Nine Heavens

Chapter 2214 Night of the Magic Mansion

According to the tracking information he released, Liu Qianlang quickly determined the location of the first courtyard of the Demon Thunder Sect built by the special envoy of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan, and then continued to hide and floated down.

After a burst of ups and downs, the devil's holy sword appeared in a skyscraper carrying Liu Qianlang.

"Fortunately, Sect Master Molei is still so fair and wise. When I came here, I was really worried that he was affected by the two basic magic formulas, and he was agitated and lost his rationality in the past.

Now the magic mountain that is pressing on my heart has finally come down, once the kings of the magic lion and lion return to the palace of the magic thunder, the injustice of our magic electric beast clan can be cleared!

Otherwise, alas! I think that the crimes of being wronged and wronged that we have never experienced since the birth of the magic electric beast clan will never see their day. "

Liu Qianlang was outside a palace in the skyscraper and heard the special envoy of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan commenting on the meeting with the Demon Leizong just now.

"Brother Baihu is right. Who do you think is so wicked that he put such a big wrong on our heads?"

"It's really hard to say for sure, but I heard the rumors among the demons in the Universe Continent that the two standard magic formulas reappeared in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain in the Universe Continent.

And the Demon Lion Kings didn't suspect the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, but instead suspected our Demon Electric Beast Clan Domain, which is really puzzling. "

"Brother Baihu, third brother Heihu, let's not extrapolate. It is estimated that the Demon Lion King will be recalled by the Demon Thunder Sect Master in a few days. We will face to face with him at that time, and we will naturally know."

"Green Tiger is right. Everyone is tired. Thanks to Molei Sect Master's praise, let's all take a rest!"

Having said that, the special envoys of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Clan stopped talking, and Liu Qianlang saw through the magic window that they were all sitting cross-legged in meditation, so they settled down to rest in the same dormitory.

Liu Qianlang didn't hear too much unexpected news from their words, and floated into their bedroom in another direction, relieved to release the breath-holding Dafa invisibility technique, and floated onto a bed, Sit cross-legged.

On the one hand, I plan to adjust it and continue to practice the sixth-level mental method of the inner city of the two major standard magic formulas. On the other hand, it is natural that it is convenient for me to pay attention to the movement of the special envoy of the three red magic electric beasts not far away at any time.

After both sides were quiet, the magic mansion seemed quiet outside the pavilion, the magic fragrance was wafting, and the air was fresh. Liu Qianlang tossed and found that there was no movement from the special envoy of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Clan. It is expected that there will be nothing wrong with the other party that night , simply raised his neck, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

After a long time, a tall and slim witch figure suddenly appeared in the magic mansion.

After she wandered lightly in the mansion for a while, her purple hair shone, her purple eyes were bright, and her fair and delicate face showed a sweet smile like a flower, then she floated towards the bedroom where Liu Qianlang was.

In the next second, she quietly appeared beside Liu Qianlang's bed.

Liu Qianlang fell asleep with her head covered, only a few strands of silver sparkling hair were exposed, and this witch's purple eyes showed a burst of excitement and wickedness.

Then when she raised her hand, a fragrant magic flower flashed out of her hand. She sniffed the magic flower between her nose and showed a mischievous smile on the corner of her mouth, then tiptoed forward, squatted down, lowered her head, and lifted Liu Qianlang Touching Liu Qianlang's face with fragrant magic flowers.

Liu Qianlang was sleeping, when he suddenly smelled the magic fragrance, he was so refreshed, not only didn't wake up, but slept more comfortably.

"Hehe... Uncle Baihu is so sleepy! Qing'er also wants you to teach me some magical powers of the magic electric beast clan. Seeing that you sleep like a dead devil pig!"

Sensing that Liu Qianlang was not awake, Qinglei, a kung fu idiot, laughed in a low voice, boldly stood up, and wanted to continue playing tricks on the special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan who admitted his mistake.

"you you you?"

However, when she stood up, the person in her sight was not the ferocious tiger face of the special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan, but an incomparably handsome face of a fairy.

Qinglei's first reaction was to immediately fly over to tell Molei Sect Master Uncle Molei Sect's first courtyard that there was an intertwined interweaving group of immortals in the Immortal Realm of Creation.

However, even though she thought so in her heart, she still couldn't move because the face in her sight was so handsome, she had never seen such a handsome face, and she fell in love with this face instantly.

She sat on the head of the bed by accident, resting her chin quietly admiring Liu Qianlang's resolute and handsome face, imagining what he would look like when he stood up.

In her sleep, Liu Qianlang greedily sucked the fragrance of the magic flower that Qing Lei slender hand teased him. Mouth na na:

"Shui'er, Meng'er, Yan'er..."

At the same time, in the dream, he instinctively reached out and grabbed Qing Lei's arm, and even forcibly pulled Qing Lei to caress his chest. Qing Lei could hear his heartbeat, Qing Lei's heartbeat, clearly.

Qinglei's face turned crimson in an instant, and he deliberately resisted in his heart, but after his body felt the fiery warmth of the other party, he couldn't help himself and let Liu Qianlang hug and kiss...

After a long time, Liu Qianlang still did not wake up, and fell asleep peacefully.

Qinglei straightened his clothes and stood in front of the couch. After staring for a long time, he raised his head and forgot to look out the window, leaving behind a magic flower to seal his words.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Qianlang felt refreshed, and when he recalled the beauty of his happy wife in his dream last night, he still had a happy smile on his face.

"This Immortal Clan Lord, you are so bold, you dare to come to the Demon Thunder Sect alone, if you want to survive, leave immediately!"

When Liu Qianlang was stretching happily, he suddenly saw a bright red magic flower petal floating in front of his eyes, and said these words.

Liu Qianlang was startled when he heard the words, after a closer look, he found that besides the petals of the magic flower in front of him, there was a bright red magic flower with one petal left on the bed.

Liu Qianlang instantly understood that someone had visited his dormitory last night, and judging from the breath left behind, it should be a woman.

who is she? Since she is a witch, why did she let her go even though she knew she was a member of the fairy clan? Liu Qianlang was at a loss for a while.

I am both grateful and puzzled by those who let me go.


"I don't know if the special envoy of the three-red magic and electric beast clan has already established a clean face. Sect Master Molei has invited the special envoy of the three-red magic and electric beast clan to go to the main hall of the magic thunder palace to discuss matters."

Just when Liu Qianlang was thinking about the weird things last night, he heard that Xiawai had come to summon the special envoy of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan, so he quickly withdrew his thoughts and listened to the news, while secretly regretting his carelessness last night, if he didn’t let it go The breath-holding spell will naturally not be discovered.

However, since he is here, with Liu Qianlang's temper, he will never give up until he achieves his goal. Therefore, his train of thought immediately returned to the main line of killing the Demon Lion King.

"The ceremonial envoy from outside the Laozong Palace came to interrogate in person. I have been waiting for a long time. If you ask the ceremonial envoy to go back first, I will arrive later!"

The special envoys of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan were obviously a little surprised at the speed at which the Demonic Thunder Sect Master summoned the Demonic Lion and the Twin Kings to return. After a short pause, they replied in unison.

"Hmm! That's fine, the Etiquette Outside the Hall, so let's take my leave first."

The other party responded politely, and then fell silent.

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