Nine Heavens

Chapter 2197 Create Universe Immortal Realm

"How can I take them with me in my Zhou Hai? Even if I take away all living beings and spirits, there will still be Damengzhou and the spirits born before!"

Liu Qianlang looked at his vast dream world and said with a smile.

"Hee hee! Xiao Mengxian, it seems that you still don't know that you are the Great Dream Universe! Jump out of your Dream Universe, everything is in your body, do you know?"

Little Xingxian, jumping up and down on Liu Qianlang's huge palm, laughing and laughing.

"Jump out of your own dream, everything is in my body?"

Liu Qianlang was thoughtful, thinking about Xiao Xingxian's transformation, and suddenly realized that there was a passage in "The Complete Book of Destroyer Worlds" that he never understood:

Yuantian is the first, drifting into the universe. Everything in the past, whether alive or immortal, can return to the universe. The majestic universe, but a cultivation of the immortal body! Good fortune is successful, when it leaves the body and enters the universe.

The meaning of this passage is that Yuantian Damengzhou is his body, and his body is Yuantian Damengzhou. Everything I experienced before was just the infinite changes of various elements in my body.

Now that I have completed the transformation, it is time for me to jump out of my body and enter the larger space-time universe.

"Thank you Xiao Xingxian for reminding me, I understand what you mean, but how can I be willing to jump out of my own body and separate from my relatives and disciples after countless years of sharing joys and sorrows?"

Liu Qianlang looked very painful, with a complex expression on his face.

"Hey! You silly little dream fairy, who told you to separate from them and jump out of your big dream universe to become a creation fairy, it doesn't affect you at all.

If you miss your relatives and friends in your body, you can enter your own body to meet them at any time. Now you are different from them. You not only have your own body universe time and space, but also entered a new big universe.

You are the same as me, and I also have countless relatives and friends in my body. However, if you don’t forget your old friends, you can enter the new universe and make new friends. We live in two universes at the same time, hehe! Wouldn't it be more fun! "

Seeing Liu Qianlang's troubled expression, Xiao Xingxian opened her eyes wide and tried to explain.

"Can I really do this?"

Liu Qianlang felt a little unbelievable.

"Of course you are! Cosmic bodies just formed like you and me are everywhere in the Immortal Realm of Creation. When I first came to the Immortal Realm of Creation, every little Eternal Immortal would pass through the body, but what? ... Hehe! You will know later."

Xiao Xingxian had a serious face at first, and then said with a mysterious smile.


Talking to Xiao Xingxian, Liu Qianlang felt a little uncomfortable, as if he had suddenly become a naive child.

"Why are you sighing! I asked you what those thirteen old Zhou heads were doing in your body. Did they also want to play with you?"

Little Xingxian asked childishly.

"You said Shisanyu old man, do you know them?"

Liu Qianlang lowered his head and asked in surprise.

"Besides them, are there other bodies in your body that you can't enter?"

Xiao Xingxian also frowned and tilted her head in question.

"I don't know, I don't even understand how I became the body of the universe. I know that the Thirteen Valleys are the mysterious masters of my budding fairy sect, and I don't know anything else about them."

Liu Qianlang told the truth.

"Hmph! What's so great about them, they're just apprentice searchers from several small families in the Creation Universe Immortal Territory. When they saw the newborn Little Universe Immortal, they wanted to take them under their sect.

I was caught by them. Fortunately, I was smart, so I escaped by turning into the little blue star while they were not paying attention. "

Speaking of the Thirteen Valleys, Xiao Xingxian was very angry and clenched her fists tightly.

"Oh! It turns out that they don't belong to my internal body. Little Xingxian, how did you enter my body and then exit? Can you help me get out of my own body?"

Liu Qianlang sighed as he recalled the infinitely mysterious past of Shisanyu Lao.

"This is not easy, I will teach you the 'Instantaneous Divine Move Dafa' taught to me by the thirteen old Zhou heads, and we will all be outside your body immediately.

But you have to be prepared, after you go out, you will be the same size as me. In the broader cosmic time and space of Chuangxianxianyu, the divine pressure of the universe is not as gentle as that in your body, and your body will be squeezed to be as big as mine in an instant.

Of course, whenever you want to return to your own body to meet friends and relatives, you will also be restored to your original self. "

Xiao Xingxian said indifferently, and at the same time raised her small hand, joined her two fingers together, a lavender starlight cluster formed between her fingers, and then pointed at Liu Qianlang's eyes.

The lavender light group shot into Liu Qianlang's psychic eyes.

Liu Qianlang's mind suddenly calmed down, and then he felt that a kind of magical power and formula became a kind of soul power of himself.

"Is this the great method of instant supernatural movement?"

Liu Qianlang was very curious, thinking of seeing what the Chuangyu Immortal Territory looked like outside of his own body, so when he sensed the Dafa, he also activated it.

The next moment, they had already arrived at what Xiao Xingxian said about Liu Qianlang's extracorporeal creation of the Immortal Realm.

"Hoo hoo..."



Infinitely vast and desolate, the ubiquitous hurricane vortex, like the howling of wolves and the crowing of crows, is terrifying from far and near, within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, everything is dim and pale...

Liu Qianlang's figure also instantly turned into a small one, even a few centimeters shorter than Xiao Xingxian.

"Oh my god! Little Xingxian! This is the Creation Universe Immortal Realm!?"

Liu Qianlang examined the unacceptable changes in his body up and down, looked at Xiao Xingxian with a dejected expression and asked.

"That's right! That's right. This is Chuangyu Immortal Realm, how is it, isn't it very unexpected?

When I first came here, I was just as surprised as you, and even regretted why I had gone through so much hard work to become a Starman Zhou. And why not enjoy it in your own body!

But I heard from the thirteen Apprentice Masters that if the newly formed cosmic body like us does not come out to strengthen ourselves in the Immortal Realm of Creation Universe, continue to practice, and finally reach the Dasheng Cosmos at the center of the Zhisheng Cosmos, our existence will not last long at all. .

In less than hundreds of millions of years, we will be swallowed up and disappear by the harsh conditions on the edge of the infinitely bad Creation Universe Immortal Realm. At that time, not to mention the relatives and disciples in your body, even you will die.

So in desperation, I had to bite the bullet and suffer in this creation world fairyland! "

Xiao Xingxian had already expected Liu Qianlang's reaction, and said helplessly.

"You are hurting me, you are helping me! I don't want to come out, so you can do whatever you want, is there still ten billion years of immortality? That's enough. Rather than suffering here, it's better to be alive with the disciples of the immortal sect in the body." Die together in one year!"

As Liu Qianlang said, he wanted to urge Shun Wai Shen Nuo Dafa back into his body.

"For the time being, you can't go back. Once you come out, your outer body will be suppressed by the vast divine power of the creation universe, and you can't control this divine power now. If you rush back into your body, your fairy gate will be destroyed. All the people will suffer.

You can go back if you want, that is, after you have successfully practiced the Energy Control Art in Chuangyu Immortal Domain, you can enter and exit your outer body at will. "

Xiao Xingxian kindly reminded Liu Qianlang.

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