Nine Heavens

Chapter 2212 Magic Electric Envoy

"Yes! Sect Master Molei! This subordinate resigns!"

"I've seen Princess Qinglei!"

His Royal Highness, the group of demons and thunder lions moved after hearing the order, and greeted Qing Lei one after another.

"Go, uncle lion demons."

Qing Lei responded politely.

"Ha ha……"

"Come on, let Uncle Zong take a good look at you. I haven't seen you for a long time, but he wants to scare me. Didn't he go to the Demon Wind Domain to look for that girl of the Demon Wind Zhou Lord to mess around again."

Seeing his subordinates walking in, golden light flashed all over his body, he had a huge lion head-like head, his blond hair was curled up, and his eyes burst out with golden light. He immediately looked serious and greeted Qing Lei with a big smile.

"Uncle Zong! Look at what you said, Qing'er is so ignorant, I went to find sister Xinfeng to learn some Uncle Mofeng's magic wind art."

Qing Lei smiled and floated forward, sitting on the side seat of Mo Lei's Sect Master's throne.

"Wow, that's right! Our standard Lion Soul Art and Demon Thunder Art are not enough for you to learn?

Um! That's right, learning from others' strengths, he really is the elite of our Lion Soul family! "

Sect Master Molei was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and boasted.

"By the way, Uncle Suzerain, I met Brother Lan Lei just now. He said that the Magic Lightning Beast Clan has seized the two legendary sacred treasures of our standard Lion Soul Clan, the Standard Lion Soul Art and the Standard Demon Thunder Art, right?"

Qing Lei's personality is straightforward, so he took the opportunity to ask directly.

"Hmm! That's right! It's your father Red Demon Lion King and Uncle Xuan Black Lion King who discovered the heresy of the Magic Electric Beast Clan. They will never be mistaken.

This matter is of great importance. The suzerain has already reported to the Demon Thunder City. The Lord Demon Thunder City was furious and immediately ordered the suzerain to let the suzerain crusade against the magic electric beasts. "

Rumors about the two standard magic formulas of the World-Destroyed Continent have already spread quickly, and the entire World-Destroyed Continent even knows about it. Naturally, Sect Master Molei, I don't need to hide anything from my beloved niece.

"This seems unlikely. Where and how did Daddy and Uncle Xuanheishimo find it?"

Qing Lei intuitively felt that this news was somewhat impossible, but he couldn't explain why, and shook his head slightly.

"Why is this impossible? The two magic formulas have disappeared for hundreds of billions of years. There have always been rumors in the devil world that Mengzhou, the creation of the immortal realm, was created, and the demon thunder lion soul dominates the immortal road!

Counting with fingers now, wouldn't it be hundreds of billions of years! What's more, your father and Uncle Xuan Hei Shi Wang saw the three-veined magic thunder golden light lightning with their own eyes, and heard the magic thunder and lion soul's roar with their own ears!

These are all unique to the two standard magic formulas of the ruined continent. My niece loves to be intelligent by nature. Do you think there are any fakes in this! ?

Haha...they finally reappeared, and the battle between us and Chuangzhou Immortal Realm for the hegemony of the second-level civilized universe can once again dominate the Demon Immortal Universe, haha...

We no longer have to worry about the threat of some old Eternal Demons falling in the Continent, because we have two standard magic formula scrolls, and we don’t have to rely on the incomplete magic formulas in their memory..."

Sect Master Molei became more and more excited as he talked, and he was a little eloquent.

When Qinglei heard that his father and Uncle Xuanheishi Demon King had actually seen the unique golems of the two major magic arts, he had to believe the truth.

These words were heard in the ears of Liu Qianlang who followed Qing Lei. Liu Qianlang felt amused when he heard the words, and saw that the existence of the so-called Suzerain of Demon Thunder was only at the level of the seventh level of the sect of the Lion Soul, Demon Thunder and Double Elephant Divine Art. some.

If you compare yourself with him, with your fifth-level strength in the city, you can kill him in an instant.

But of course Liu Qianlang would not do this at the moment, because he not only wanted to avenge the Demon Thunder Lord, but also considered the future of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory.

So Liu Qianlang was thinking about how best to kill the lion and demon kings, while listening to their conversation.


"The three electric envoys of the Electric Demon Region came to pay homage to the Sect Master of the Demon Thunder—"

At this moment, the messenger outside the Demon Leizong Palace shouted loudly.

"Huh? They still dare to come here! Qing'er, you take shelter in the harem for a while and go see your aunt."


Qing Lei responded obediently and left.

"Call them in!"

Sect Master Molei was obviously taken aback when he heard the words, and then replied.

A moment later, outside the palace gate, three human-bodied tiger-headed demons with streamers of light and lightning shot in. One black, one white and one green body colors, but all the flashes of red lightning flashed outside them.

"It turned out that the special envoys of the three red demons from the magic electric beast clan arrived. I don't know if they are here to offer the two standard magic formulas or offer treasures for peace?"

Sect Master Molei glanced coldly at the three red envoys of the Magic Lightning Beast Clan, and hummed with something in his words.

"Please calm down my Sect Master Molei. We are here to explain this matter to the Lord Modian Zhou. We, the Modian Beast Clan, have also just heard about the reappearance of the two standard magic formulas that destroyed the Universe Continent.

But what I didn't expect was that almost all the monsters in the Destroyer Continent suspected that our magic electric beasts had seized the two standard magic formulas. This is really a great injustice! "

Among the special envoys of the three red magic beast tribes, the white magic beast monster, with a pair of tiger eyes, explained with emotion.

"Oh! That's right. Well, then, is this suzerain a fool? Regardless of any rumors about the rank of the ruined continent, as long as you can prove that the recent reappearance of the two standard magic formulas has nothing to do with you in the ruined continent. The suzerain immediately ordered the three demon heads of the Zongyu sect to give you justice."

Sect Master Molei has long been convinced that the Magic Electric Beast Clan is the snatcher of the two standard magic formulas that reproduce the ruined continent, so he deliberately said in such a mocking tone.

"That's natural, how can our special envoys of the three red magic electric beasts arbitrarily shirk their responsibilities, we can indeed prove that our magic electric beasts have nothing to do with the reappearance of the two standard magic formulas in the ruined continent.

But before we state the basis, may I first confirm one thing? "

The three red special envoys of the magic electric beast clan were not angry because of the arrogance of the suzerain Molei. They glanced at each other and asked, still the special envoys of the white body magic electric beast clan.

"Special Envoy of White Tiger Magic Power, please speak!"

After all, Sect Master Molei is the Sect Master of the Sixty-Four Sects in the Eight Directions Domain. How could the other party refuse to agree to such a request, so he squinted his eyes and nodded.

"Thank you, suzerain, for your promise. May I ask when did the two major standard magic formulas reappear and reappear the demon elephant of the Destroying Eternal Continent?"

The special envoy of White Tiger Magic Power paused for a moment and asked.

"Just 80,000 years ago!"

Sect Master Molei said simply.

"The suzerain is completely sure!?"

White Tiger's special envoy asked.

"Of course I'm sure. How can this suzerain be playing tricks on matters related to the two major standard magic formulas!"

Sect Master Molei didn't know the intention of the other party's question, so he said affirmatively again.

"In this way, the reappearance of the two standard magic formulas has absolutely nothing to do with us! Sovereign, please read this, and you will naturally know why."

The three red magic electric envoys seemed very happy when they heard the words of Sect Master Molei. They raised their hands at the same time, and a magic sound and shadow stone with the same color as their body appeared in each palm, and then pushed them to Sect Master Molei together.

"This is?"

After receiving the three black, white and green magic sound shadow stones, Molei Sect Master immediately urged the magic consciousness to look inside, and then showed a look of shame and embarrassment on his face.

"Sect Master Molei should have discovered that for hundreds of thousands of years, our Demonic Beast Clan has been concentrating on cultivating the magical power of destroying the universe in order to prepare for the World Destroyer Continent Fighting Conference 10,000 years later.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, no member of the Demonic Beast Clan has left the Demonic Beast Realm, and the three Vaulted Demon Sound and Shadow Stones have clearly recorded it. So how could it be possible for us to scour the two basic magic formulas eighty thousand years ago! "

The special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan spoke in a calm and reasonable manner.

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