Nine Heavens

Chapter 2207

Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian first rolled and landed in the pitch-black giant cave, hearing the lion's roar and thunder roaring incessantly, but then gradually got used to it, and began to control their respective artifacts to fly within.

Liu Qianlang naturally controls the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, but now Liu Qianlang calls it the Holy Sword of Demon Spirit. And Xiao Xingxian controls a faint blue astrolabe under his feet.

In the pitch darkness, the two couldn't tell the direction, and they instinctively covered themselves with a layer of body protection. Looking from a distance, a red ball and a blue ball were walking next to each other.

"Damn it, the Lancang star in the center of the Demon Thunder Tree Nebula is empty. Why is it so big? It's so dark. Where can we find the Demon Thunder Standard Magic Thunder Art and the Standard Lion Soul Art."

Xiao Xingxian covered her purple eyes with her small hands, looked around, and asked Liu Qianlang on the left with a bitter face.

"Be patient, it shouldn't be hard to find, otherwise the Demon Thunder God will guide us. We guess that the two standard magic formulas should be in the central area of ​​Lancang Qikong. Even if they are not there, when we roughly reach the central area of ​​Lancang Qikong, It will be much easier to analyze their existence from outside.

So we don't need to fly randomly, we are sinking now, and stop when we feel that we have reached the approximate center of Lancang Qikong. "

In the depths of the infinite darkness, Liu Qianlang still maintained his composure, looking around at the boundless darkness.

"But, we have never been here before, how do we know when we will reach the center of this broken black hole!"

Little Xingxian sighed.

"That's easy. If you listen carefully to the lion's roar in the Lancang Painted Sky, it is obviously from a direction. This direction is currently below us. We can use this sound to roughly determine the edge and center of the Lancang Painted Sky.

According to Molei Zouzhu, there is nothing in this Lancang lacquer space except for the two basic magic formulas, and this lion's roar should be the sound of the soul energy of the internal lion soul formula.

Maybe if we find this sound source, we will find the standard Lion Soul Art. "

Liu Qianlang concentrated, listening carefully and analyzing.

"Xiao Mengxian, you are really powerful, so can you guess what universe my predecessor is from?"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's reasonable analysis, Xiao Xingxian was very impressed and asked with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are one of the four stars of life in the Quartet Star River Region that I saw in the life before I resurrected the star of life.

The four of you in the Star River Universe completed the evolution of cosmic beings at the same time, and came to the Creation Universe together. Unfortunately, your three brothers were captured, and you and I met. "

When Liu Qianlang said these words, his tone was unbelievable, as if he knew everything.

"Oh my god! Little Mengxian, are you the cub of Chuangzhou Immortal Territory New Universe or the great devil of Immortal Universe here? Why do you know everything.

No, our four brothers, the red, yellow and green stars were all captured by their Moleizong's scouts, and I don't know what's going on now, I miss them so much. "

Little Blue Star Fairy sighed.

"Why should you sigh? No one will help us when you sigh. We can only rely on ourselves. Now as long as we learn some two basic magic formulas, we will have the opportunity to go to the Demon Thunder Sect, and then we will have the opportunity to save your three brothers. Here is us Great opportunity!"

Also in the dark, Liu Qianlang didn't complain at all, instead, he searched around full of expectations, and at the same time speeded up his descent.

As they descended, the lion's roar they heard became louder and deafening, and at the same time, more and more lightning and thunder flashed around them.

"The source of the sound is undoubtedly the standard Lion Soul Art, and the source of the tears and thunder light must also be the standard Demon Thunder Art!"

After a long period of probing and contemplation, Liu Qianlang said with certainty.

"It should be, I also feel the pressure of the very powerful magic soul power and magic thunder god energy."

Under the influence of Liu Qianlang, Little Lan Xingxian's restless mood gradually calmed down, and she also felt Liu Qianlang's judgment.

After the two reached a consensus, they took the initiative and manipulated their respective artifacts to suddenly dive towards the target below, at an extremely fast speed.


After about several months, the two finally saw a floating mountain range below, with a man-made high peak on it.

There are two huge and flat sacred stones on the peak platform, and two scrolls of divine scrolls shine on the sacred stones. One shaft is bright red, just like a burning fire, and beside it is a giant bright red lion roaring with its head raised, and three fires are erupting from its mouth like a volcano erupting.

The other axis was surrounded by a golden rainbow, and at the same time, the sky-splitting lightning and thunder were constantly shining, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"We found it! Let's quickly land on it and cultivate them. I'm still waiting to save the three brothers!"

After seeing the two divine scrolls, Little Blue Star was ecstatic, shouted and shot towards the floating mountains.

Liu Qianlang was also extremely happy, and followed closely behind, flying like a flash of light.


The sudden appearance of the two, the two divine scrolls obviously didn't know about it. When they suddenly saw the two small flowing figures, the sound and light stopped abruptly.

The huge floating mountain that the two were swooping up suddenly turned black, and then the fiery golden rainbow outside the two scrolls disappeared instantly. However, the two divine scrolls were still shining with a faint magic light.

"Damn it! Little Mengxian, they are so timid, they are afraid of us! What kind of magic book is this magic book in the devil world? The paper looks comfortable!"

After the two landed on the top of the mountain peak one after another, seeing the evil light flowing slightly in front of the two scrolls, one red and one gold, the little blue star said with purple eyes.

"They are spirit skins, but I don't know what kind of spiritual life they are. The monsters in the demon world are different from ours. Everything is evil. The woody tree demons in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm we have come into contact with are the least evil. "

Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry to touch the two divine scrolls, but stood a few feet away from them and examined them carefully.

The two divine scrolls are no taller than a ruler, like a scrolled painting, but it looks like it will be very long if it is unfolded.

"Is this the standard Demon Thunder Art and the standard Lion Soul Art?"

Little Blue Xing was quite sure, but looking at the uncomfortable scroll, she still asked.

"No mistake, these are the two basic magic formulas we want to cultivate. But it seems that it is not easy for us to open them."

Liu Qianlang condensed the celestial energy of his whole body, and wanted to see the situation inside the scroll through the psychic eyes, but found that his celestial energy could not be done at all, and the moment his consciousness arrived, he was overwhelmed by a hundred thousand powerful anti-spiritual powers. Bounced back.

After the attempt failed, Liu Qianlang said quietly.

"Cut! Isn't it just two scrolls of God-breaking scrolls, how difficult is it to open!"

Xiao Xingxian didn't take it seriously, she shot in front of her body, her little hand touched the standard Lion Soul Art.

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