Nine Heavens

Chapter 2225 Fairy Demon Wedding Post


"Meng Xian Zhou Lord is back—"

"Oh! Who is that woman, she is from the Lion Soul Beast Clan of the Demon Thunder Sect!?"


The group of demons who were cultivating in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm saw that Liu Qianlang had returned with a beautiful woman, and they all paid off immediately, discussing with excitement.

"Except for the seven leopards, eight wolves, star immortals and other high-ranking monsters who came to Mengxian Pavilion to discuss matters, the entire nebula monsters in the Demon Thunder Tree Monster Domain should continue to practice the two standard magic formulas without delay.

Seven leopards and eight wolves, Star Immortal Pioneer, etc., please prepare for the time being and come as soon as possible, the Dream Immortal Zhou Lord will wait for you first. Don't forget to call the messenger of the demon king of the various domains! "

Liu Qianlang didn't stay in the sky over the Demon Thunder Tree Monster Domain any longer, and after a few simple instructions, he led the smiling Biqing Lei and landed in the direction of the main pavilion of Mengxian Zhou.

After half an hour, all the dignitaries from the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm arrived one after another.

"Master Ben Mengxian Zhou first introduces Mrs. Master Ben Mengxian Zhou. She is the first princess of the Lion Beast Clan of the Molei Sect. Ben Mengxian Zhou will marry her as Mrs. Yayu one month later, and will be in the entire Molei Sect. Zong Xingyun Continent has widely distributed fairy and devil wedding invitations, and it is for this reason that I am anxious to let you come here today!"

Liu Qianlang got straight to the point and said what she wanted without any nonsense.


"My God!"

The seven leopards and eight wolves in the hall, the demon king of the thunder and lightning scorpion, the helm master of the black mouse search for apprentices, and even the pioneer of the star fairy were stunned by Liu Qianlang's words.

Especially the seven leopards and eight wolves and other veteran monsters in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, even if they lent their courage, they would not dare to imagine that the woman in red sitting side by side with Liu Qianlang on the throne of the Dream Immortal Zhou Lord is the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula The highest-ranking Demon Thunder Sect on the mainland is the first princess of the lion and beast clan.

Now not only has she come to the declining demon realm of the Demon Thunder Tree, but she also wants to marry her boss, and the boss wants to spread the wedding posts of immortals and demons. What kind of rhythm is this? Let's talk.

"Haha... Congratulations! Congratulations! Mengxian Zhouzhu is very capable, but he came and went for more than ten days in the second period, and he brought back the most noble beauty lady in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect! Really amazing!

It is inevitable that the alliance's Molei Flower Domain and Molei Wuhua's Weiling Domain will go smoothly with the wind and rain! "

After all the demons were dumbfounded for a long time, it was Xingxian Pioneer who said first, and then the seven leopards and eight wolves responded mechanically.

"I have already drawn up the fairy-and-demon wedding post, and the eight demon king messengers stepped forward to receive the post, and immediately went to other domains to submit posts to the central standard of the Demon Thunder Sect and the Lion and Beast Sect.

You don't need to worry, the fairy-and-devil marriage post has already been clothed by the dream fairy and the Lord of the Universe with enough magical power to escape instantly. You boldly follow the divine light of the fairy-and-devil wedding post to go, and you can return in an instant after completing the task! "

Liu Qianlang was naturally prepared for the startled expression of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain Demon under the hall, but at this moment he didn't want to explain anything, and continued with his arrangement.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Outside the hall, the messengers of the eight demon kings standing at the back of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm are the most majestic masters on weekdays. All their work is nothing more than passing on the orders of the Master of the Dream Fairy, and the rest of the time is flying around to reward It can be said that their job is the sunniest job on the ruined continent.

However, at this moment, they secretly groaned in their hearts, hating themselves for being the messenger of the Demon King under Mengxian Zhouzhu. It would be fine if they were sent to the Molei Flower Domain or the Molei Wuhuawei Lingyu, but if they were to go to the other beast clan domains of the Molei Sect, especially the Nebula Domain of the Lion Demon Race in the center of the Molei Sect, they would I was really guilty and didn't dare to go, fearing that I wouldn't be able to vote for the fairy and demon wedding post.

However, Mengxian Zhouzhu ordered, but they dare not disobey, so the embarrassment on their faces is more painful than being killed. a quarter.

"Huh? The eight demon king messengers came forward to receive the wedding post from the fairy demon. Didn't you hear me clearly? You can go together with the eight demon kings, deliver together, and return together in the end! But if there is the slightest mistake, they will definitely be killed!

You don't need to care whether the other party accepts the post or not, just throw the fairy and devil wedding post into the discussion hall of all domains! The matter is urgent, please leave immediately after receiving the post! "

Liu Qianlang frowned and said angrily when he saw the obedient look of the eight demon king messengers in the hall. Then eight golden rainbows shot out from the sleeves and shot into the hands of the eight demon king messengers.

In the next second, with a wave of Liu Qianlang's sleeves, they had already been sent to the sky of the Nebula Continent in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Tree.

"Wait, the Star Immortal Pioneer officiates the wedding ceremony for the Dream Immortal Lord, and the other domain masters immediately split up to prepare everything needed for the fairy wedding ceremony. The bigger the request, the better. No need to ask, act now!"

After slapping away the eight messengers of the demon king with one sleeve, Liu Qianlang continued to order the demons under the hall.

"No, this..."

However, among the monsters in the hall, one of them didn't move, but they laughed wryly in their hearts.

You look at me, I look at you, they are both hesitant to speak.

Finally, the Devil Lightning Scorpion Demon King Zhizhiwuwu asked:

"Mengxian Zhouzhu, why is Princess Qinglei willing to marry Mengxian Zhouzhu? It is inconvenient for my subordinates to ask more questions, but our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm does not seem to have such a great majesty. Will those supreme beings of the orc race come?"


"This electric scorpion king, are you doubting the status of this princess? May I ask the entire Demon Thunder Sect, from the Central Nebula Continent to the eight Nebula Continents in all directions, which domain will not give this princess face!

What's more, Mengxian Zhouzhu stated in the fairy and demon wedding post that the scrolls of the two standard magic formulas are on his groom. Do you think they will not come? "

At this moment, Princess Qinglei, who had been sitting beside Liu Qianlang smilingly, suddenly parted her red lips and said with a smile.


The seven leopards and eight wolves in the hall, the devil thunder and lightning scorpion demon king, and the black mouse searcher demon gate leader heard this and no longer doubted that the person who went to invite them would not come, but they were so frightened that they almost lost their souls.

Staring at Liu Qianlang and Princess Qinglei above, he suddenly felt that they were the devil among devils! How could they want a marriage between immortals and demons! It's just courting death!

Therefore, they all uttered in unison in horror.

"Why, don't all the high-ranking people in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm bless us?"

Qing Lei's smiling face was charming, and he asked with a smile.

"Bless, wish... bless!"

The seven leopards and eight wolves, the devil thunder and lightning scorpion devil king and others hurriedly stammered back, and then urged by Liu Qianlang again, finally went to prepare for the fairy and devil wedding with a heavy heart that was about to die.

Then, only Liu Qianlang, Princess Qinglei and Xingxian Pioneer were left in Mengdian Pavilion.

"My three star brothers?"

Xiao Xingxian never forgot in her heart the three young star brothers who evolved into the Chuangyu Immortal Realm together with her, so she didn't leave. Although it wasn't the right time, she still couldn't help asking.

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