Nine Heavens

Chapter 2215 Confrontation

Inside the bedroom of the Special Envoy of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan.

"Brother Baihu, we all know that the Demon Lion Kings are not easy to talk about. They are no more fair than the Demon Thunder Sect Master, and they are very selfish. I really hope that everything will go smoothly when we meet again. A good thing."

"Don't worry, Brother Green Tiger. We have the witness of the shadow and stone in the sky. This is an unchangeable fact. No matter how unreasonable they are, they can't change the fact."

"Bah! If the Demon Lion Kings are unreasonable, damn it, I, Black Tiger, will electrocute them to death!"

"Hey! Third brother! Brother, I want to warn you, don't be reckless! This is not a problem that can be solved by fighting with magic. We can only solve this problem by being polite. You must hold back your hot temper!"

"That's good! I'll just listen to my elder brother, but what if they go too far?"

"Actually, the third brother is also worried about the Demon Lion Kings. They will come up with some reasons in the face of the facts. As long as they don't wrong us in the Demonic Beast Clan, we will agree to them no matter what the conditions are. If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess!

For hundreds of billions of years, our Demonic Beast Clan has struggled to develop from a declining clan in the World Destruction Continent to the status of the second clan in today's domain. It is really not easy. "

"Yeah! Third brother, don't say that you can't understand the domineering appearance of the Molei Kings. Big brother and I are not, but this is not a battlefield. We can fight each other without any scruples. Whoever dies and whoever dies complements each other's resentment.

We are shouldering the mission of the future of our Demonic Beast clan. Once we are unable to get rid of the crime of being wronged, we must be the target of the entire Destroyer Continent, and there will be no more peaceful days, even..."

"Let's go, it's useless to talk more at this moment, let's go to the Demon Thunder Palace and face the development of things cautiously."


Inside the mansion, the special envoys of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan were very disturbed. After discussing a few words, they shot out of the dormitory mansion and flew into the ink sky.

Liu Qianlang naturally caught up with him like a shadow, following in a leisurely manner.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang is a combination of immortals and demons. With the cultivation of the two standard magic formulas, his strength is far superior to that of any demon in the Demon Thunder Sect, so the other party has no ability to sense his hidden breath.

The special envoy of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Race didn't say much all the way.

Soon after, they entered the Moleizong Palace.

The special envoy of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan raised his head and scanned the palace, and found that apart from the high-ranking Demon Thunder Sect Master, there were only two red-headed and green-brained demon lion figures on the left side of His Highness, while the right side was empty.

These two demon lions are the twin kings of demon lions. When they saw the special envoy of the three-red magic electric beast clan come in, their four eyes burst into icy cold rainbows, their faces were full of anger, and their eyes were full of malicious intentions, and they became cold The special envoy of the Sanhong Demonic Beast Clan glanced at them, but didn't even say hello.

However, the master of Molei is as polite as before:

"Special envoy of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Race, please take a seat!"

"Thank you suzerain for granting the seat! The special envoy of the Three Red Demonic Beast Clan has seen the Demon Lion and the Twin Kings!"

Hearing the words, the special envoy of the Sanhong Demonic Beast Clan first thanked Molei for the seat, and then greeted the Demon Lion Kings.

"Yes! Please invite the special envoy of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Clan to take a seat!"

The Demon Lion Twin Kings had no choice but to respond when the special envoy of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Clan greeted them, and responded arrogantly in unison.

After seeing the special envoy of the Three Red Magic Lightning Beast Clan seated, Molei Sect Master cut to the point and said:

"My suzerain hastily recalled the Demon Lion Kings just to find out how the two standard magic formulas reappeared to destroy the Eternal Continent.

On the one hand, the Demon Lion Kings said that it was related to the Demonic Beast Clan, and on the other hand, the special envoy of the Demonic Beast Clan presented evidence that had nothing to do with the matter.

The reappearance of the two standard magic formulas in the World of Destruction Continent has something to do with the Demonic Beast Clan. Today we must make it clear. Otherwise, wrong news floods and destroys all the demon domains in the Universe Continent, and the wronged are punished, while the real mastermind behind the scenes is laughing wildly. This will be a disaster for our entire Universe Destruction Continent.

Before the suzerain asks you to confront each other, remember to be calm and calm, and you are not allowed to use any offensive language, or even use your hands! Otherwise, he will be punished immediately! "

Sect Master Molei knew very well the domineering of the two younger brothers, and also knew that the Black Tiger envoy among the special envoys of the Magic Lightning Beast clan was also a violent one, so in order for the conversation to proceed smoothly, he made three chapters of the agreement in advance.

"Sovereign, please rest assured, we can tell which is more important!"

The demon and lion kings looked at each other when they heard the suzerain brother's words, not feeling a little surprised.

One is why the attitude of the suzerain elder brother who had gritted his teeth and hated the magic electric beast clan domain suddenly changed, and he was so polite to the magic electric beast clan domain.

The second is that the Demon Lion Kings heard that the special envoy of the Demonic Beast Clan had brought evidence that had nothing to do with the reappearance of the two standard magic formulas to destroy the Eternal Continent.

After the eyes of the Demon Lion Kings met, they all looked at the Demon Thunder Sect Master in the hall, their expressions were full of bewilderment. I was wondering what evidence the three red magic electric beast clan special envoys would bring.

"Demon Lion King, please repeat what you heard the Demon Thunder God said back then."

Sect Master Molei saw that His Highness and the left and right sides had no objections, so he got to the point.

"Oh! One day 80,000 years ago, Xuanhei Shimo and I went to the four directions to inspect the situation of the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Demon Territory. When we happened to pass the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory, we suddenly saw the Lancang Paint Star in the center of their nebula. The three-veined demon thunder golden flashing rainbow appeared, and at the same time, several demon thunder lion soul roars were heard from that direction.

At that time, we didn't know how pleasantly surprised we should be. We thought that the two standard magic formula scrolls were in the direction of the Lancang star in the demon domain of the magic thunder tree, so we quickly shot there.

Unexpectedly, when we got there, all the signs disappeared, so we shot into the palace of the Lord of the Demon Thunder to question the Lord of the Demon Thunder.

From his mouth, I learned that it turned out that the people from the Demonic Beast Clan had visited the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain before us, and the Master of the Demon Thunder God himself said that they were the people from the Demonic Beast Clan who took away the two basic magic formulas . "

The Red Demon Lion King lied at the most crucial point. In fact, the Lord of the Demon Thunder only said that the people from the Demonic Beast Clan had been to the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, but he did not say that the people from the Demonic Beast Clan took away two The scroll of the big standard magic formula.

However, it is not wrong for them to say this, and the original intention of Lord Molei Zhou really wanted them to think so.

"Hmm! Hyun Black Lion King, do you have anything to add?"

After Mo Lei's suzerain finished listening, he asked Xuan Hei Lion King again.

"It's gone, that's all. Then we wounded the Master of the Demon Thunder and left, and then came back to report to the elder brother of the suzerain."

Hyun Hei Lion King frowned and thought about it.

"Hmm! Good. If you have any questions about the Special Envoy of the Three Red Magic Electric Beast Race, you can ask them now."

Sect Master Molei turned his gaze to the three special envoys of the Red Magic Lightning Beast Clan on the right.

"Thank you suzerain for giving me the opportunity to confront. The special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan would like to ask the Demon Lion King a few questions. First, can you see with your own eyes the people from our Demonic Beast Clan appearing in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain? ?”

"That's not true, I just listened to what Lord Molei Zhou said!"

Although the Hyun Hei Lion King is domineering, he will not be full of nonsense, so he answered truthfully.

"Secondly, how can the Demon Lion Kings be sure that what the Lord Demon Thunder God said is the truth, and not intentionally deceive the Demon Lion Kings? Have the Demon Lion Kings ever thought that maybe the Lord Demon Thunder God is blaming us demons? The Electric Beast Clan Domain provokes our relationship, and the two standard magic formula scrolls may be hidden in their Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain?"

The special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan then asked.

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