Nine Heavens

Chapter 2198 Encountered Chasing

"Yo, hey!"

"There are two new barbarians over there, hurry up and catch them!"

Just as Liu Qianlang was talking to Xiao Xingxian, two horrifying and ferocious black behemoths suddenly jumped down from the sky in the dim space, yelling loudly.

They yelled the words of Zhou in the "Complete Book of Destruction" that Liu Qianlang had read, so they could understand them.

"It's not good, Xiao Mengxian, run! They are destroying the universe and searching for disciples. My three brothers were captured by them. I don't know if I am alive or dead now!"

Xiao Xingxian raised his head and suddenly saw the huge monster rushing towards him, he grabbed Liu Qianlang and ran away.

Seeing that the speed of the two people running surpassed that of lightning, in the originally dark space, as they ran, countless cosmic bodies suddenly appeared like giant barrels.

These cosmic celestial bodies seem to be motionless, but they are actually carrying out hundreds of thousands of terrifying autobiographical works on the spot.

"Drilling into the elemental energy hole of creation, they are universe-destroying demons, and they cannot enter the elemental energy hole of creation!"

The speed of Xiao Xingxian and Liu Qianlang was fast enough, but the speed of the two pitch-black behemoths was even faster. Before their bodies arrived, the four terrifying giant claws came down with a strong hurricane.


The Tianjin silk robe outside Liu Qianlang's body, which had been tempered to be tougher than Shengang Xuantie, was instantly torn apart by one of the clever black claws.

Fortunately, at this moment, Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian had already shot into one of the creation element holes, and then they ran desperately inside.

When running to the exit, quickly shoot into another creation element hole.

And outside, two pitch-black behemoths also swayed their huge bodies more than a hundred miles high, running over the countless Genesis Caves of Creation, followed by Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian running wildly, also chasing wildly.

"Hey, his grandma, you two little Chuang Zhou bastards, you are unlucky today, and you met us two Xihuang Destroyer, you are dead!

Qi Xiao, don't be so damn polite, this is the Immortal Realm of Creation, please spoil it casually. Destroy these disgusting looking Genesis Caves to death! "

One of the two behemoths with a height of more than a hundred miles screamed, and at the same time, it smashed the back of the Genesis Cave where Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian escaped, and flew around, shouting.

"It's fucking disgusting, Xuanshu! Why are these Xinzhou bastards getting more and more thieves, and they are not as easy to catch as before!"

Qi Xiao yelled and roared, the two demons kept running and chasing, cursing.

"Then you have to chase after him. If you see one, catch one, and if you see two, you should catch a couple. Otherwise, the creation of the immortal realm will continue to rise, otherwise, wouldn't we be threatened by the destruction of the evil realm of the universe!"



The black mouse has a huge body, but its head is ridiculously small. A pair of green eyes flashed a strange cold rainbow, and howled sharply.

At the same time, he resentfully stomped on all the Genesis Caves he had stepped on behind him.

"Huh! Huh! You two bastards who destroyed the Universe Evil Territory, why did you come to our Creation Immortal Realm to catch us? Don't you have people from the New Universe sprouting there?"

Because Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian are constantly autobiographical about the Genesis Cave of Creation, their feet can't dare to run on the bottom of the Cave of Creation, but kick each other's body and run wildly.

Such an embarrassing way of running, it has been tens of thousands of years in the blink of an eye, do you think you can get tired? Xiao Xingxian roared angrily.

Liu Qianlang was also in a panic, the imbalance in his heart was unprecedented. Think about how majestic and domineering I was when I was in the outer universe, with a body of immortality, burrowing into the sky and escaping from the earth, creating spiritual life... omnipotent, living a happy life...

But right now, in this nasty Chuangyu Immortal Realm, when his immortal spells are deployed, he is just like a child in the world, except for shouting angrily and running around.

The self-conceived powerful divine power can only hit a weak spark on the inner wall of the Genesis Cave, making an almost inaudible sound.

Liu Qianlang looked frustrated, with unprecedented anger in his heart, and screamed in the Chuangsheng Jiyuan Cave:

"You nasty guys, why do you catch us, what are we doing to you!"

"Yeah! Hearing that there is no Xuanshu, the two cubs are still grinning and angry. It's interesting, I, Qi Xiao, like this.

We can't do this, you chase from behind, I go to the front to block them, I don't believe we can't catch them. "

Qi Xiao suggested, and then the two evil creatures chirped and said something while running, and then Qi Xiao accelerated and shot forward.

"Hmph! Little boy, if you want to catch my little Xingxian, there's no way!"

Chuangzhou Green Element Cave is light blue, crystal clear, so both sides can see each other clearly. Especially Xiao Xingxian still has a purple body, which is extremely eye-catching.

Xiao Xingxian saw that the behemoth that had been fooled was shooting forward, and she secretly laughed inwardly, implying that Liu Qianlang took a few deep breaths, then suddenly turned over, and shot into another section of the Genesis Cave.

Because of the inertia, the black mouse in the rear couldn't stop its wild pursuit, and ran forward for a while before stopping.

In such a short while, Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian had fled thousands of miles away.

Xiao Xingxian looked back, and saw that the two behemoths behind her were gone, and immediately laughed wheezingly:

"Hey! Xiao Mengxian can hang out with me when you come to Chuangyu Immortal Realm. I can't guarantee anything else. It's okay to guarantee that you will not die."


Liu Qianlang was covered in sweat, his face was hot, and his veins were throbbing. Because of running for a long time, his whole body was sore and his hands were numb.

This kind of reaction that only people without any immortal ability in the world appeared. Liu Qianlang gasped for breath, wondering where he was in any fairyland, and he was back to the origin of the world.

"From now on, are we going to run around every day like this?"

Liu Qianlang asked unrequitedly, at this moment, because the two little immortals thought there was no danger, they jumped out of the Genesis Cave where they fled for the last time, landed on a fragment of the Cave of Genesis Creation, and waded slumped.

"That's not true, we can join a certain creation family in the creation fairyland, and we can get safe and loving protection from them.

However, then we will not be free, and we will have to listen to them no matter what we do in the future! In addition, we are like this. When there is no danger, we will run around, and if there is danger, we will run away! "

Little Xingxian seemed to be quite used to life in Chuangyu Immortal Territory, even though she had just escaped the danger and had just rested for a while, she said indifferently.

"This kind of life is still called happy!?"

Liu Qianlang suddenly felt that there was a problem with his IQ, so he asked Xiao Xingxian.

"Yeah, if there are no apprentice hunters and apprentice hunters, this creation universe fairyland is actually not bad, and it is also quite beautiful when the universe is buried."

Little Xingxian's lavender body and delicate facial features were all shining with beautiful lavender starlight, she nodded and said.


Liu Qianlang didn't say anything more, but looked up.

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