... Pa'er, stop talking nonsense, it's cold outside the palace, we'd better carry my husband in first."

Miaoyan is wearing a red fairy dress, because of the Nine Heavens Fairy Skill, she doesn't look like she is only 28 years old, she is soft and charming, remind everyone.

Thus, the ten beloved wives of Emperor Zhou quietly brought their husbands into the palace.

Then they chatted with each other for a while, their figures flashed, and then disappeared again.

When Emperor Zhou woke up, the blue sky and the moon were in mid-heaven, stroking his face, and recalling the dream when he fell asleep, in a daze, ten beloved wives were all resurrected in the dream, and they all surrounded him talking and talking Laughing.

"Shui'er, Yan'er..."

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang misses his wife eagerly, and he grumbles spontaneously.

Of course, he didn't hear any response, and then he got up in disappointment, planning to look around the palace again, thinking about his beloved wives.

But when he got up together, he suddenly found himself lying on the bed. But before, I clearly remembered that I was lying on the steps, could it be...

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang was elated in an instant, and flew out of the Shuier Palace, flew up to the palace to look around, and called out softly.


"The servants are here!"

After Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang yelled for a while, an innocent and whirling figure suddenly appeared in the corner of the palace.

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang fixed his eyes and saw that it was Dong Luo, and was immediately overjoyed, and threw himself down, wanting to hold his long-lost wife in his arms, but unexpectedly, the embrace was in vain.

"Luoer, you?"

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang didn't know what happened and asked in surprise.

"Husband, what a pitiful wife, she has no body, her soul energy is scattered, she misses her husband but can't reunite, she can only take advantage of midnight and dark, when the air is cold and windy, to come and see her husband!"

Dong Luo's eyes were tearful, and he wiped away his tears with a trembling voice.

"How could this be, you are in the heart of love, I am omnipotent to nourish you, and now there is a wave of masculine spirituality picking up the petals of your body, how do you think you should be resurrected!"

Seeing his beloved wife's infinitely sad and tearful appearance, Emperor Zhou frowned and said with a knife twisting in his heart.

"Don't tell me why the husband doesn't know why, it's all caused by the lack of sincerity in the husband's love for his wife!"

Dong Luo said with a bit of displeasure.

"How sincere, I still hope Luo Er will point me out."

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang was so anxious that he even forgot that he was so powerful, and was played around by his beloved wife, so he asked anxiously.

"It happens to be full moon tonight. If your husband sincerely hopes that all the sisters will return, you should immediately decorate the palace with lanterns and festoons, put on the bridegroom's auspicious clothes, and prepare ten sets of phoenix crowns and Xiapei for the sisters. Naturally, Luoer will have a way to let the sisters Returned from the entity!"

Dong Luo snickered in his heart, but he was still weeping, speaking pitifully.

"It's okay to do this!?"

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang was so confused by Dong Luo's words that he couldn't understand the logic, so he asked in disbelief.

"Husband doesn't believe Luo Er?"

Dong Luo was upset, he said angrily.

"No! No, no! It's not difficult to prepare for your husband, it's just a matter of an instant."

As Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang said, he waved his sleeves, and suddenly Yuanmeng Palace was decorated with lanterns and festoons everywhere. Then he led Dong Luo to the main hall of the main palace, and waved again, ten sets of phoenix coronets and Xiapei were already floating on the hall, and at the same time, he was also dressed in a humane groom's auspicious attire.

"Oh ha ha... you three sister-in-laws, stop teasing third brother. I, Song Zhen, have never seen third brother being fooled by others. Today is the first time!"

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang led Dong Luo to complete Dong Luo's request in the hall, and was about to ask his beloved wife Dong Luo what to do next, when His Highness suddenly flashed my countless lights, Sifang Zhoudi, Bafang Zhoushen, Nine Ninety-one heavens, the heavenly monarchs, the thirty-six dao of the heavens, and countless other big and small dream universe immortals all appeared.

One of them was Song Zhen, Emperor of the Northern Era, accompanied by two Ruyi fairy wives, Lan Shuang and Yexiang, and laughed loudly.

"Congratulations to Emperor Zhou on his wedding! We are auspicious! Emperor Emperor Zhou is blessed with eternal peace!"

As soon as Song Zhen, Emperor of the Northern Universe, finished speaking, His Royal Highness was congratulated in unison.

It turns out that all this was arranged by Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives at the request of Northern Zhou Emperor Song Zhen.

But Northern Zhou Emperor Song Zhen learned that the ten third sisters-in-law were reborn, and it was too late to be happy for the third brother, how could he not agree, so he immediately sent an order to Manzhou Immortal God to come to celebrate the wedding for Emperor Zhou.


Emperor Zhou stood on the palace platform, pondered for a while, and finally understood the whole story. When the ten beloved wives returned, they were even more grateful to His Royal Highness Manzhou brothers and sisters. Looking deeply at His Royal Highness Yuanxian for a long time, tears filled her eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you Sifang Zhoudi, Bafang Zhoushen, Donghua Emperor, Xihua Yaodi..."

Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang bowed and saluted, expressing his gratitude.

"Third brother, you don't need to be polite. There are countless third brothers who are not favored by Yuanxian in the whole universe. Now all the relatives are gathered in the whole universe, and only third brother is lonely and melancholy!

Thanks to the help of Brother Langlong today, the ten sister-in-laws have to pay back. We should give this fairy wedding ceremony that belonged to the third brother to the three sister-in-laws. "

Song Zhen, Emperor of the Northern Universe, was already used to being called Xianzhou Humane, and he couldn't change it. The whole universe knew it, and no one was picky about it.

"That's right! If I don't mention this code, I'm ashamed to Emperor Zhou!"

"I invite Emperor Zhou to wear auspicious clothes and give a fairy wedding ceremony!"


His Highness, the gods of Yuantian Damengzhou shouted in unison.

Next, Yaya sang the conch shell, and the heavenly music played in unison. The entire Yuantian Dameng Zhoumanzhou Shrine was decorated with lights and festoons, and the sky was full of auspicious birds...

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