Nine Heavens

Chapter 2206 Chapter 2206 Chapter Six Demon Thunder Lion Soul

"Demon Thunder Lion Soul Art!?"

Liu Qianlang had never heard of it, and repeated with a frown.

"Exactly! Little Mengxian doesn't know that in the continent of ruining the universe, there are eight magic formulas among the most terrifying magic formulas in the demon world. The magic thunder formula, the magic wind formula and the magic electricity formula. Among them, the magic thunder formula is the most overbearing, ranking first among the eight magic tricks in the demon world.

However, the Overlord of the Demon Realm can be further divided into the eight standard tactics and the eight tactics of different attributes. For example, the Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion, he practiced the Electric Demon Art, but because he was not a real beast, but a woody body with a scorpion soul, the Electric Demon Art he practiced was not originally a magic electric art. It is a magic electric formula of different attributes.

Naturally, when he fights with the standard magic power Asura of the same level, his strength will naturally be much worse.

However, this difference is not caused by our own attributes of the body, but caused by the fact that the magic electricity formula of the standard attribute and the magic electricity formula of the different attribute are only spread in this race.

It means that no matter who it is, if they can practice the eight tactics of the standard attribute, they can become powerful and terrifying.

For hundreds of billions of years, although the strength of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm has become weaker and weaker day by day, we have, on the contrary, possessed the standard attribute of Demon Thunder Art and the most powerful beast soul Demon Lion Art.

However, nothing has its treasures, but we have never met descendants who can cultivate two kinds of magical aptitudes. This is the root of our real weakness.

To be honest with the two of you, regarding the idea of ​​cultivating the Standard Demon Thunder Jue and the Beast Soul Demon Lion Jue, the Lord of the Demon Thunder has long since lost any hope. Including the Lord of the Universe, there has never been any cultivation practice in the domain for hundreds of billions of years. People with their abilities!

However, maybe this is fate. Just a few days ago, when I thought about it and decided to execute the two young chicks of the Immortal Realm of Creation, I happened to fly over the low-level cultivation realm and saw your astonishing cultivation. aptitude, so I thought of the first double tactic of the ruined continent that has been dusty for hundreds of billions of years..."


Liu Qianlang heard the words, first let out a sigh, and then asked:

"Since the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm is a different-attribute Magic Thunder Art practice domain, and it is not a lion-soul-based beast realm, how did the two main attribute magic arts end up here?"

"This, speaking of it, can be said to be the secret of the entire Universe Destroyer Continent. According to the ancient legend of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, it is because the two Destroyer Mad Demons who belong to the Demon Thunder Beast Palace, one possesses the standard Demon Thunder Art, and the other possesses the standard The Lion Soul Jue, the Palace Demon, and the Heavenly War both died in our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory, and they have been exiled here.

At that time, it happened to be obtained by my Thousand Times Lord, and immediately sealed it in the Lancang Paint Sky in the center of the Nebula Nebula, the Demon Thunder Tree, under our feet. No one will know anymore.

However, the Demonic Lightning Art and the Demonic Beasts of the Standard Time attribute have never given up on the Demon Palace in the center of the Destroying Eternal Continent, and the Demon Kingdom, Demon City, and Demon Sect with females on the outskirts are looking everywhere.

It should be because our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory is too remote and small, they never thought that the number one magic formula of the Destroying Eternal Continent that they are looking for so hard will be here with us. As a result, the two standard magic formulas have always stayed safely in the Lancang lacquer sky under our feet.

This is the biggest secret of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory. The Master of the Demon Thunder Tree told you today, either it will be the end of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, or it will be the beginning of our rise. Saying it today, the Lord of the Molei Zhou has thought about it for a long time, do you understand what I mean? "

Lord Molei Zhou seemed very excited. He was clearly in his own Demon Realm, but he was extremely vigilant. The big eyes of the moon on the body of the pitch-black tree stump kept scanning the outside of the hall, as if he was afraid of eavesdropping.

"Will Lord Zhou ensure that we can practice the two basic magic formulas?"

Liu Qianlang nodded heavily, and then asked.

"It should be possible. Although I am mediocre, I believe in my own vision. If you agree, I will send you into Lancang Qikong immediately, because our time is running out.

Both of the two basic magic formulas are ranked fifth and tenth rank in the Gongguocheng Zongyu. If we want to win the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning domains in the Demon Thunder Sect, and become famous, the two of them must at least succeed in cultivation. stage only.

Such a terrifying difficulty is absolutely impossible without enough time. As far as I know, even in the Demon Thunder Sect, there are very few beast monsters who can possess the second-level strength of the sect. "

Lord Demon Thunder couldn't wait any longer, wishing to send Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian into the Lancang Paint Space immediately. In doing so, firstly, it is possible to realize the wish of dreams, and secondly, even if Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian fail in cultivation, they will not even think about coming out again.

These two results, no matter which one, are not bad things for Lord Demon Thunder.

"Let me ask you, if we succeed in practicing the magic-breaking formula you mentioned, will we grow taller, and will we become as ugly as you?"

Xiao Xingxian didn't care about anything else, only these things.

"Don't worry, you two young chicks. If you are lucky enough to succeed, your body will naturally balance the divine powers of the Creation Universe Immortal Territory and the Destroying Universe Continent, and your height will return to your original height. As for your appearance, it will not change, but your There will be a change in the color of the pupil rainbow, as for what color I don't know.

The other thing is that every time you perform your divine skills outside your body, the image of the demon gangster of the demon thunder god lion will appear on your body, other than that, there is not much change.

In our continent of ruining the universe, we don't look at your looks, only your physical attributes, skill attributes and soul attributes determine which level you belong to. In order to prove that you are members of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, the only thing you have to do is to practice one more layer of body protection, Wooden Demon Gang. "

Lord Molei Zhou saw that Xiao Xingxian didn't object any more, he was very happy, restrained his excitement, and explained patiently as much as possible.

"The Lord of the Demon Thunder cast a spell and told us to go to Lancang Qikong right now. Time is running out. If we learn the two basic magic formulas earlier, we will have more hope sooner."

Liu Qianlang is also very eager for this opportunity to strengthen himself. Because he found that if he wanted to exist freely in the World of Destruction Continent or the Immortal Realm of Creation, it was absolutely impossible without strong strength.

And if you want to have strong strength, one is to gradually become stronger after countless years of suffering in the low-level cultivation domain of the Demon Thunder Tree Monster Domain, and you may die in the middle.

The other is a pie-in-the-sky adventure like this. Adventures are hard to come by, and now they suddenly appear, and there is a possibility that I will really succeed, so how can I not be tempted?

So Liu Qianlang judged the situation and thought that this was the best and the only chance for him to be strong and the fastest, so he accepted it decisively and asked for it at this moment.

"Well, after 50,000 years, the Lord of this universe is letting you out. Stand firm, the Lord of this universe will send you in!"

Lord Demon Thunder didn't say any more, he probed out of the hall, and then suddenly a rainbow of the moon shot out from the eyes of the moon, wrapping Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian in it, and then the dragon claw on the right branch moved towards the ground below the hall. Catch it, and a huge black hole immediately appeared on the ground.


Out of the pitch-black giant hole suddenly came out the light of divine light, thunder and lightning, and the sound of a lion's roar. Lord Molei quickly threw Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian into the black giant hole with his rainbow eyes, and then another branch dragon claw quickly smoothed the hole.

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