Nine Heavens

Chapter 2224 Star Immortal Supervisor Training

It is said that after Liu Qianlang left the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, let alone the Star Immortal Pioneer, because he had first practiced some of the standard Demon Thunder Divine Skills among the two major standard magic formulas, so he guided all the people above the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Nebula. When the woody spirit demon, there is a sense of standing out from the crowd.

Also because of this, his vanity was greatly satisfied. This feeling made him very satisfied, and he was so happy that he died.

He just likes the feeling of being born stronger than others. For this happy feeling, Pioneer Xingxian really did his best in guiding the whole region to practice the two basic magic arts and the low-level entry-level magic arts.

On this day, the vanguard of the Star Immortal stands on top of a pure white star, with his arms folded, his eyes sweeping across the endless pitch-black tree demons in the front, back, left, and right. The Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion, with helpless eyes all over his eyes, shouted five and six in his mouth, and kept shouting in front of him and behind him.

"My god, how did you guys survive until today? How can you be so horrifyingly stupid? Mengxian Zhouzhu has been away for more than ten days, and you haven't even mastered the introductory mentality of the standard Demon Thunder Art. How many lifetimes will it take to see the first step of the gate!

Seven leopards and eight wolves, the demon king of the thunder and lightning scorpion, and the black mouse, although you are woody monsters, your form has already turned into a beast anyway, and you will have a chance to transform into a human form someday.

But why are you so stupid? For more than ten days, you only memorized 30% of the basics. This pioneer really doubts how you became an official!

Don't stop, continue to practice the introductory mental method, whoever succeeds in cultivation will rest, otherwise you will keep mumbling and reciting! "

The Xingxian Pioneer pointed at the sky and scolded the earth, his heart was broken, his figure was dashing, but his face was full of pain and sorrow.

No matter how hard I try, even the seven leopards and eight wolves, the high-ranking members of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, can't master the introductory mentality of the standard Demon Thunder Art as soon as possible, let alone formally practice the standard Demon Thunder God Art.

"Hey! Star Immortal Pioneer, don't just talk about us. If you have the ability, you can use a few standard lion soul tactics or standard magic thunder tactics. Let us open our eyes first. Who knows if what you taught us was uploaded from the ruined continent. The two basic magic formulas mentioned are magical skills."

"Yes! Star Immortal Pioneer show some tricks, don't fool us! The monsters in our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm are not as bad as you said! Seven leopards and eight wolves, the Demon Thunder Scorpion Demon King is our Demon Thunder Tree demon Yu Nebula's Nebula Battle Demon!"

Professor Xingxian Xianfeng was unfavorable, scolding the monsters in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, which made them very disgusted, and suddenly some bold people simply stopped and shouted.

All of a sudden, the group of monsters in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm responded to this commotion, and they all quit, raising their arms and shouting.

"Ah, you wooden sticks, black tree stumps, and beastly prongs, how dare you be so rude to the pioneer of this Dharma transmission.

Well, today, if the pioneer of the teaching of the law does not show his hands, I will let you watch the pioneer first. All of you, watch out for me, don't stand up if you can squat down, and don't hug your butt if you can hug your head, this pioneer of teaching the law is going to be all-powerful! "

Xingxian Pioneer and Liu Qianlang had already practiced the standard magic thunder formula to the fifth level of the sect when they were in the Lancang lacquer star. A dryad who doesn't know what the Standard Demon Thunder Jue is.

I saw the upright and straight body of Xingxian Pioneer swaying slightly, and the azure blue fairy robe outside him fluttered and fluttered instantly. On the handsome face, a pair of purple eyes hurt flashing rainbows. Immediately, a ball of golden light thunder burst out from above.

Then, he looked up at a Nebula Continent above the sky that was about the size of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, and shouted loudly:


The next moment, I saw that piece of Nebula Continent bursting apart, exploding, and smashing mountains into the sky!


"My tree grandma!"

"The standard Lion Demon Clan Demon Thunder God skill is so fucking good!"

"Get down, meteors are raining, be careful not to be smashed into tree cakes!"

"Help, Star Immortal Pioneer, those collapsing mountains are suppressed, and our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain Nebula will be miserable!"


The countless monsters on the Nebula of the Demon Thunder Tree looked up at the sky and shouted excitedly, but then they saw the stars and flying mountains of the Sky Nebula Continent bursting into the sky, forming countless interstellar meteors, all of which flew downward with a blazing fire rainbow The Demon Thunder Tree Monster Domain Nebula Continent was smashed open, and the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain Nebula was about to be swallowed by the sky fire meteor.

At this time, countless monsters in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm yelled in horror and yelled for help.

"Ha ha……"

"You wooden idiots, it's really funny that a small door-level thunder ball scares you like this."

Such a terrifying situation, but Star Immortal Pioneer didn't care at all, he saw a second golden lightning ball condensed out of his palm, and then he didn't see his palm move, the second golden lightning ball had already roared and shot towards the sky, and was flying to the sky. When the Meteor in the Sky covered the bottom, it exploded rumblingly, and then I saw the Meteor in the Sky, which was completely blown away by the power of the second Thunderbolt Demon Thunder God and shot back into the sky.

"Boom! Boom..."

Next, the sky whistled, and all the meteors shattered for the second time in an instant, turning into fog and dust all over the sky. At the same time, countless golden rainbows moved like dragons, tossing and turning for a long time.

"Long live the Star Immortal Pioneer!"

"Long live the standard magic thunder formula!"

"Respectfully invite the Fa-Chuan Xingxian to continue to teach the number one magic skill in the Destroying Eternal Continent!"


The Star Immortal Pioneer's two standard magic thunder balls were not in vain, and immediately won the re-recognition and infinite worship of the monsters in the entire Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm. This time, there is no need to seriously practice the basic magic thunder god skill entry mentality.

As long as the Star Immortal Pioneer speaks, even if it is scolding, there will no longer be any voices of refutation, and the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Tree and Monster Domain will be immersed in the frenzy of cultivating the basic magic thunder formula.

In this way, after just a few days, all the monsters in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm have mastered the introductory mentality of the standard Demon Thunder Art, and then quickly started the journey of the basic level of standard Demon Thunder God Kungfu practice.

With such achievements, Star Immortal Pioneer saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart. Standing on top of the pure white stars, he looked at the figures of the group of monsters sitting and practicing in the sky in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain.

"Hmm! Haha..."

"Little Xingxian, no! The pioneer of Xingxian, I really entrusted me well with the Master of the Dream Fairy. In just a dozen days, the power of the demon soul in the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory has increased by tens of millions of times. Amazing!"

On this day, when Xiang Xingxian Pioneer was seriously supervising training, he suddenly heard a burst of hearty laughter from the sky.

"Oh! Greetings to the return of Mengxian Zhouzhu!"

Hearing the words, Star Immortal Pioneer looked up and saw Liu Qianlang and a beautiful woman in a red short dress, floating down hand in hand.

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