Nine Heavens

Chapter 2211 Stealth Tracking

Because Liu Qianlang's purpose was only to seek revenge for the Lord of the Demon Thunder, he didn't want to make it public. After he settled down, he also used the method of restraining his breath.

"Sister Xinfeng, please come back. I used to come and go often, why should my sister always be so polite? Once you give it away, it will be thousands of miles away."

"Hmph, I can't bear to let Sister Qinglei leave me. When will you come back next time?"

"Huh? How come 10,000 years is not enough time, and now the two kings, Uncle Xuanhei Lion Demon and Daddy, are stepping up preparations for the World Destruction Fighting Competition in 10,000 years.

One is that I can't just come out to play without doing anything all the time, and you should also do something for your Fengmoyu. "

"These adults are really boring, why are they always fighting back and forth. Sister Qinglei, you have been in the Demon Thunder Lion Beast Clan for hundreds of millions of years, which fighting tournament is not the first, what is there to prepare for.

Otherwise, I can go and play with you, so that you don't have to look for me, and we can be together every day. "


"You nonsense girl, if you go with me, Uncle Mofeng Zhouzhu will not die alone, you twittering pig girl is Uncle Mofeng Zhouzhu's pistachio.

Okay, you go back, sister can go by herself. In case Uncle Mofeng sends someone to look for it again. It's good to share some affairs in the domain for Uncle Mofeng, don't just think about playing. "

"Okay then, Sister Qinglei has a safe journey, you can go, Feng'er is watching you."


Liu Qianlang stood on top of the palace, and suddenly heard two young women's voices coming from below the palace, and then saw two women in pretty short dresses flying up into the sky, hiding behind Liu Qianlang Not far ahead of the location.

Liu Qianlang savored their words, and was shocked in his heart. It turned out that one of the women was a descendant of the Demon and Thunder Kings.

However, Liu Qianlang looked at the two women intently, and was very surprised. They were all beast races, but they all had the same delicate and beautiful face as a fairy.

Their strands of hair fluttered in the wind, one with purple hair and one with blue hair, which looked very unrestrained.

The woman called Sister Qinglei has a graceful figure and is wearing a red short jacket. She has a beautiful face, delicate features, and sparkling purple eyes, which is very spiritual and beautiful.

And Qinglei calls her sister Xinfeng, who is a little younger and looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. She wears a blue short jacket, has big eyes, super long eyebrows, and blue eyes. naughty look.

After they finished talking to each other, they didn't linger too long, and then a blue demon lion suddenly appeared under the feet of the woman named Qinglei with fluttering purple hair, floating on it and flew towards the mountain of stars in the center.

"Sister Qinglei, don't be too late, come and play with me quickly—"

Qinglei Treading Lion had already flown far away, and Xinfeng behind was still reluctant to give up, waving and shouting loudly, when he couldn't see the other party, he fell reluctantly away.

The matter was so coincidental that Liu Qianlang didn't need to ask any more questions, as long as he followed the departing Piqinglei, he would naturally find the target he wanted to kill.

Liu Qianlang paused for a while, and then, still hiding his body, stepped on the magic sword and chased after him like lightning.

Nothing major happened along the way, one returned home like an arrow, and the other pursued steadily. After a few days, they finally shot into the standard lion and beast tribe, which is the first palace of the Mountain of Stars where the Demon Thunder Sect is located.

After Qinglei shot into the Demon Thunder Palace, she shuttled between the large and magnificent palaces and buildings of the Demon Thunder Palace. Wherever she passed, all the demon thunder beasts and lion demons she saw saluted and greeted her:

"Haha... the little princess is back!"

"The little one has seen the little princess!"

"Wow! The third princess is beautiful again!"


"Little princess!?"

Liu Qianlang turned into a cloud of faint mist, and while following Qing Lei leisurely, while inspecting the majestic palace complex of the Demon Thunder Palace, he guessed the relationship between this target and the Sect Master of Demon Thunder.

Could it be that the Red Demon Lion King is the suzerain of the Demon Thunder? Liu Qianlang heard that all the animal-bodied lion demons wandering around in the Demon Thunder Palace were calling Qing Lei a princess, so Liu Qianlang thought about it in his heart.


"Brother Lan Lei! What are you doing?"

When Liu Qianlang was thinking, he suddenly saw Qing Lei floating down on the green lion, and the green lion let out a low growl and disappeared, while a majestic and mighty young man with flying blue hair rushed towards him , leading hundreds of animal-bodied lion demons behind him.

"Ha ha……"

"Sister Qinglei, you don't know that the Magic Electric Beast Clan misbehaved and snatched the first treasure of the Ruizhou Continent, the standard Lion Soul Art and the standard Demon Thunder Art. The heterotopic lion and demon forces in the Eastern Region are stepping up their training, and want to crusade against the magic electric beast clan?

Now the two uncles of the lion and demon kings are also practicing the demon lion and heavenly warriors on the front line, and there is only the suzerain father in the palace. I won't tell you now, Daddy is still talking about you these days, you go and see him, let's go first! "

The young man named Lan Lei passed by in a hurry, almost without stopping, and shot away like a gust of wind.

"No way! The two standard magic formulas have been lost for hundreds of billions of years, how could the magic power domain suddenly be found?"

Regarding what Brother Lan Lei said, Qing Lei was dubious, lowered his head in deep thought, and walked towards a tall palace in front of him.

This Lan Lei and Qing Lei are of the same generation, and both are descendants of the standard lion and beast clan. The reason why they are in human form is naturally because of their noble status and being highly valued by the sect, so they enjoyed the most precious mutation pill of the Warcraft family at a young age, and then they have such a human body.

The two are brother and sister, but they were not born to the same father. There are three brothers in the upper generation of the Molei Sect's palace, namely the Sect Master of Molei and the Twin Kings of Lion and Demon.

Qinglei is the only daughter of the Red Devil Lion King, and the only jewel in the palm of the Sect Master Molei and the Sect Master Molei.

Lan Lei is one of the three sons of Molei's suzerain. He has two elder brothers, one is Tianlei and the other is Dilei. In addition, Xuan Hei Shimo has a son named Beng Lei.

The three men are collectively known as the "Three Thunders of the Zongba." Regardless of their status or power, except for the Sect Master and the Double Kings of the Demon Thunder, the entire Demon Thunder Sect is almost invincible in all directions.

At this moment, Tiandi Erlei and Qinglei are both busy practicing at the front line.

The book continues from the previous article, Qinglei crossed the steps and corridors, and naturally there was no obstruction all the way, the lions and demons in the palace only had to greet Qinglei when they saw Qinglei. So Qinglei didn't take much effort to reach the main hall of the Xiangzheng Palace where the Molei Sect Master was located.

Sect Master Mo Lei was sitting on the throne of the Sect Master at the moment and discussing matters with some sect ministers, when he suddenly saw Qing Lei coming in, with golden eyes shining, he said with joy:

"Everyone, let's go back for the time being. The crusade against the magic power domain will be discussed another day!"

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