Nine Heavens

Chapter 2205 join the demon domain

You must know that although Liu Qianbang didn't take the third-level evil rainbow to destroy the universe seriously, it cannot deny the ability of the third-level evil rainbow to destroy the universe.

Just activating one of the third-order universe-destroying evil energy is enough to easily destroy the wandering star Lu Yundou on the edge of the Immortal Territory of the Immortal Universe.

Possessing such power is absolutely unique among these young Demon Thunder Tree Demons. Think about it, can you be unhappy that the messenger of the demon king suddenly became famous?

"You guys really gave me the third-order destroying universe evil rainbow!?"

The messenger of the demon king had already stretched out his two tree forks and tightly grasped two pieces of dark third-order destroying universe evil rainbow, and asked Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian in disbelief.

"Hehe, of course. I, Xiao Mengxian, always keep my word. And I am very grateful to all the Zhou Chuxians present for taking us in, especially the introduction of the demon king's messenger. So I have the opportunity to give some points to the demon king's messenger. It's a great honor."

Liu Qianlang not only gave gifts, but also put a big hat on the other party.

The demon king messenger heard the words, blinked my sharp and single eyes, and said happily:

"Let me just say, how could the demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree casually rescue the young chicks in the Creation of the Immortal Territory? I only know the wisdom of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King today.

Since the two Chuang Yu Xianyu Zhou Chu are so generous, I, the messenger of the Demon King, will make you two friends. The two of you just come with the demon king's messenger. The Demon Thunder Tree Demon King is very happy today, and it should be a happy event to find you. "

The demon king made three visits, and his attitude immediately changed drastically. He smiled at Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian, became more polite, and then Piaofei happily led the way.

Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian knew that there was no need to worry about going here, and they had confidence in their hearts, and they were also happy to step on their own magic weapons to keep up.

"Wow! The real young cow of Chuang Yu Xianyu, why didn't we reincarnate in Chuang Yu Xianyu!"

"Don't be smart after the fact. When we were cultivating the Eternal Immortal, who made us choose the dark and dark energy. In the end, our Wood Flower Monster Clan was not welcomed by the Warcraft Clan, and was created by the Immortal Realm Treat it as a demon, what a pain!"

"Don't talk about it, let's practice quickly. One day when we grow up and become adults, we can practice the mutation pill, and we can create our own mutation pill like the Demon Thunder Sect. Then we can do whatever we want." how's it going!"

"Hey! To put it lightly, we have grown into adult Zhou. Maybe we can't even survive the juvenile Zhou, and we will be destroyed by our own alien compatriots from the Destroying Zhou Continent. Poor, we are still just baby Zhou. If we want to It is said that it will take at least hundreds of billions of years to reach adulthood!"



After Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian left, on the low-level cultivation domain of the endless scattered nebula behind them, countless young Demon Thunder Tree demons sighed.

In the main hall of Molei Zhou.

At this moment, the seven leopards and eight wolves, the Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion and the Xuan Shu have all left, but the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree is still there, waiting for the arrival of Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian.

Because recently he discovered that these two young children from the Creation of the Immortal Territory are very intelligent. If they can submit to him and then abandon their lives like darkness, they will definitely be able to help him earn back in the Demon Thunder Sect's World Destruction Fighting Competition tens of thousands of years later. Lost face.

The most important thing is that one of them is the dream soul of the waves, and the other is the light soul of the stars. Regardless of the state of wood attribute animal souls like myself and my compatriots, when fighting, I will never be disturbed by the soul state, and I will definitely win.

If the Demon Thunder Sect wins the battle of destroying the universe, it is obviously an excellent opportunity for the Demon Thunder Sect to be brilliant again, and it is an idiot not to have such an opportunity.

Lord Molei Zhou knew very well in his heart that apart from this possible opportunity, it would be futile to rely on any of his forces, such as the seven leopards and eight wolves, the devil thunder and lightning scorpion demon king, the black mouse to search for apprentices, and the demon gate, so he got up and thought about it, and put his mind on it. Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian, especially Liu Qianlang.

The demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree, that is, the Lord of the Demon Thunder, lay back on the throne of the Lord of the Universe, thinking about it, while continuing to wait for the arrival of Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian.

"Report to Lord Molei that Xiaomengxian Liu Qianlang and Xiaoxingxian have been invited!

While Lord Mo Lei Zhou was waiting anxiously, the voice of the demon king's messenger sent by Lord Mo Lei Zhou finally came from outside the hall.

"Well! Come in!"

Lord Molei Zhou was overjoyed, but suppressed his excitement with all his strength, and replied in a very cold tone.

"Two brothers, you are invited. I have something to do with the demon king's messenger, so I will not accompany you for the time being."

The demon king's messenger outside the hall heard Tangtang's order, and bid farewell to Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian in a warm voice.

Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian also naturally responded inside and outside the hall, and appeared in the hall the next moment.

"You two young chicks from the Immortal Realm of Creation, what do you think of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm?"

Lord Demon Thunder still lay on his back, opened his bright eyes like a full moon, covering little Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian and asked tentatively.

"Thanks to the grace of Lord Demon Thunder for destroying the prison and saving lives, and now he has broken the boundary to take him in, and he is deeply concerned about the birth of the demon domain of the Demon Thunder Tree. This kindness should be in my heart forever. If there is a chance to repay it, I will wait for it Do not hesitate to die."

Liu Qianlang had a faint feeling in his heart, that is, the demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree sent him and Xiao Xingxian to seem to have something to do, so he had already figured out the wording in his heart, and said frankly at this moment.

"Hehe... It seems that this Demon Thunder Tree did not save the wrong person. You know how to repay your kindness, and you are the kind-hearted people that the Master of this universe values. Please do whatever you want.

It can be seen that the two are also extremely intelligent people, and they do not speak secretly in front of the wise, and they are summoned today, and they do have important matters to discuss. "

Liu Qianlang's words were right, and Lord Molei Zhou no longer deliberately pretended, and said with a smile.

"If there is anything we need to do, please ask Lord Molei Zhou to order. It's just that we are short in size and have low divine power. Please don't laugh at Lord Molei Zhou."

Although Liu Qianlang was not more than a foot tall, but with flying white hair and a fairy figure in silver clothes, he raised his hand in salute and said modestly.

"Hey, it's nothing. If the two of you are willing to join our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, you will soon grow into monsters!"

The Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree waved the claws of the Demon Dragon Branch and said.

"You want us to join your Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm and become like you?"

Xiao Xingxian was not happy when she heard it and asked in surprise.


Lord Demon Thunder nodded slightly, and then explained the reason and the status of Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain in Demon Thunder Sect.

"Of course, if you are determined not to, I will not force you to do so!"

After explaining, Lord Molei Zhou, with one eye shining unsteadily, stared at Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian with infinite expectation.

"Xiao Mengxian is willing! But Xiao Mengxian is really ashamed that she doesn't have the ability to help Lord Demon Thunder!"

Liu Qianlang didn't think too much at all, and agreed directly, Xiao Xingxian was so angry that his purple eyes were gouged out and stared, and a purple heart was beating wildly in his blue body.


"Xiao Mengxian is really bold. As long as you agree to join our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, as for your skills, with your 30,000-year aptitude to advance to destroy Zhou Xiehong, you can naturally practice the Demon Thunder Lion Soul Art!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's agreement, the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King burst out laughing with joy and spoke after a long time.

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